Michael Nuccio


Agent Anders
Apprehended by the police for the murder of a United States Senator's son, the FBI investigate the man's identity and are puzzled by the unique technology he has in his possession. A master plan is in motion as four travelers from our future use technology previously thought to be abandoned by the Nazis known as the The Bell. The mission: To move back in time to deliver Hitler the completed Bell and bring future technology to change the outcome of World War II, thereby altering the course of history. One traveler is captured by the FBI and interrogated. Struggling to discover his origin, technology, and medicine that is keeping him alive... After a bold escape from his captors the Traveler heads towards the mountains to continue on with his mission with the FBI in pursuit as they piece together the facts to figure out the real reason why he's here and to reveal.... THERE'S THREE MORE OUT THERE.
Темная сторона страсти
Frannie's Young Father
Жизнь обычной нью-йоркской женщины Френни Эйвери необратимо меняется после произошедшего по соседству от неё убийства. Детектив, расследующий это преступление, уверен в связи Френни с этим зверством, но это не мешает им завести друг с другом любовную интригу, полную тёмной страсти…