Dick Brewster
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
Boy Chemist
История, основанная на германских сказаниях, как брат и сестра ищут Синюю птицу для исполнения своего желания и попадают в разные места и времена.
Boy with Tears When Death Rolls Are Read (uncredited)
Могучие ветры Гражданской войны в один миг уносят беззаботную юность южанки Скарлетт О'Хара, когда привычный шум балов сменяется грохотом канонад на подступах к родному дому. Для молодой женщины, вынужденной бороться за новую жизнь на разорённой земле, испытания и лишения становятся шансом переосмыслить идеалы, обрести веру в себя и найти настоящую любовь.
Johnny Merkle
A doctor's medical studies are threatened by his infatuation with a Chinese girl. The girl returns to China, but complications ensue when she runs into him in Nanking during a Japanese bombing raid.
John Geste (as a Child)
Центральным персонажем этой истории является Майкл по прозвищу «Красавчик», самый старший из трех братьев, которых воспитывает дальняя родственница леди Брэндон. Когда драгоценный камень сапфир, известный под названием «Голубая вода», вдруг пропадает в комнате, где присутствовали только члены семьи, подозрение падает на «Красавчика» и он утром покидает отчий дом и Великобританию, чтобы присоединиться к французскому Иностранному легиону, воюющему в Северной Африке. Туда же устремились за старшим и младшие. Уходя из дома, каждый из них оставил записку и каждый брал вину на себя.
Albert Cole Jr.
An egotistical boxer romances a rich backer's daughter.
Tom Sawyer
The further adventures of Twain's most beloved fictional characters of Tom Sawyer and his friend, Huckleberry Finn.
David Lee
Sons of The Legion is a film about a group of young men looking to start a squadron in their Legion Post. However, because the boy's father wrongfully received a dishonorable discharge after World War I, his father cannot join the Legion and in turn his son cannot join the squadron [wikipedia]
Young Scott Barnes
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.