One of Japan's most popular stories is the tale of Kutsukake Tokijiro, a traveling gambler who finds that he must take care of the wife and child of a yakuza he had been forced by the code of the gamblers to fight man to man. In a brilliant performance from super-star Ichikawa Raizo, with strong support from two of the greats from Toho, Shimura Takashi (7 Samurai) and Aratama Michiyo (Sword of Doom) the heartfelt story reaches new heights. Tokijiro, having learned the true nature of the boss to whom he was obligated for having spent a night and eaten at the gang's headquarters takes up arms against them in a running battle fought across the back roads of the entire nation. Another powerful rendition of this superb story, it is not to be missed!
A beautiful girl who seeks revenge, disguises herself by dressing up in men's clothes, geisha, etc. A young swordsman helps her uncover the plot and take revenge.
Ещё одна экранная версия знаменитого подвига 47 преданных вассалов. Сценарий опирается не на театральную пьесу "Канадэхон Тюсингура", а на реальные события 1701-1703 годов, когда, оставшиеся без сюзерена, вассалы кланы Ако готовят и осуществляют месть за своего господина. Грандиозный проект студии Дайэй знаменует 255 лет со дня исторических событий.
Suzunosuke faces perhaps his wildest foes. This evil gang is lead by a one-eyed birdman and other demonic creatures.
Ishimatsu of Mori, from his early days leading up to his joining with Shimizu Jirocho, Boss of the Tokaido where he made his mark in history through his tragic end this is the story of a beloved and loyal henchman.
Early film directed by Kenji Misumi.