Paolo Ormi

Рождение : 1936-05-14, Firenze - Italy

Смерть : 2013-06-10


In the Pope's Eye
The Pope is disturbed by the fact that today's youth are not as spiritually inclined as they should be, and so he decides to set up a Vatican television station and entice them back into the religion of their ancestors. In order to particularly grab the wandering flock, a priest invites the comedians from "The Other Sunday," an actual comedy program on Italian television, to perform on this new channel.
Barbara is an Italian actress, superstar, who comes to Argentina to star in her own musical. She meets a photographer named Mauro and falls in love with him; but Mauro keeps a secret that she will soon discover.
The Porno Killers
An international drugs deal goes wrong, and two New York hit-women are dispatched to Rome, Italy, to get the missing pay money. Even before departure the girls (Carmen Russo and Cintia Lodetti) have a poolside hot party with two young men, and when they get to their hotel in Rome, they share a shower and an intimate moment together. At the beach, they make eye contact with a pair of Italian gigolos, then use judo and wrestling holds to dominate them - and impose their feminist supremacy. Finally, they will get close to the money, but their mission is made easier as the top men are fighting each other for it (Vassili Karis) and Mario Cutini).
Dolce... calda Lisa
Original Music Composer
80's Italian sleaze with the luscious Claudia Rocchi, Italian porno regular Guia Lauri Filzi, and softcore actress Annj Goren. The film is about Lisa, a young pretty wife stuck with an older husband who cannot satisfy her sexually nor in other ways. She becomes bored with her everyday life and cheats on her husband sleeping with another older man. Still not satisfied she hooks up with a rich man (Enzo Fisichella) who introduces her to a young stud (Mario Cutini) and his two lesbian playmates (Guia Lauri Filzi and Annj Goren). At the party Lisa is taken by the young man while the others watch. This seems to do the trick for Lisa. Her curiosity for the young man deepens and she wants to see him again. However, it turns out that he is a very rude partner instead of the gentle lover that she wanted. Shot in Rome, Italy.
Прекрасная страна
Original Music Composer
Гвидо, возвращается в родной Милан после пяти лет, проведенных в Персидском Заливе, где он работал на нефтяную компанию. Он всем жертвовал в жизни, чтобы накопить денег для воплощения своей мечты — он хочет купить маленькую часовую мастерскую. За время его отсутствия жизнь в Италии резко изменилась, и теперь толстяк Гвидо должен приноравливаться к ней заново. Маленький, но решительный человек, он не сдается, попадая в передряги, пытаясь жить по-новому, Гвидо все делает невпопад.
Provaci anche tu Lionel
Anna Tredicesimo, wife of Luigi Tredicesimo of Santa Ninfa (Trapani), introduces herself to the private investigator Lionel Lionelli and instructs him to recover some red briefs, purchased by her jealous husband in Paris, and lost by her during a loving meeting with the heartthrob fetishist Gianni Agazzi. Lionel, recommended by his friend ten. Sheridan, begins the research and chases the panties from Agazzi to Lola Lola Bis, a stripper, and from this to Iolanda, Ennio's girlfriend, member of Hell's Angels. Lionelli, a bungler by nature, finds the path difficult and also dangerous because, as he will learn very late, a microfilm with a secret chemical formula is hidden in the briefs and, consequently, his steps are constantly followed by men of the boss Goran , master of Titan.
A group of young adults go to a remote villa to do drugs and party, little realizing a woman-hating serial killer who's just escaped from an asylum is hiding out there.
Странный порок госпожи Уорд
Music Director
Джули Уорд возвращается со своим мужем-дипломатом в родную Вену. В это время неизвестный терроризирует город: молодые и красивые женщины становятся жертвами убийцы с бритвой. Джули начинает подозревать своего экс-бойфренда Жана, у которого были садисткие наклонности — в сексуальных играх он любил избивать и резать ее. В это время Жан как раз появляется в городе с намерением вернуть Джули. Также за госпожой Уорд приударяет красавчик Джордж — кузен ее близкой подруги. Среди всех ее мужчин возникают очень напряженные отношения. А Джули придется использовать весь свой ум, чтобы понять, кто же убийца, ведь он все ближе и ближе…