Hassan Ramzy


Белое платье
Дaляль и Kaмaл пoзнaкoмилиcь пpи cлyчaйныx oбcтoятeльcтвax...oнa пoпaлa пoд кoлeca eгo мaшины. A дaльшe - кaк в любoй мeлoдpaмe- иcтopия иx любви, oчeнь cлoжнaя и нe пpocтaя. Beдь Kaмaл Бэй - cын извecтнoгo в Kaиpe миллиoнepa Oмapa Бeя. И Kaмaлy дoлгo пpишлocь cкpывaть cвoй бpaк oт oтцa, вeдь oн никoгдa нe paзpeшил бы cынy жeнитьcя нa дeвyшкe нe иx "кpyгa". Ho тaйнoe, кoгдa-тo cтaнoвитcя явным... и нe бeз "дoбpыx" людeй
Белое платье
Дaляль и Kaмaл пoзнaкoмилиcь пpи cлyчaйныx oбcтoятeльcтвax...oнa пoпaлa пoд кoлeca eгo мaшины. A дaльшe - кaк в любoй мeлoдpaмe- иcтopия иx любви, oчeнь cлoжнaя и нe пpocтaя. Beдь Kaмaл Бэй - cын извecтнoгo в Kaиpe миллиoнepa Oмapa Бeя. И Kaмaлy дoлгo пpишлocь cкpывaть cвoй бpaк oт oтцa, вeдь oн никoгдa нe paзpeшил бы cынy жeнитьcя нa дeвyшкe нe иx "кpyгa". Ho тaйнoe, кoгдa-тo cтaнoвитcя явным... и нe бeз "дoбpыx" людeй
two women
based on Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan.
Emotions and the Body
A happy relationship developed between Hoda [Naglaa Fathy] and Ahmed [Mahmoud Yassine]. Ahmed was planning to meet with her parents to ask for her hand, then suddenly went abroad to get his doctorate. Hoda's father [Ibrahim Saafan] got into a severe financial crisis and died, leaving Hoda in great pain. She felt better when she heard Ahmed was returning, but his plane crashed while Hoda was waiting to meet him at the airport. Her friend Dolat [Soheir El-Bably] tried to get her to accept treatment at a home for women, but she would not stay there; she went on a partying binge in Lebanon instead. Then Hoda heard Ahmed had not died, so she wrote him a letter about her situation. Ahmed came to see her, but she overdosed on sleeping pills and killed herself the following day.
Ghroob Wa Shrooq
In the wake of the Cairo Fire, Essam feels guilty for betraying his friend Samir by messing around with his wife Madiha. Essam decides to take revenge on Madiha's father who pressured him to marry her to avoid a scandal.
When a newly-constructed school building collapses, engineer Adel is sent to examine it; he learns that the contractor tampered with the materials and his friend, engineer Hamdy, is involved. Will he divulge the findings to sue the perpetrators? or keep them to save his friend?
Sayedat el kasr
A chance meeting at an auction brings together Sawsan, a working-class girl and Adel, heir to a vast fortune with several estates to his name. This leads to a whirlwind marriage. This development spells trouble for Adel's fair-weather bourgeois clique, who are used to manipulating him with their own financial interests at heart.
The Fugitive
A mayor agrees to marry his daughter Zainab to her cousin against her will, so she escapes and her cousin is determined to kill her . She meets a young doctor who takes her in. They agree to marry when he returns from his scholarship in Europe three years later, but she bears a child and joins a band.
Victory of Love
The events revolve around the young engineer, Hussein, who suffers from the mad jealousy of his wife and is accused of a murder he had nothing to do with, which destroys his family life.
The Princess of the Island
A princess is kidnapped by a greedy and mean Calif. He wants to marry her. Three men set out to rescue her, and with the aid of a ring with a spirit in it they succeed.
The Princess of the Island
A princess is kidnapped by a greedy and mean Calif. He wants to marry her. Three men set out to rescue her, and with the aid of a ring with a spirit in it they succeed.
Solomon's Ring
Musical from the Egyptian Golden Age of cinema.
Solomon's Ring
Musical from the Egyptian Golden Age of cinema.