Phil Leirness

Phil Leirness

Рождение : 1968-11-25,


Phil Leirness has always been a storyteller. At the age of six, he was writing short stories. By the age of nine, he was acting in plays and musicals. By the time he graduated from high school, he was already a published film critic, a stand-up comic and a television host (in his native San Francisco Bay Area). After moving to Los Angeles, Leirness continued to perform stand-up comedy (at such venues as the Comedy Store on Hollywood's Sunset Strip). It was upon seeing the Wim Wenders masterpiece Wings of Desire (1987) in 1988 that he knew he had to become a filmmaker.


Phil Leirness


West Hollywood Motel
Various lives intersect in and around a West Hollywood motel in this kaleidoscopic comedy about sex, love, and the meaning of life.
The Truth Is Out There
For the past fifty years, conspiracy theories have become a prevalent topic of discussion and cause for great alarm, growing into a truly global phenomenon. Dean Haglund (The X-Files) reveals the Comedy, Consciousness and Conspiracy of a world gone mad.
Karl Rove, I Love You
Election Year, 2004. A documentary on the "unknown supporting actor" takes a surprising turn when the lead of the film (Dan Butler; "Bulldog" from the television series "Frasier") becomes smitten with the idea of playing Karl Rove, President Bush's notorious senior advisor. Initially bent on bringing Rove down, as Butler gets deeper and deeper into his role, he actually falls in love with Rove.
KELLY is a beautiful young 16-year old who, like many teenagers, feels her life has become unbearably dark and depressed. Unable to make a meaningful connection with anyone around her, least of all her workaholic mom LAURA LEE, Kelly decides she'd rather be with her dad, who died several years before. The suicide attempt fails, but Laura Lee gets an urgent wake-up call and is determined to give Kelly some desperately needed attention. Hoping a change of scenery will help, mom and daughter rent a house for a long summer vacation. THE BIG HOUSE ON THE HILL offers peace, quiet, and ... mystery.
Новая история «О»
О — талантливый молодой фотограф на пороге многообещающей карьеры. Но финансовые проблемы — непреодолимое препятствие для ее артистических планов, один из которых — выпуск альбома с авангардистскими фотографиями. По настоянию своего друга Рене О решает полностью высвободить свои художественные инстинкты, на время отложив решение финансовых проблем. Рене знакомит ее с таинственным меценатом, богатым и влиятельным сэром Стивеном. Но, приняв заманчивое предложение, О вступает на путь саморазрушения, который ведет в мир больших денег и ничем не сдерживаемого эротизма…
Новая история «О»
О — талантливый молодой фотограф на пороге многообещающей карьеры. Но финансовые проблемы — непреодолимое препятствие для ее артистических планов, один из которых — выпуск альбома с авангардистскими фотографиями. По настоянию своего друга Рене О решает полностью высвободить свои художественные инстинкты, на время отложив решение финансовых проблем. Рене знакомит ее с таинственным меценатом, богатым и влиятельным сэром Стивеном. Но, приняв заманчивое предложение, О вступает на путь саморазрушения, который ведет в мир больших денег и ничем не сдерживаемого эротизма…
The Party Crashers
Three guys crash a party and take it hostage, holding it for ransom.