Esther Williams

Esther Williams

Рождение : 1921-08-08, Inglewood, California, USA

Смерть : 2013-06-06


Esther Jane Williams (August 8, 1921 – June 6, 2013) was an American competitive swimmer and MGM movie star. Williams set multiple national and regional swimming records in her late teens as part of the Los Angeles Athletic Club swim team. Unable to compete in the 1940 Summer Olympics because of the outbreak of World War II, Williams joined Billy Rose's Aquacade, where she took on the role vacated by Eleanor Holm after the show's move from New York City to San Francisco. There, she spent five months swimming alongside Olympic swimmer and Tarzan star Johnny Weissmuller. It was at the Aquacade that Williams caught the attention of MGM scouts. After appearing in several small roles, alongside Mickey Rooney in an Andy Hardy film, and future five time co-star Van Johnson in A Guy Named Joe, Williams made a series of films in the 1940s and early 1950s known as "aquamusicals", which featured elaborate performances with synchronized swimming and diving. From 1945 to 1949, Williams had at least one film listed among the 20 highest grossing films of the year. In 1952, Williams appeared in her only biographical role, as Australian swimming star Annette Kellerman in Million Dollar Mermaid, which would go on to become her nickname while at MGM. Williams left MGM in 1956 and appeared in a handful of unsuccessful feature films, followed by several extremely popular water-themed television specials, including one from Cypress Gardens, Florida. Following her retirement from film in the 1960s, Williams became a businesswoman, lending her name to a line of swimming pools and retro swimwear, instructional swimming videos for children, and serving as a commentator for synchronized swimming at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Description above from the Wikipedia article Esther Williams, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Esther Williams
Esther Williams
Esther Williams
Esther Williams
Esther Williams
Esther Williams
Esther Williams


Busby Berkeley: Going Through the Roof
Documentary profile of legendary dance choreographer Busby Berkeley.
Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer
Self (archive footage)
American Masters Series. Documentary on Gene Kelly that gives insight into his dancing, how he formed a style (first "blue collar dancer") and developed different cinematique techniques, such as brilliantly shot dancing sequences.
The Original Mermaid
Herself (archive footage)
Story of Annette Kellerman, the international swimming vaudeville and silent screen star whose life story inspired the MGM classic Million Dollar Mermaid starring Esther Williams, which featured lavish Busby Berkeley scenes.
Hollywood Musicals of the 40's
(archive footage)
Highlights from the great musicals of the 1940s. Stars featured include Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Danny Kaye, Jimmy Durante and Frank Sinatra.
Glorious Technicolor
The history of color photography in motion pictures, in particular the Technicolor company's work.
That's Entertainment! III
Self - Co-Host / Narrator
Some of MGM'S musical stars review the studios history of musicals. From The Hollywood Revue of 1929 to Brigadoon, from the first musical talkies to Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain.
Tom & Jerry's 50th Birthday Bash
Celebrate the fiftieth birthday of the animated cat-and-mouse team, Tom & Jerry, including clips from their animated shorts!
Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
That's Dancing!
From 'Bathing Beauty' (archive footage)
A documentary film about dancing on the screen, from it's orgins after the invention of the movie camera, over the movie musical from the late 20s, 30s, 40s 50s and 60s up to the break dance and the music videos from the 80s.
Вот это развлечение! Часть 2
(archive footage)
Золотые моменты из фильмотеки MGM, что включает как комедии и драмы, так и классические музыкальные номера.
That's Entertainment!
(archive footage)
Various MGM stars from yesterday present their favorite musical moments from the studio's 50 year history.
Magic Fountain
Hyacinth Tower
A financier decides to take a vacation somewhere where nothing can disturb him. He travels to the south of Spain, to a small village where he lives a primitive life. A chance meeting with a young American sociologist who works to guide women towards a healthier and more comfortable life change the pace of his life.
The Big Show
Hillary Allen
A European circus family is torn apart by greed and jealousy.
Andy Hardy Comes Home
Sheila Brooks (archive footage) (uncredited)
Andy Hardy, now a grown man with a wife and children, returns to his hometown on a business trip and finds himself getting mixed up in local politics.
Raw Wind in Eden
Passengers struggle to survive after their plane crashes on a remote island. Director Richard Wilson's 1958 drama stars Esther Williams, Jeff Chandler and Rosanna Podesta.
The Unguarded Moment
Lois Conway
A high-school music teacher is the victim of a student who writes indecent notes and assaults women.
Jupiter's Darling
Rome is on the verge of being conquered by Hannibal. While Rome's ruler, Fabius Maximus, plots a defense against Hannibal's armies, Fabius' fiancée, Amytis, is curious about the fearless conqueror. Amytis travels to Hannibal's camp just to get a look at him, but she ends up being captured. However, she is instantly smitten by the Carthaginian commander, so she tries to shift his attentions away from Rome -- and to her instead.
Easy to Love
Julie Hallerton
Two men vie for the heart of a Cypress Gardens swimming star.
Dangerous When Wet
Katie Higgins
The health conscious, dairy-farming Higgins family begin each day with an invigorating swim. One day, traveling health-tonic salesman, Windy Weebe, comes to town and suggests they could swim the English Channel. Sponsored by "Liquapep" and coached by Windy, the family arrive in Europe. There it is decided that daughter Katie is the only one strong enough to enter the contest. But while she should be focused on the difficult and risky task ahead, Katie is pursed by dashing Frenchman, André Lanet... This comedic musical is well remembered for the scene when Katie dreams she is swimming with cartoon characters Tom & Jerry!
Миллион долларов для русалки
Annette Kellerman
«Миллион долларов для русалки» - лучшая работа Мервина ЛеРоя, как режиссера крупномасштабного кино, и самая успешная попытка объединения в мировой киноиндустрии сюжетной драматической линии с водным балетом, синхронным плаванием, прыжками в воду и правдивой жизненной историей героев. В основу сюжета легла история жизни знаменитой австралийской киноактрисы, прыгуньи и плавчихи Аннеты Келлерман - первой в мире женщине совершившей спортивный прыжок с несколькими оборотами в воду. Она первая из женщин проплыла по Темзе 21 километр без посторонней помощи. Её цирковые и водные представления собирали толпы зрителей, её фото красовались на всех обложках журналов и страницах газет. Это она придумала обтягивающий тело купальник из эластичной ткани и её откровенный костюм, вызвавший волну возмущения у пуритан, чуть не привел девушку на скамью подсудимых.
Skirts Ahoy!
Whitney Young
Three young ladies sign up for some kind of training at a naval base. However, their greatest trouble isn't long marches or several weeks in a small boat, but their love life.
Callaway Went Thataway
Esther Williams (uncredited)
Two smart marketing people resurrect some old films starring cowboy Smoky Callaway and put them on television. The films are a big hit and the star is in demand. Unfortunately no one can find him. When a lookalike sends in a photo, the marketing team hires him to impersonate Callaway. Things get sticky when the real Callaway eventually shows up.
Texas Carnival
Debbie Telford
A Texas carnival showmen team is mistaken for a cattle baron and his sister.
Pagan Love Song
Mimi Bennett
Island girl Mimi plans to leave Tahiti, but maybe she'll have a reason to stay when Mr. Endicott arrives.
Duchess of Idaho
Christine Riverton Duncan
Ellen Hallit is in love with her playboy boss, Douglas Morrison, but is too timid to do anything about it. To help her, her roommate Chris decides to step in, and devises a plan. Chris follows Morrison on his trip to Sun Valley, Idaho and plays the overattentive female, hoping that he will send for Ellen (who often played his "fiancée" when he had a female he couldn't discourage otherwise.) Complications arise when Chris catches the eye of band leader Dick Layne, and finds herself caught in a triangle between the two men.
The Costume Designer
Self (archive footage)
This short focuses on the job of the costume designer in the production of motion pictures. The costume designer must design clothing that is correct for the film historically and geographically, and must be appropriate for the mood of the individual scene. We see famed costume designer Edith Head at work on a production. The Costume Designer was part of The Industry Film Project, a twelve-part series produced by the film studios and the Academy. Each series episode was produced to inform the public on a specific facet of the motion picture industry.
Screen Actors
Self (uncredited)
This short film takes a look at the off-screen personas of screen actors.
Дочь Нептуна
Eve Barrett
Легкомысленная Бетти Барретт принимает массажиста Джека Спратта за капитана южноамериканской команды по игре в поло Хосе О`Рорка. Спратт не прочь поразвлечься с красоткой, он быстро соглашается со своей ролью популярного спортсмена. Но простой невинный флирт переходит в серьезное чувство — они влюбляются.
Возьми меня с собой на бейсбол
K.C. Higgins
Эдди О’Брайян и Деннис Райян – профессиональные игроки в бейсбол, но в глубине души они - конферансье водевиля. Неприятности в их размеренной жизни и карьере начинаются когда, в очередной раз, выходя на бейсбольное поле, друзья узнают, что у их команды новый владелец по имени – К. С. Хиггинс. Удивлению и возмущению парней нет предела, но главный сюрприз ждет команду впереди: оказывается Хиггинс – это красивая женщина! Сражение полов начинается. В итоге после курьезных историй и запутанных любовных интриг главные герои находят свою половину. Эдди О’Брайян обретает любовь красавицы Хиггинс, а весельчак Деннис Райян открывает своё сердце девушке по имени Шерли Делвин, которая знает толк в бейсболе.
On an Island with You
Rosalind Rennolds
A young navy lieutenant is brought in as technical adviser on a song-dance-and-swim film being made by screen star Rosalind Reynolds. Having once done a number with her at a Forces show, the young lad somehow believes she should be his girl. Her boyfriend is just one of those disagreeing.
На этот раз насовсем
Nora Cambaretti
Молодой оперный певец Дик Джонсон, сын оперной звезды Ричарда Геральда, возвращается домой с войны. Во время войны Дик встретил Леонору «Нору» Камбаретти, звезду водных шоу. Нора устраивала шоу для раненых солдат, среди которых оказался и Дик. Она почти не помнит тот день, когда встретила Дика и он поцеловал ее, но Дик помнит поцелуй очень хорошо. И вот, по окончании войны они встречаются снова. Между тем, отец Дика хочет, чтобы тот женился на своей подруге детства Фрэнсис Алленбури, богатой девушке из высшего общества...
Maria Morales
Знаменитый матадор Антонио Моралес вынужден был оставить карьеру после ранения в схватке с быком. Теперь он обучает молодежь секретам своего мастерства, и мечтает о сыне, который пойдет по стопам отца и станет не менее знаменитым. К огорчению дона Антонио, у его супруги рождается дочь. Впрочем, сеньора Моралес быстро "исправила ситуацию", и через четверть часа на свет появляется второй ребенок - на этот раз долгожданный сын. Прошло двадцать лет. После многолетних занятий под руководством отца, сын Антонио, Марио, готовится к своему первому публичному выступлению. Но в глубине души он мечтает о карьере пианиста и композитора, в чём его поддерживает мать. Зато его сестра Мария совсем не прочь пойти по отцовским стопам, правда, это совсем не входит в планы её жениха, Пепе Ортеги…
Till the Clouds Roll By
Esther Williams - Signing Autographs (uncredited)
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists, including a condensed production of his most famous: 'Showboat'.
Easy to Wed
Connie Allenbury
When a newspaper accuses a wealthy socialite of being a home-wrecker, she files a multi-million-dollar libel lawsuit. The publication's frazzled head editor now must find a way to discredit her.
The Hoodlum Saint
Kay Lorrison
A former reporter comes back home after serving in the army during World War I and finds that it's much more difficult to find work than he expected. Desperate, one day he crashes a wedding attended by many of the city's rich and powerful, meets a beautiful girl named Kay who turns out to be his ticket to meeting those rich and powerful people, and he soon manages to land a job on a newspaper. He gets caught up in the "make money at all costs" game but receives a rude awakening when the stock market crashes in 1929.
Ziegfeld Follies
Esther Williams (segment A Water Ballet)
The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld looks down from heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style.
Thrill of a Romance
Cynthia Glenn
A soldier falls in love with a newly-married woman after her husband abandons her for a business meeting on their honeymoon.
Parade of Aquatic Champions
Johnny Weismuller, Esther Williams and other aquatic champions present an exhibition of swimming and diving.
Прекрасная купальщица
Caroline Marie Brooks
По рассказам Кеннет Эрл, М.М. Массельмэн, Кертис Кенион. Композитор Стив Эллиот (Ред Скелтон) влюблён в прекрасную Кэролин Брукс (Эстер Уильямс). Их свадьбу расстраивает коварный импресарио Джордж Адамс (Бэзил Рэтбоун), который боится, что Стив перестанет сочинять ему песни. Кэролин в слезах возвращается на прежнее место работы - колледж. Стив, горя желанием вернуть свою возлюбленную, решает туда поступить, но, проблема в том, что этот колледж - для девушек...
Twenty Years After
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Парень по имени Джо
Ellen Bright
Вторая мировая война. Пилот бомбардировщика майор Пит Сэндидж погибает во время боевого вылета. Неожиданно он обнаруживает себя в потустороннем мире, способным следить за происходящими на земле событиями, но, не имея возможности вмешиваться в них. Он становится ангелом-хранителем для молодого пилота ВВС капитана Теда Рэндалла. Но вскоре Сэндидж замечает, что Рэндалл влюбляется в его бывшую невесту Доринду. Что делать Сэндиджу: прекратить оберегать Рэндалла или дать ему возможность обрести человеческое счастье с Дориндой?
Andy Hardy's Double Life
Sheila Brooks
Andy is about to head off to college but he's got a few things to take care of before leaving. For starters, he must try and sell his junk car for $20 to pay for a bill and he must convince his father not to go with him to college. Worst of all is that Polly wants to make up but her best friend decides to give Andy a test.
Sheila Brooks (screen test footage) (uncredited)
In this "Romance of Celluloid", MGM showcases performers whose careers are just starting. Excerpts from their recently released films are included. The narrator says that moviegoers will have to decide whether these fledgling actors and actresses have that certain quality that made superstars out of MGM players Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and Lana Turner.
Mrs. Smith
The Devil works with Adolf Hitler to cause inflation in the United States.