Tony Caunter
Рождение : 1937-09-22, Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK
Sergeant Greene
The past catches up with an ageing American jazz pianist when he returns to the clubs of Lancashire and Yorkshire that he last visited 10 years previously.
Television Director
Air Commodore
The film centres on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC (played by Colin Firth), an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, Lawrence is shot in the head by an Argentine sniper, and left paralysed on his left side. He then must learn to adjust to his new disability.
Mr. Snell
Adaption of George Eliot's novel. When a respectable weaver is wrongfully accused of theft, he becomes a virtual hermit until his own fortune is stolen and an orphaned child is found on his doorstep.
An Edwardian yacht in deep space races around the planets. There is a double agent in the TARDIS crew. The White Guardian warns the Fifth Doctor of great danger. Turlough must finally choose sides and at the end of the race lies the prize of Enlightenment.
В годы Великой французской революции таинственный английский дворянин, известный только как «Алый первоцвет», вырывает из челюстей гильотины французских аристократов, изображая из себя в обществе глупого сэра Перси Блейкни.
"That order to scatter was as good as a death sentence to those merchant ships. And there isn't one officer or rating who doesn't agree with me." A British Allied convoy designated for the Soviet Union comes under attack from German forces during World War II.
"I wish I could write ... about what Spain was like - a real cause. Not just Cornford, Hemingway and Orwell, but the ordinary blokes who went." A confused industrial dispute at a London hospital triggers off in trade unionist George Harley 's mind memories of his days fighting in the Spanish Civil War, when the issues seemed so much clearer.
Chief Officer Henry Wilde
The Titanic disaster as seen through the eyes of one couple in each of the three classes on board.
In order to enjoy a romantic private swim together, Jo and Eddie hide when their local swimming pool is closing for the evening. But unknown to them, a killer is on the loose - and in the building with them.
Thomas Dwyer
Grace leaves her old folks' home to return to her birthplace in Lambeth, a place which has changed on the surface but at its heart is still the same.
Career army man Bill Paterson faces discharge in this examination of the harsh treatment of British NCOs.
Ray Little
John Thaw plays Vinny Mathews a small time boxing promoter who struggles with his conscience as to whether or not to provide a fighter for a Sporting Club promotion, a fighter he knows is unfit against an opponent who is way out of his league. However Mathews needs sponsorship and this would be the ideal opportunity to mix with the "frilly shirted" sportsmen who enjoy their lavish lifestyle as fighters slug it out as the steak is served!
Speech Day is a bit of a laugh if you are not one of nature's prize-winners. But now that they've finished with school and school with them, what comes next for Ronnie, Wally and Rob?
David Adler is an operator. He strips assets, other men's wives, and his oldest friend's soul - anything for a cool million.
1875 год. Ученый Хьюго Каннингхэм увлекается фотографиями и спиритизмом. Он считает, что в момент смерти душа покидает человеческое тело. Хьюго снимает на камеру тонущих свою жену и сына. Когда он делает фотографии, то видит на них возле головы странное голубоватое свечение, которое он принимает за человеческую душу. Хьюго решает изловить неизвестное существо, которое описано в древней греческой мифологии, и подвергнуть изучению. Хьюго считает, что он может поймать человеческую душу в луче света и таким образом достигнуть бессмертия. Ведь пока душа не найдет свое пристанище в человеческом теле, человек остается живым…
In August 1913 a strike at a Cornish clay pit leads to Welsh police being sent to keep order. Having no other source of income, a striking miner is forced to take in one of the policemen as a lodger. They soon become friends, but escalating tension at the mine means that conflict will become inevitable.
When the Master steals the Time Lords' secret file on the Doomsday Weapon, they grant the Doctor a temporary reprieve from his exile on Earth to deal with the crisis. He and Jo arrive on the planet Uxarieus and become enmeshed in a struggle between an agrarian colony and a powerful mining corporation.
A 30-year-old man, who has been in a coma since birth, is finally restored to consciousness by a breakthrough brain operation. Although physically an adult, the man is "reborn" in the eye of an infant; the doctors caring for him must teach him to walk, talk and prepare for life in the outside world. Tension builds as he escapes from the hospital, wanders among people who do not realize his identity, and is hunted by the police.
Third cell jailer
An accountant whose job is about to be taken over by a computer starts to re-examine his life and his priorities.
A former British Naval Officer now makes his living by smuggling goods around the Mediterranean. After being forced to dump his cargo after nearly being caught by the authorities in Malta, he is eager to recoup his losses. When a former colleague appears and tells a wild story about smuggling diamonds out of South West Africa, he sees his chance to make a lot of money....
Действие ленты разворачивается в британском дисциплинарном лагере, затерявшемся в африканской пустыне во времена Второй мировой войны.
In 12th century Palestine, the Doctor and his friends are drawn into the holy war between the forces of King Richard the Lionheart and the Saracen ruler Saladin.
O.N.I Man
Циничного армейского сержанта Палмера шантажируют и заставляют работать на британскую разведку. Цепь интриг, предательств, насилия и убийств.
Security guard
Ken's Loach's first production for The Wednesday Play is a story of a group of criminals planning a robbery, with the unwitting aid of a wealthy, well-connected society acquaintance. But who is the greater villain?