Sandra Dumaresq

Sandra Dumaresq


Sandra Dumaresq


Jeune Juliette
Fourteen-year old Juliette lives in the country with her father and her older brother. When Juliette was younger, her mother left the family to pursue her career in New York; from that moment, Juliette started to gain weight. Today, she’s not obese, but she’s clearly the heaviest girl at her high school. But that doesn’t stop her from being vivacious, funny and unrepentantly rebellious. Juliette has big dreams: she wants to throw the best parties, move to New York to live with her mother, and date the most gorgeous guy in her school, an older boy who is about to graduate. In short, she wants everything she can’t have—which sometimes makes her forget to appreciate those who really love her. We follow this brazen and endearing girl during her hectic last few weeks before summer vacation, and watch as she does some growing up—but not too much.
A well-respected plastic surgeon dedicated to helping patients with severe burns questions his career, his family…his perfect life and ultimately, his sanity when an encounter with a disgruntled patient triggers a psychological spiral no one can control.
Straight to the Heart
Amid the low-rent neighborhoods of Montreal, the true nature of a career criminal is slowly unveiled. BenoÎt is a car thief perpetually running from the police, his family, his ex-lovers, and a 14-year-old hood who badly needs a father figure. But after he falls for the lovely Sylvie while trying to boost her car, can BenoÎt commit to turning his life around?