Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes

Рождение : 1976-12-22, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Carlos Fuentes


Химия любви
Оли работает в парфюмерном магазине и совсем не знает, что делать дальше в жизни. Единственное, в чем она уверена, это в своей любви к аргентинскому популярному актеру Эрику Сото, молодому человеку, который всю жизнь проводит под прицелом телекамер, на различных мероприятиях и премьерах. Эрик привык к роскошной жизни, где в первую очередь ценится внешность, но Оли чем-то привлекает его внимание. Познакомившись с Эриком, Оли попадает в мир, о котором многие мечтают: роскошь, слава, успех, деньги. Но любовь - это просто химия, которая может свести тебя с человеком, о котором ты и подумать не мог...
Jordi é um adolescente que perdeu recentemente seu pai e que, junto à sua mãe, decide mudar de cidade para começar uma nova vida. Em princípio tudo parece bem, mas o destino reservado para ele será uma terrível surpresa já que quando Jordi passar pelo portão da nova escola, cruzará sem saber a tenebrosa fronteira de um novo inferno.
Смешной квартал
Водопроводчик Рэй и инструктор вождения Лео небогато, но счастливо живут в Чуэке, — элитном квартале Мадрида, — центре модного шопинга и гей-тусовок. Нежданно-негаданно этот райский уголок сотрясает серия жестоких убийств пожилых женщин. Лишь в полицейском участке Рэй узнает, что убитая накануне соседка, не имевшая родственников, завещала ему свою квартиру. Столь нелепым образом добродушная гей-семья становится главным подозреваемым в серии ужасных преступлений. Новым жильцом злополучной квартирки становится не в меру темпераментная мамаша Рэя, одержимая единственной жизненной целью: развести любимого сына с никчемным автоинтруктором. Тем более что по пятам давно уже кружит красивый и богатый владелец ресторана…
Film difícil de ver y aún más de digerir, "A+" se ha convertido, por méritos propios, en una de las ofertas más innovadoras -a la espera del estreno "Sex" con Nancho Novo y Silke- del panorama cinematográfico español. Aparentemente la historia no puede ser más sencilla. En ella se entrecruzan varios personajes que inician un viaje a un macroconcierto(o a ninguna parte, según se mire) por varias razones.
Three second-rate delinquints - a retired, crippled pickpocket, a man born and raised in a prision who's never seen a day of freedom, and a young loser - escape from the police van that is taking them back to prison when it crashes. They jump a freight train and make their way to the Mediterranean coast, and hide out in an isolated mansion by the sea. In spite of the fact that it's the off-season for tourism, the house seems to be well maintained and strangely well stocked. Almost as strange as the sudden appearance of Nina, a young foreigner, whom the three fugitives have no choice but to hold against her will. However, when Nina is followed by some shady Russian mafia figures, our 'heroes' become accidentally involved in a plutonium-trafficking scheme. In this fast moving feature nobody is what they seem and three escaped criminals turn out to be the only ones amidst lies, plots and seduction who act in the name of honesty.
Alas rotas
School Killer
Six teenagers decide to spend the night at an old abandoned school where 27 years ago a horrible massacre occurred. The kids run afoul of the vicious crazed security guard who committed the brutal killings.
Sugar Times
Miguel is a child that loves her neighbour Ángela and enjoy working in the pastry-cook's shop of his family. He don't tell Ángela his feelings, and when they grow Ángela marry with another man and has two sons with him, but she continues her friendship with Miguel.However, she will not be happy with her husband and will return to the town with Miguel, and they will show their true feelings.
Hijos del viento
La otra cara de la luna
Juan and Julia are a mature and conventional marriage. Juan is shy and vulnerable, opera enthusiast and, above all, is recognized worldwide as a chess grandmaster. Julia is the author of crime and horror novels and is now writing a biography of Humphrey Bogart. When the couple is separated for a week, something changes in their lives.
Km. 0
Located in Madrid's Plaza del Sol, Km. 0 is the point from which all distances in Spain are measured from the capital. In Km. 0, it is also the meeting point for a gallery of characters. Bored, affluent housewife Marga meets up with gigolo Miguel, who co-habitates with gay Benjamin. Sergio, a soon-to-be-married office clerk who can't wait to lose his virginity, makes the acquaintance of prostitute Tatiana, while gay dancer Bruno meets Maximo. Meanwhile, wannabe director Pedro arranges to meet up with Silvia, an actress who wants to work in musicals directed by Gerardo, and bartender Mario is caught between Amor, who wants to marry him, and her little sister Roma, who is truly in love with him.
No respires, el amor está en el aire
Никому не говори
С того времени, как Хоакин себя помнил, он имел пристрастие к мальчикам, но его религиозное воспитание и отрицательное отношение со стороны друзей-натуралов не позволяли Хоакину выразить и открыто проявить себя. Усилия отца и матери, пытавшихся сделать его таким, каким хотели бы видеть сами, ни к чему не привели. Тихий, спокойный, но независимо мыслящий, красивый, Хоакин уходит из дома родителей и на время учебы на юриста переезжает в свою городскую квартиру. Освободившись от опеки родителей, юноша сначала пробует секс с девушкой, а затем и с парнями. Но наркотики, эмоциональное смущение и развитая в городе гей-проституция мешают молодому человеку открыто заявить о себе, как о гее.
La primera noche de mi vida
The story is about a couple that sets out for a dinner party on the millennium eve. The woman is pregnant, the guy has no money and no car and has borrowed one from a friend of his. The car of course is not exactly top class and crashes down after few miles. And that's where the film really starts. The couple start fighting and trying to find a way to the parents' house before midnight, hitchhiking on the way and getting into several cars and get themselves involved in the funniest situations.
The lives of four people involved in dysfunctional relationships change when a porn star moves to Spain.
El tiempo de la felicidad
It's summer 1970, and the hippie movement has taken over an entire generation. In a beach house, a very unique family begins their summer vacation, which will change everyone's lives: Fernando (the father) an actor, Lucia (the mother) devoted housewife, and their four children- Chucho (the eldest), Elena (the intellectual), Juan (car-crazy) and Veronica (the youngest).
A young girl, after failing an exam, is forced by her father, a taxi-driver, to learn his profession. Soon she discovers that her father is not only a driver but also a member of a racist group eliminating immigrants, homosexual, transvestite, etc. people. She also falls in love with a boy, also a taxi-driver and a "socio" of the group.
A rock star falls in love with a common pickpocket without any personal history. But soon she finds herself in a contraband of drugs and both try to escape it.
México, México: Mexique en mouvement
"Mexico begins where the roads end ”. Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes tells us about the history of Mexico: its invasions, its revolutions, its sacred lands, its forgotten legends, its religious rituals and this frightening misery. François Reichenbach and his camera sink into the dust, on this sacred land, where "the land never ends."