George Kleinsinger


How Do You Feel?
A video animation "commercial" on body movement and self awareness. Charming musical score of George Kleinsinger gives a "sing-along" pattern for dancers Lloyd Ritter and Kei Takei.
Tubby the Tuba
When Tubby the Tuba sets out to find a melody all of his own, his journey results in this enchanting and exciting musical tale. Tubby joins the circus and striving to be part of an orchestra, he travels to the Singing City where along the way he encounters many wonderful characters.
Death in Space
Original Music Composer
The commander of a spaceship orbiting 250 miles above Earth disappears through the airlock and is ejected into space. Although at first it appears to have been an accident, some of the crew come to suspect that it may have actually been a murder.
Rocking Orange III
A dance film, one of a series of three, based on the kinetic sculpture designed by Doris Chase for ballet and commissioned by the Seattle Opera Company. Filming was done in the Avery Court of the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. The film explores new dimensions in color and space.
Moon Gates III
A dance film based on kinetic sculpture and employing the Mary Stanton Dance Ensemble. Through the kinetic sculptures, made specifically for the choreographer, move dancers each appearing in separate monochromatic images of cyan, yellow and magenta. When touched, the sculptures move lightly, taking on the quality of mobiles. Dance and sculpture, kinetic within their own forms, are combined to create new dynamics between people and forms in motion, in bold primary colors.
An abstract computer-generated film. The image is of squares revolving in space around and through each other. Colors and forms multiply and divide against a beautiful symphonic score by George Kleinsinger.
Circles II
A dance film that explores new dimensions in color and space. The film develops like a fugue, with dancers (and giant undulating circle) moving through repeated themes and variations; All the while Brown and Olvey's dazzling color and printing effects electrify the viewer.
Shinbone Alley
Suicidal poet Archy tries to end his life by jumping off a bridge, but awakens to find he has assumed the life of a cockroach and has become a part of a community of creatures living in a newspaper office. He also discovers that he can still write poetry, using a typewriter, and begins to enjoy his new life. Archy develops deep feelings for the lovely but self-destructive cat Mehitabel, but will have to fight to win her from bad-boy tomcat Bill.
Silent Snow, Secret Snow
Alienation, angst, and schizophrenia are powerful themes addressed by Kearney in this forgotten masterpiece. From a story by Conrad Aiken.
Twenty-Four Hours in a Woman's Life
Original Music Composer
Helen Lester is in love with a man she has known just 24 hours, a playboy who spent time in jail for passing bad checks. Though the man has promised to change, most of her strait-laced relatives are up in arms. But Clare Lester, Helen's grandmother, says the girl is free to join the man she loves. On one condition, that she listen to the story of a day in Clare's own life and of a man she tried to change.
The Right Man
Film on presidential campaigns and the right to vote. Used as educational material in American classrooms.
Пухлый Туба
Музыкальный мультфильм, основанный на оригинальной песне Пауля Триппа и Джорджа Кляйнзингера. Героями анимационной ленты становятся различные музыкальные инструменты, участники оркестра. Их великое множество: флейта, пикколо, гобой, кларнет, труба, скрипка, виолончель, контрабас, ксилофон, тарелки и прочее. Центральный персонаж — туба Табби, труба-толстячок. Она не довольна отведенной ей ролью в оркестре и устала от бесконечной басовой линии. Табби становится предметом насмешек других инструментов. От обиды труба убегает к ручью, где знакомится с одаренной лягушкой. Жительница болот помогает Табби разучить новую партию.