We no longer see children running around playing in the alleys of Seoul. Starting from elementary school, children go to private classes after their school. However, we see these people who are making efforts to protect children’s right to be a child and play like a child.
Director of Photography
Через сеть анонимных эксплуататорских онлайн-чатов совершалось много сексуальных преступлений. Охота за ее организаторами требовала мужества и упорства.
Director of Photography
Caught up in anxiety, eight-year-old Chul in school tells his teacher that he is going to the bathroom but runs straight home.
A portrait of the South Korean screenwriter, director and producer Lee Chang-Dong through his work, this documentary provides a thematic analysis of his films, most of which have been selected for and received awards at the Cannes Film Festival.
Director of Photography
Уже немолодой гениальный математик из Северной Кореи некоторое время назад перебежал в Южную. На новом месте мужчина вынужден скрывать свое прошлое и может рассчитывать только на работу охранником в школе. Однажды он начинает общаться со старшеклассником, которому математика дается с трудом, и решает помочь парню подтянуть знания. Так начинается необычная дружба.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
An advocate of the concept ‘thoughts create reality’, Chan-woo endeavors to realize his dream of running a high-end nightclub when he finds himself caught in the center of a power game in the criminal underworld.
Director of Photography
In this adaptation of theatrical drama Kkokdu by Kim and music director Bang Junseok, two children who sold their grandmother’s shoes to buy a puppy end up going to the underworld.
Director of Photography
Soon-shim, a spinster from an unknown planet, comes to the Earth to find her husband. However, no man is in sight. Soon-shim encounters Dal-rae, who was collecting wild greens on a mountain. One day, they save a deer from a hunter, and it wants to repay them by making their wish come true. This is an allegorical love story that comically depicts the journey of seeking true love and happiness.
Director of Photography
A collection of three short films directed by Moon So-ri. During recent years, Moon tried writing and directing. She previously wrote and directed three short films “The Actress” (2014), “The Running Actress” (2015), and “The Best Director” (2015), and these three short films are assembled here together in her first feature film “The Running Actress”.
Black man
Younghee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.
Director of Photography
Younghee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.
Director of Photography
Soo-hyun comes across magical pills that allow him to go back and forth in time. 30 years to the past, young Soo-hyun meets future Soo-hyun and learns that his girlfriend will soon die because of him. In order to save her, the two Soo-hyuns try to change the past together, but a completely new and unexpected past is formed that leads to a new future.
Director of Photography
В разговоре двух друзей один из них заявляет, что девушка другого на днях напилась и устроила драку в баре. Друг ему не верит, но все же вечером решает расспросить об этом свою возлюбленную. Та всё отрицает, герои ссорятся и решают какое-то время не общаться. Вот только парень не может прожить и дня без любимой, а девушка флиртует с другими мужчинами и не особо грустит.
Director of Photography
Chun-Soo arrives in Suwon one day earlier than scheduled. He has a special lecture to give the next day. Chun-Soo decides to visit a palace and meets Hee-Jung there. Hee-Jung is a painter and she lets Chun-Soo see her workroom with her paintings. In the evening, they go out eat and drink together. There, Chun-Soo reveals something unexpected to Hee-Jung.
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает о принце Ёнсане и его вероломном слуге.
Director of Photography
Kwon returns to Seoul from a restorative stay in the mountains. She is given a packet of letters left by Mori, who has come back from Japan to propose to her. Kwon drops and scatters the letters, all of which are undated. When she reads them, she has to make sense of the chronology.
Director of Photography
Woo-gon, a passionate manager who lost everything due to stock advertisements and a specialist gets together to find out the truth behind the rumors that have shaken up the country. From precious information to distribution, this crime chasing movie surrounds the invisible truth.
Director of Photography
Сон-хи закончила колледж. Ее специальность - кино. Спустя много времени она вновь посещает колледж, чтобы попросить профессора Чхве написать рекомендательное письмо для её дальнейшего обучения в США. По дороге она встречает двух мужчин, которых знала раньше.
Director of Photography
Студентка Хэвон чувствует себя брошенной. Ее мать собирается эмигрировать в Канаду, а в это время Хэвон решает положить конец своему роману с одним из ее профессоров из-за его равнодушия к ней. Сокурсники Хэвон узнают про их отношения, но ее женатый любовник все равно не желает с ней расставаться…
Director of Photography
Страховой агент Тон-щик – очень серьезный человек. Он считает, что искренне заботится о безопасности каждого клиента, и клиенты уважают его как профессионала. Вот только для нормальной работы в страховой конторе этого слишком мало. Каждый знает, что главное в профессии - не забота, а объемы продаж, а с этим у нашего героя серьезные проблемы. К сожалению, мать Тон-щика задолжала бандитам, поэтому коллекторы приходят теперь каждый день в гости с претензиями и бейсбольными битами. Единственный выход – начать зарабатывать больше. Однажды Тон-щик случайно заглядывает в рабочий стол лучшего агента их конторы и с удивлением находит там книгу “Искусство обольщения”. «Ах, вот оно что!», - думает Тон-щик и со следующего дня полностью меняет стратегию работы.
Director of Photography
Анна замужем и изменяет мужу. Другая Анна — разведена. Третья Анна — снимает кино. Все три однажды оказываются в одном городке, в одном отеле и на одном пляже. Встречаются с одними и теми же людьми, говорят одни и те же слова, попадают в похожие ситуации… Но окружающие не замечают этой странности. Ведь живут все три Анны в одной голове…
Director of Photography
Middle aged housewife Kim In-Hee's mother-in-law has Alzheimer's disease, her physician husband is always tired and indifferent to her needs and her children has become wayward. For her family, Kim In-Hee has devoted her life as a daughter-in-law, wife and mother. Kim In-Hee then learns that she has terminal cancer and is dying. The mother accepts her fate and sets up the most beautiful goodbye to her family.
Camera Operator
История об офисе «Первая любовь», где люди просят помочь найти их первую, но давно утерянную любовь.
Director of Photography
Oki, a film student, is entangled in two relationships. One with a fellow student who pursues her and the other, her much older professor.
Director of Photography
Over drinks, two friends agree to swap fond memories of their recent trips to the same seaside town. As the stories unfold in flashback, it becomes evident their accounts take place at the same time and with the same people.
Director of Photography
At the funeral of their mutual friend, mourners share stories about him that cross into fantasy.
On his way to a blind date, Mr. No Jae-Won, a young, rich and elitist man, desperately searches for his own answer to her most likely question: "Who is your favourite classical music composer?"
Director of Photography
In a virtual world called "Wonderland", a place where people can reunite with a person they may not meet again by simulating them through artificial intelligence, a woman in her 20s requests to meet her lover who is in a coma, and a man in his 40s requests to meet his wife who passed away.