Gelett Burgess

Рождение : , Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Кураж в два часа
Таксистка Патти Митчелл сбивает внезапно выбежавшего на дорогу мужчину. Выясняется, что у незнакомца все признаки амнезии – он не знает, ни кто он, ни где он находится. Патти решает помочь мужчине. Когда проверка карманов не даёт результата, оба решают обратиться в полицию, но в последнюю минуту им на глаза попадается вечерний выпуск газеты с сообщением о совершенном накануне убийстве и описанием внешности предполагаемого убийцы...
Two in the Dark
Ford Adams regains consciousness in Boston, bloody and suffering from amnesia. Information he eventually uncovers (with the help of Marie Smith) connects him to a well-known producer--who's just been murdered.
The Cave Man
A bored society girl cuts a hundred dollar bill in half, writes a message on one half for whoever finds it and throws it out the window of her apartment. The person who finds it turns out to be the driver of a coal truck. So she decides to give him a complete makeover in order to make him presentable to her society friends.
The Untameable
The Most Shocking Film of 1923! Directed by Herbert Blache, The Untameable dramatizes the then-sensational subject of dual personality, with Gladys Walton in the dual role of Joy and her whip-toting, brutal, sadistic alter-ego Edna, and Etta Lee as her faithful Asian lesbian maid.
The Two-Soul Woman
Two men, one of them a villainous hypnotist, contend for the same woman, unaware that she suffers from dual personality disorder.
The Countess Charming
Stanley Jordan, a wealthy young bachelor, attends a Red Cross Benefit at the country club where he meets and falls in love with Betty Lovering and unwittingly offends Mrs. Vandergraft, the social leader.
The Mysterious Miss Terry
In her first Paramount film, Billie Burke plays Helen Wentworth, an heiress who's bored with the high life and decides to enjoy a bit of the low life.
The Cave Man
Theatre Play
A socialite bets that she can educate a lower class man and pass him off as a member of the upper class in a week.