Marianne Leibl


The Unnaturals
Uriat's Mother
Most of the film takes place in an old mansion where the characters participate in a séance while a storm rages outside. During their stay, the film uses an extensive flashback structure to reveal the various criminal acts that each have perpetrated. The man leading the seance (Luciano Pigozzi, the "Italian Peter Lorre") seems intent on holding them responsible for their various crimes, and his seemingly supernatural knowledge of their past gradually cracks the facade of each one. A classic Italian Gothic from Antonio Margheriti. German/Italian co-production, 'old dark house' style.
Lady Henderson
The hero steals the haul from the thieves, gives it back to the police but charges 10% for his services.
Night Is Made for Stealing
The Steppe
Based on a Anton Chekhov short story, this slight tale has some good moments as the drama of a young boy's journey unfolds. The lad comes from peasant stock, and one day his family decides it would be best for him to go live with his uncle in the city. The only problem is that the city is all the way across the Russian steppes, and at this time in history, that arduous journey could only be undertaken by horse and carriage. Reminiscent of the American pioneer wagon trains heading West, the tale lacks any attacks from hostile forces but is filled with charming vignettes. In one part of the journey, the boy comes across some fishermen along a river, harpooning their catch for the day. In another segment, he is entertained when some folk dancers do a lively show. But in general, it is too long and unmomentous a journey to hold attention well for nearly two hours.
Il principe fusto
Сладкая жизнь
Yvonne's Companion in Miracle Sequence (uncredited)
Журналист Марчелло — наблюдатель и участник всех эпизодов жизни итальянской элиты конца 50-х годов. Женщины как тени сменяют друг друга, не задевая его чувств, даже явление американской кинодивы Сильвии, воплощения сексуальности и порока, не выводит его из ступора. Внезапное самоубийство его друга Штайнера, пришедшего к мысли о бессмысленности их жизни, приводит Марчелло к катарсису, но надолго ли…
I misteri di Parigi
Венеция, 1866 год, последние дни австро-венгерской оккупации. Партизаны готовят освобождение города. А в это время между австрийским красавцем-офицером и очаровательной венецианской графиней разгорается страстный любовный роман.