Ernst Stötzner

Ernst Stötzner

Рождение : 1952-01-01, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, West Germany


Ernst Stötzner


Bones and Names
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Katharinas Entscheidung
Dr. Willi Hoffmann
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Familienbesuch
Dr. Willi Hoffmann
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Anna und ihr Untermieter - Dicke Luft
Werner Kurtz
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück – Song für die Freiheit
Willi "Kommandante" Hoffmann
Juri suspects that his current girlfriend Sybille may have once betrayed him and his former girlfriend Katharina to the Ministry for State Security. Katharina is given an old Stasi file in which an IM "Gänseblümchen" is mentioned - Gänseblümchen is also Sybille's nickname and Katharina and Juri were once betrayed to the State Security before Juri's escape from the GDR because of a song critical of the system. Juri continues to have problems with his dementia-stricken father, who this time runs away from home and gets lost in the Thuringian Forest, where Juri and Katharina search for him and become closer.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Der richtige Vater
Willi "Kommandante" Hoffmann
Driven by the thought of being the father of Paul, the eldest son of his childhood friend Katharina, Juri Hoffmann stays in his hometown Eisenach instead of returning to his adopted country Canada. In fact, it turns out that Juri is Paul's father and Paul, who has just opened his own medical practice in Eisenach, reacts very disturbed to this information. Juri continues to have problems with his dementia-stricken father, who barricades himself in his house because he imagines the danger of an "imperialist invasion".
Christmas on the Runway
Karl Höfer
Christmas Eve. Airport Santa Thorsten has his hands full: An accident and bad weather lock everyone in as they are trying to make it home last minute! Small dramas play out under the eyes of Thorsten’s tyrannical boss, the airport manager: Secret lovers Martin and Eva are in a tight spot, when Martin’s family shows up. A retired couple can’t spend Christmas with their loved ones. Waitress Anja’s boyfriend suddenly falls for her old school mate. Helicopter mom Jette keeps fighting with her husband, when her son runs away. In the middle of it all is Thorsten, and it’s his job to keep them all happy. But that’s what Santa's are made for!
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Beste Freundinnen
Dr. Willi Hoffmann
Day-care centre director Katharina is still attracted to her childhood sweetheart Juri Hoffmann. He spends a night of drinking with his best friend Christian and Katharina's best friend Sybille, which makes Katharina and especially Christian's wife Yvonne jealous. Tensions also arise between Sybille and Katharina, who are also colleagues. Meanwhile, Katharina's husband Georg is jealous of Juri, with whom Katharina almost became intimate if Sybille - who for her part has a strong interest in Juri - had not interrupted her. In a discussion with Georg and Juri, Katharina makes it clear to both of them that she wants to stay together with Georg. Katharina denies Yuri's question whether Katharina's first-born son is his. Juri continues to have problems with his dementia-stricken father, for whom Katharina finds him a carer, so Juri plans his return flight to Canada. Whether he actually takes off remains open at the end of the film.
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück – Juris Rückkehr
Dr. Willi Hoffmann
30 years ago, Juri fled the GDR for the West via the Prague embassy and built up an existence in Canada. Thirty years later, he returns to his hometown of Eisenach to take care of his demented father, a former veterinarian. He also meets his former girlfriend Katharina again, who did not follow him onto the embassy grounds back in Prague and whom he has not seen again since. Katharina has been married for years now and is the mother of a grown-up son and a teenage daughter. She helps Juri find a place for his father in a nursing home and soon feels drawn to Juri again. Juri wants to return to Canada, but since the home placement for his father fails, Juri stays in Eisenach.
President Lambrecht
With his uncouth manner, Professor Pohl doesn’t enjoy the best reputation at the university where he works. To make matters worse, he makes a racist remark when student Naima arrives late for his lecture. Unfortunately for him, a video of his verbal outburst spreads like wildfire on the Internet, and the university’s president, Lambrecht, is called to deal with the incident. But Pohl is not dismissed. Instead, he is put to the task of helping Naima prepare for an important debating competition. The lecturer and the student could not be more different, yet they are thrown together to work as a team.
Anna und ihr Untermieter - Aller Anfang ist schwer
Werner Kurtz
Иси и Осси
Чтобы осуществить свои кулинарные и боксерские мечты, дочь миллиардера заключает взаимовыгодный союз с сыном матери-одиночки, который занимается боксом.
Der König von Köln
Alfred von Hoppenheim
A rather regular state official, who works at the building authority, becomes a puppet of a few super rich. They want to make quite a lot of profit from a planned large-scale building project. Quicker than anticipated, the father-to-be gets surprised by a couple of amenities and notices that life isn’t too bad in the sphere of these semi-legal affairs. Soon, however, he has a prosecuting attorney on his tails and has to decide himself for a side.
Подруга моей матери
Family is complicated, no question. But Jan finds it particularly hard: his lesbian mother Victoria asks him to become a sperm donor for the common desire child with partner Rosalie. Jan would be father and stepbrother in one. An absurd idea? Not if Jan is shot in that same Rosalie ...
1918 Aufstand der Matrosen
Wilhelm Souchon
Oma ist verknallt
Matthias is hopelessly overwhelmed when suddenly his mother Gisela is at the door. After a thigh fracture she sits in a wheelchair and needs help. When Matthias learns that Gisela has discharged herself from the rehab clinic, he realizes that she needs new life courage and is desperately looking for a solution. It comes quite unexpectedly from Tom, Gisela's ten-year-old grandson: Grandma needs a worshiper! The unusual plan works. The anonymous love letters, written by Matthias himself, enchant his mother. But when she wants to meet the unknown, all the dizziness threatens to fly up.
Unser Kind
Katharina became a mother after an artificial insemination when she died in a traffic accident. Although her wife Ellen is the guardian of little Franz, she has custody - unlike in heterosexual marriages - without adoption but not. And not only the biological father of the child, also the parents of the deceased Katharina make claims.
Zwei Bauern und kein Land
Johannes Becker
Mutter reicht's jetzt
Karl Weller
Desired Children
The life of Marie and Peter seems perfect, but their greatest wish remains unfulfilled: a family of their own. After several painfully failed attempts to have a child by natural means, Marie and Peter decide to try adoption in Russia. Carried by their longing and after many months of preparation and waiting, they set off to get to know their future daughter Nina in a children's home thousands of kilometers away from Germany. They still have no idea that they are only at the beginning of a tour de force against the Russian authorities – and they are facing the biggest challenge for their relationship, because while Marie and Peter are fighting for their future child, the question is: are we still pursuing the same goal? Each for himself – and especially as a couple?
Doctor Hans Hoffmeister
Анна и Франц жили в небольшом немецком городе, были молоды, влюблены друг в друга и собирались пожениться. Но в тихое счастье двоих вмешался большой сумасшедший мир — шла Первая мировая война, Франца отправили на фронт во Францию, где он, 23-летний скрипач, обожавший стихи Верлена, погиб. Война закончилась, а жизнь Анны теперь свелась к поддержке пожилых родителей любимого и посещениям кладбища. Однажды там она видит незнакомого человека, который принес цветы на могилу Франца. Он, Адриен, — француз, а, значит, враг. Но встреча с ним переворачивает ее жизнь.
Одни в Берлине
Dptm. Head Walter
Берлин, 1940 год. Отто и Анна Квангель, пара из рабочего класса, узнают, что их единственный сын погиб на поле боя и решают самостоятельно противостоять нацистскому режиму. Вскоре гестапо начинает охоту на эту «угрозу».
Die Mutter des Mörders
Kommissar Simon
Single mother Maria falls from the clouds when the police come: She does not believe for a second that her son, Matis could have killed the pretty Lea from next door. He is in his early 20s, but still thinks and feels like a child - right? After his arrest, Simon finds a sex booklet belongs to him that the bus driver Bacher sold him. Matis actually makes a confession, to which, however, the psychologist Benjamin doubts. In the meantime, mother Maria is investigating on her own. The thriller gradually increases its level and excitement.
Delving deep into the soul of one of Austria’s most infamous real-life convicts, Jack is a fascinating, unprejudiced look at the path to redemption and the obstacles that bar the way.
Последнее лето Бэка
Rektor Dieter Heym
Когда-то Роберт Бэк мечтал стать панк-рокером, а сейчас он чахнет в школе, работая учителем музыки. Когда он открывает выдающийся талант в своём ученике Раули, в нем вновь просыпаются старые надежды. Но у Раули есть свои скелеты в шкафу, о которых становится известно во время их поездки в Стамбул.
Dengler - Die letzte Flucht
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Voss
Alles Verbrecher - Leiche im Keller
Volker Quabeck
Tiefe Wunden
Elard Kaltensee
Inspector Dupin: Brittany Calling
Frédéric Beauvois
A real and a fake Gauguin take Dupin back to the 19th century.
Alles Verbrecher: Eiskalte Liebe
Volker Quabeck
You: an experienced vixen with the fashion sense of a random generator. He: an Italian pretty boy who swallowed all American action films with his mother's milk. Together are Herta Frohwitter, played by Ulrike Krumbiegel, and her assistant Marco Petrassi, played by Daniel Rodic Frankfurt's new investigator duo. They successfully fight "Verbräschä" and also the quirks of each other. The first common case leads them to a wedding fair. Rosi Döpfner, a hotel manager who is no longer completely fresh, reports her fiancé Rüdiger Vogelsang as missing.
Silent Summer
The movie focuses on Kristine, an art historian. Kristine's personal life take a dramatic twist when the whole family is gathering together and the secrets of the past are being revealed at her gracious mansion in the French countryside.
My Sisters
How should you spend your time if your days are numbered? This is the question facing Linda, a young woman suffering from a congenital heart defect. Contrary to her doctors’ expectations she has managed to survive to celebrate her thirtieth birthday, but with an operation looming, Linda nonetheless feels a deep need to spend what might be her last weekend with her two sisters: Katharina who is older, and Clara who is younger than her. Linda must use their journey, which begins at their family’s weekend house and ends in Paris, to examine the ways in which her family has been fundamentally affected by her illness; she must also consider how much she can expect from herself and her sisters – faced as they are with the possibility of her death.
Die Zeit mit Euch
Klaus Lichtenhagen
Mittlere Reife
Daniel Kaustinger
Having trouble coping with school and their teachers, five students are sent to after school detention by principal Seifert. To avoid expulsion they must take extra hours in ethics. It is their last chance. Stressed out with her own exams, the new trainee teacher Mechthild Bremer is not enthusiastic about being assigned to teach this class. Accordingly, the first couple of hours do not run smoothly. The five give her a hard time.
Home for the Weekend
Günter Heidtmann
On the request of his mother Gitte, Marko, who has been living in Berlin for years, drives off to the countryside to visit his parents. His hopes of spending a quiet and relaxing time with his family fall short when Gitte surprises everyone by revealing that she has recovered after a long mental illness. Marko is the only one who respects her wish from now on to be treated as a full member of this family and, as a result, ends up tipping more than just the delicate balance of his parent’s seemingly harmonious relationship.
Окно в лето
Makler Kupferschmidt
Юлиана любит Аугуста и старается насладиться каждым мигом, проведенным с любимым. Они направляются в Финляндию, к ее отцу, и девушка предвкушает удовольствие от предстоящих летних каникул: это ее любимое время года. Единственное, что тяготит Юлиану, и будет тяготить уже до конца жизни — недавняя гибель ближайшей подруги Эмили. Заснув в придорожной гостинице на плече у Аугуста, она просыпается в квартире, где жила задолго до того. Другое время года, другой дом, другой — нелюбимый — мужчина. Она еще даже не знакома с Аугустом. Юлиана приходит в ужас, поняв, сколько времени ей предстоит прожить до встречи с любимым. Однако затем ей в голову приходит спасительная мысль: возможно, если изменить ход происходящего, ей удастся предотвратить гибель подруги, которая еще только должна случиться. Но не разойдется ли она тогда в будущем и с самой большой любовью своей жизни?
Hannah Mangold & Lucy Palm
Dr. Weissdorn
The Coming Days
Walter Kuper
Welcome to 2020: The European Union has collapsed following the fourth Gulf War and massive barricades keep illegal immigrants out of cities that are barely functioning. In the middle of this highly volatile environment is the family of Walter Kuper, an energy conglomerate executive. Walter’s daughter, Cecilia, has joined the Black Storm terrorist group. Her sister Laura must choose between motherhood and the man she loves; their brother Philip has been called into fight for Germany in a hopeless war to secure the last remaining oil fields. Starring leading actors Daniel Brühl, Johanna Wokalek and Jürgen Vogel, "The Days to Come" asks provocative questions about the current state of things as it depicts personal and political realities in a scarily believable near–future.
This Is Love
Set in Vietnam and Germany, This Is Love centers on Chris and the nine-year-old Jenjira on the run from the mafia. Together with his friend Holger, Chris bought the young Vietnamese girl's freedom from human traffickers – without actually being able to pay. Meanwhile, the female detective Maggie learns after 16 years why her husband up and left her without a word. These two worlds come together when Chris is accused of murder and Maggie is charged with interrogating him.....
Minister Hartl
История австрийского художника Густава Климта, чьи отличающиеся эротизмом работы стали олицетворением модерна.
Das Schwalbennest
Bordellkönig Nestor
Zwischen Nacht und Tag
В дни Второй мировой войны в Белграде подпольщики-антифашисты организовали целую фабрику по производству оружия. Война давно закончилась, а они продолжают свою деятельность. И все эти годы «наверху» жизнь течет своим чередом, а в «подполье» — своим.
Never Sleep Again - Never go back
Persecuted Man
Never Sleep Again is a drama that follows three girlfriends who wander through post-wall Berlin. As they discover the eastern part of town they meet new people and learn about the places' history.
Spider's Web
Ulrich Mühe plays a German businessman who was born completely without scruples. This makes him an eminently suitable candidate for success in the chaotic years after World War I. The shameless man's story is contrasted with that of his polar opposite, a Jewish anarchist.
Keine Hand wäscht die Andere
On the run from her criminal Italian husband, a young French woman meets a German lover in West Berlin who offers her shelter but who also gets entangled in her threatened life ever deeper.
Class Enemy
Berlin-Kreuzberg in the early 1980s. The film is essentially a one-set piece, taking place in a beat-up, graffiti-decorated schoolroom where six teen-age delinquents argue and fight as they await the latest in what has been a series of terrified teachers.