Elisabetta Pellini

Elisabetta Pellini

Рождение : 1974-04-06, Sorengo, Switzerland


Elisabetta Pellini


Какие романтические отношения обходятся сейчас без селфи?! Будь ты известный блоггер с многомиллионной аудиторией из России, молодая семейная пара из Австрии или итальянская пенсионерка — у селфи нет национальности.
Какие романтические отношения обходятся сейчас без селфи?! Будь ты известный блоггер с многомиллионной аудиторией из России, молодая семейная пара из Австрии или итальянская пенсионерка — у селфи нет национальности.
Chiara (L'amore non ha religione)
Italian movie by Max Nardari starring Mohamed Zouaoui, Michela Andreozzi
State of Intoxication
With irony and without rhetoric, Stato Di Ebbrezza deals with the issue of alcoholism through a real story, that of renowned cabaret artist Maria Rossi. Previous football player, homosexual, her subtle and brilliant talent in discovering the positive and funny side in people's behaviors and life's situations, will allow her to survive and successfully overcome her addiction, spreading her hunger for joy. The dark path of rehabilitation she has to face during her coercive hospitalization, will let her meet with Beatrice who will share her inner universe to get the force to react.
Love Has No Religion
Two families, one Muslim and one Catholic, are urgently called by the director of the nursing home where their parents reside, who have fled together. Two such distant cultures are forced to relate, despite their diverging worlds.
The Family Jumble
A kid tries splitting his boring parents to join the group of his schoolmates who are all children of divorced mums and dads
After an irreverent TV show makes people less afraid of the Camorra, the actors begin receiving threats from the criminal organization.
Mi rifaccio vivo
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
Il paese delle piccole piogge
Un coccodrillo per amico
Suor Angela
Lorenzo and Sandro are friends and partners of Agostino, director of a real estate agency, a great lover of Africa. During a lunch they accidentally meet Giovanni, known in Kenya. The man, having become familiar, proposes a real estate deal in the dark continent. This is a project for the construction in Malindi of a resort with villas and swimming pools, designed for the western market. Lorenzo is disinterested and skeptical, while Sandro is enthusiastic. However, they discover that the place where the complex will be built is a mission that deals with helping children. Lorenzo recognizes Laura, the girl he was in love with as a young man, among the nuns. Together then, they decide to help out ...
Non prendere impegni stasera
В кольце обмана
Пocлe ceми трудных лeт Мaттeo Дeллa Тoррe вывoдит cвoю кoмпaнию из кризиca. Нo из-зa рaбoты oн рeдкo видитcя co cвoeй жeнoй, c дeтьми. Кoгдa дeлa, кaзaлocь, бы нaлaживaютcя, пoлиция oбвиняeт Мaттeo в убийcтвe и нaхoдит 30 миллиoнoв нeлeгaльных дeнeг нa cчeту кoмпaнии. Пoд угрoзoй бизнec и брaк. Мaттeo пoпaдaeт в тюрьму. Чтoбы дoкaзaть cвoю нeвинoвнocть, oн oкaзывaeтcя вoвлeчeн в рaccлeдoвaниe…
Dr. De Rosa's assistant
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
Il cielo in una stanza
Cornetti al miele
An Italian comedy directed by Sergio Martino.