Armand Abplanalp

Armand Abplanalp


Armand Abplanalp


Gloria Mundi
Hamdias, a producer who's set out to break new boundaries, plans to finance a film about torture. According to him, torture, the clash of two or more people, is not only what substantiates basic human relationships but also love and politics. Unfortunately Hamdias dies in a freak accident and his project is grounded. After some time, Galai (Olga Karlatos), who should have been the main actress of Hamdias movie, sets out to complete the controversial project. As soon as filming starts again, the thin line that separates reality from a nightmarish obsession begins slowly to blur.
The Black Wogs, Your Neighbors
A lucid, sincere and intricate political film, it demonstrates how French neocolonialism exploits migrant labor and exerts a cultural imperialism over their minds.
A Tear in the Ocean
Roman Skarbek
As the Germans marched into Poland, some Poles sought to join the resistance underground to harass or even stop the advance. Some members of the Jewish community joined them. A surprising number, more mystically inclined, did not. This French film takes us to one remote Polish estate, where patriots are arming themselves to fight Germans. Several Jews who sought to join them are admitted by the group's leader, but they are violently dealt with by the other anti-Semitic members of the group.
О, солнце
О тяготах жизни африканского иммигранта во Франции.
Последнее танго в Париже
Prostitute's Client
Действие происходит в Париже конца шестидесятых. Сорокапятилетний американец потрясен недавней смертью жены, он считает себя виновным и находится в состоянии глубокой депрессии.Отчаянно цепляясь за жизнь, он знакомится с юной парижанкой, странной и эксцентричной девушкой, намного его моложе. Их связь переходит в страсть, доходящую почти до умопомрачения, страсть, пределы которой даже трудно представить…
Who Cares: Anatomy of a Delivery Boy
Le grand patron
Experiencing something of a mid-life crisis after his beloved son marries and moves out, a factory worker makes some drastic changes in his life, moves in with the boy and his wife, and sets them all on the path to a communal lifestyle.
La Tragédie du Roi Christophe
Corneille Brelle-Stewart