Étienne Bouchard-Dauphin


Jeune acheteur
In 1987, Ricardo is 17 years old. This summer, Ricardo has a busy schedule: loose his virginity, find a way to get into bars, have a car, spend time with his friends. In order to rapidly make money, Ricardo decides to use his italian inheritance and take a shortcut in the medium of crime. But things will go wrong...
A No-Hit No-Run Summer
Martin is 12 years old and dreams of playing on the neighbourhood baseball team. When he doesn’t make the cut, his father steps in and organizes a B team. Father and son spend a summer full of hope and disappointment, surprises and foul balls.
Обратная сторона Луны
André à 8 ans
После смерти матери два брата с диаметрально противоположными темпераментами осуществляют сложное и долгое примирение на фоне покорения космоса, увлечения одного из них.