Молодая пара, находящаяся в свободных долгосрочных отношениях, вступает в трёхстороннюю связь с Хлоей в Берлине, в городе свободных нравов. Летняя интрижка осложняется, когда Хлоя узнаёт, что беременна.
Anam Wagner, a bisexual Belgium-based writer, comes back to his hometown where he has a hard time coping with his family's checkered past.
Food first, then morals! A comedy about two couples in a stylish Berlin Tapas restaurant. Tension grows with each dish. All seems lost when the question “who waters your plants?” comes on the table.
A cross-episodic melange of macabre folktales supposedly penned by folklorist Jonathan Mallory Sinus.