Valentina Carnelutti

Valentina Carnelutti

Рождение : 1973-02-06, Milan, Lombardy, Italy


Valentina Carnelutti


The Man Without Guilt
Angela is a dedicated and sensitive carer. She is a widow. Her husband, as many other workers in the area, died from asbestos-related diseases. When the man responsible for the many deaths, now crippled, is hospitalised, she accepts his son’s offer to become his caregiver, hoping to take her revenge.
Lady Montague
Left heartbroken after Romeo begins to pursue her cousin Juliet, Rosaline schemes to foil the famous romance and win back her guy in this comedic twist of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
Jumping from High Places
To honor her best friend's last wish, a young woman with severe anxiety confronts her greatest fears to try and reclaim her life — and perhaps find love.
Not for All the World
Bernardo is a charming, successful man, full of friends, always frantically searching for his freedom. For a bad twist of fate one day everything changes, putting him in front of a choice: accept what has happened or become someone else, to take back what life has taken from him.
Summer 2008. Three friends have the chance of a lifetime: opening for their favourite punk hardcore band. At the very last moment, the concert falls through but Edo, Iac and Miche don’t give up. To them punk is more than music, it’s a lifestyle. In a blink, they decide to bring the gig to Grosseto, the silent and conservative city where they live. Nevertheless, all the difficulties and problems they face on their way risk to blow up their lives and their friendship.
Mi hanno sputato nel milkshake
Siri is a 27-year-old girl who believes the bartender spat in her milkshake and from that day she sees him everywhere.
The Great Wave
The entrepreneurial turning point of one of the most heinous and powerful criminal organizations on the planet: the 'Ndrangheta, told through the life and death of an ordinary man.
The Fakir of Venice
Adi Merchant, a hustler from Mumbai is hired by a Venetian artist to find a fakir for an art installation in Venice. He cons the art fraternity and hires a daily wage labourer Sattar instead and the two have the most unique time of their lives in the picturesque European city.
Il colore nascosto delle cose
Teo has a good job, a fiancee, a lover, no intention to assume any responsibility in his life. Meeting Emma, a blind woman, will upset his convictions.
The Order of Things
An immigration agent is torn between the job and his humanity.
Let Yourself Go
Depressed Jewish shrink Elia one day meets Claudia, a young and eccentric personal trainer.
The Silence
Fatma and her mother are Kurish refugees living in Italy. One day at the hospital, Fatma learns her mother has breast cancer.
Как чокнутые
Dottoressa Fiamma Zappa
Донателла и Беатрис проживают в психиатрическом учреждении в Тоскане. У них очень разные жизненные истории, но шанс на побег сводит их вместе в приключении, которое навсегда изменит их жизни и поможет осознать красоту несовершенства.
Arianna is nineteen, but she's still waiting to get her first period. As the summer begins, her parents decide to renew their acquaintance with their country house on Lake Bolsena, where Arianna lived until she was three, and has never been back. As the family settle in for the summer, long-repressed memories start to re-emerge, and Arianna decides to stay on after her parents return to the city.
A New World
Ada Rossi
During World War II, a group of young anti-fascists is sentenced to confinement on an island, where they work on the groundbreaking Ventotene Manifesto.
Carta bianca
Winter and Lizard
Voce narrante
The young girl and the lizard, the snow and the memory.
История печально известного разбойника Вараввы, который был помилован вместо Иисуса Христа. Чем обернулось ему это помилование?
La madre di Veleno
The friendship between two Southern Italy kids is tested by their meeting with a young girl who's attempted suicide after failing to get married. Based on the novel "Il paese delle spose infelici" (literally, "Village of the Sad Brides", which is also the original title of this film) this elegantly photographed coming-of-age tale has sensitivity to spare but its stylish, yet understated, attitude doesn't easily win viewers over.
История Аманды Нокс
Dr. Patrizia Stefanoni
Аманда Нокс, американская студентка, приезжает на практику в Италию и поселяется в одной квартире с англичанкой Мередит Керчер, также проходившей в Перудже практику. Попутно Аманда заводит еще целый ряд знакомств, у нее близкие отношения со студентом-программистом Рафаэлем Солечито. В ночь Хеллоуина в квартире, которую снимала Нокс, находят тело Керчер с перерезанным горлом и многочисленными ножевыми ранениями. Начинается следствие, которое все больше склоняется к заключению, что именно Аманда Нокс и ее приятели виноваты в убийстве девушки. Аманду берут под стражу и продолжают собирать улики. Однако, так ли виновата американка и кто же действительно совершил преступление? Узнаем ли мы правду?
Una notte blu cobalto
Prof.ssa Costa
The Red Shadows
An intellectual encounters a youth group that seeks social change.
All Human Rights for All
Collective film for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with 30 directors each helming a segment about one of the 30 articles of the Declaration.
Пыль времени
История жизни американского режиссера греческого происхождения, названного просто А., с момента его рождения в 1953 году и до наших дней.
Un gioco da ragazze
Serena Landi
A vicious teenager tries to sabotage a naive new teacher at her high school.
Aldo Moro - Il presidente
Barbara Balzerani
Вся жизнь впереди
Maria Chiara
Марта недавно защитила блестящую диссертацию по философии и с энтузиазмом бросилась искать работу. Но все собеседования, на которые исправно ходит Марта, заканчиваются многообещающим «мы вам позвоним», однако время идет, а никто не рвется предложить девушке работу. Но стоило ей совсем уж отчаяться, как судьба подбрасывает неожиданный подарок: случайно встреченная в метро девочка уговаривает свою маму пригласить Марту работать няней. Вместо этого «мама» предлагает Марте подработать в центре телефонного обслуживания.
Тихий хаос
Amica di Maria Grazia
Пьетро Паладини - успешный бизнесмен. И у него есть жена и десятилетняя дочь. Но однажды в его жизни случилось два чрезвычайных происшествия...
Учебник любви: Истории
Фильм состоит из четырех новелл, объединенных темой любовных отношений, в различных проявлениях. В первой новелле Никола, парализованный после автокатастрофы, влюбляется в своего физиотерапевта Лючию. Во второй Франко и Мануела, молодая пара, которая не может иметь ребенка, летят в Барселону для оплодотворения. В третьей Филиппо и Фоско, два гея, решают пожениться. В четвертой у женатого Эрнесто, мэтра в важном ресторане есть связь с Чечилией, новой, молодой, испанкой — помощницей на кухне.
Jimmy della collina
Tu devi essere il lupo
Al cuore si comanda
Lorenza is 30 years old and has not yet found the man of her life. Not wanting to be alone, she decides to take the penniless Riccardo as her husband "for rent".
Лучшие из молодых
Francesca Carati
История братьев Николы и Маттео Карати, развернувшаяся с 1966-го по 2000-е годы.
L'amore imperfetto
E allora mambo!
After receiving a large sum of money on his bank account by mistake, a small-town thirtysomething dissatisfied with his life sees the opportunity of turning back the clock to when things were good, reliving the carefree life of an university student in a big city. Here, he falls in love with a girl and gets her pregnant. There's just one problem: he already has a wife and a daughter back home!
Gunslinger's Revenge
1st Dancing girl
The idealistic lifestyle of an old West farmer, his Indian wife, and half-breed son is interrupted when the boy's old gunslinger father returns. They are not happy with his return despite the old gunslinger's intention to retire. Things take a turn for the worse when another gunslinger arrives in town, trying to force a battle with the father.
Mi sei entrata nel cuore come un colpo di coltello
Nella mischia
Italian slice-of-life comedy-drama following the exploits of four low-life teenagers from Rome's suburbs.