Romeo Antonio


"Junction Murders" Is the story of Sal Bernando and his partner Raymond Blake, who are haunted by a series of murders that they were unable to solve during their long enforcement careers. Now 15 years after the last killing, Ray and Sal long since retired, the murders begin again with a slight change in the killers methods - but obviously the same person? Sal and Ray begin their own investigation again much to the behest of LT. Cooper and the police force they once were a part of. As they begin to hone in on the monster that has eluded them for the past 15 years, they are forced to confront their own demons and the realization that the killer was far closer than ever Imagined.
"Junction Murders" Is the story of Sal Bernando and his partner Raymond Blake, who are haunted by a series of murders that they were unable to solve during their long enforcement careers. Now 15 years after the last killing, Ray and Sal long since retired, the murders begin again with a slight change in the killers methods - but obviously the same person? Sal and Ray begin their own investigation again much to the behest of LT. Cooper and the police force they once were a part of. As they begin to hone in on the monster that has eluded them for the past 15 years, they are forced to confront their own demons and the realization that the killer was far closer than ever Imagined.
This is the story of the fall of Lucifer, whose pride would divide the heavenly host into two warring factions and ultimately bring Sin and Death to mankind. This story is the first of a trilogy concerning the greatest battle epic since Creation. This short is an action scene taken out of the first script. - Written by Ray Griggs
Остин Пауэрс: Голдмембер
В 1975 году отец Остина Пауэрса - знаменитый английский шпион Нейджел Пауэрс - был похищен голландским злодеем Голдмембером. Теперь, в 21-ом веке, знаменитый шпион Остин Пауэрс решает помочь своему отцу. Заручившись поддержкой своего давнего врага - Доктора Зла, с помощью его машины времени Остин совершает прыжок во времени. Он оказывается в 1975 году, в эпохе диско. Однако вскоре выясняется, что одержимый идеей завоевать весь мир Доктор Зло, был сам в сговоре с Голдмембером и возможно причастен к похищению отца Остина. Может быть, похищение Нейджела Пауэрса - это всего лишь уловка двух злодеев, совершенная, чтобы заманить к себе Остина Пауэрса? Вместе со своей очаровательной давней подружкой Фокси Клеопатрой Остин Пауэрс пытается распутать злодейские планы Доктора Зла и Голдмембера, чтобы не только выручить своего отца, но и спасти весь мир от этих злодеев...