Michael Jacobs


A Star for Christmas
Executive Producer
The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?
A Golden Christmas 3
Executive Producer
Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?
Executive Producer
Старшекласснице Таре приходится многое преодолеть, чтобы побороть застенчивость и заявить о себе во весь голос. На первый взгляд, она настоящая «серая мышка». Но в домашней радиостудии скромница, которая панически боится выступления у доски, превращается в звезду эфира. Стоит закрыться в своей комнате и надеть наушники, и она уже не тихоня, а возмутительница спокойствия — Бунтарка! Не стесняясь в выражениях, девушка высказывает все, что думает о своих обидчиках. Ее радиошоу интригует весь город: в незнакомку влюбляются и одноклассники, и парень ее мечты. Но лишь один человек — отчим Тары, продюсер радиостанции штата — знает ее секрет. Он приглашает дочь в большой эфир, и выступления Бунтарки теперь слышит вся Америка. Сможет ли юная звезда сбросить маску анонимности и показать миру свое истинное «я»?
Курс на столкновение
Executive Producer
Кейт Паркс провела последний год в рекламном туре в поддержку своей книги, в которой она рассказала о том, как пытались скрыть смерть ее мужа в авиакатастрофе. Теперь все, что она хочет, это вернуться домой, к своей 15-летней дочери Саманта. Но авиалайнер, на котором летит Кейт, повреждает сильная солнечная вспышка, в результате которой один пилот погибает, второй оказывается без сознания, а вся электроника выходит из строя. Кейт вместе со стюардом Джейком пытается взять под контроль самолет и паникующих пассажиров. Кейт пытается найти способ связаться со службой управления полетами и благополучно осуществить посадку…
Sexting in Suburbia
Executive Producer
moody daughters, Rachel and Dina have a close relationship. Dina tells her everything... or so Rachel thinks. When Dina suddenly commits suicide, Rachel is devastated and confused. Her search for answers as to what happened in her daughter's final days leads her to some painful discoveries about the secrets that Dina was trying to keep and the bullying that was tearing her apart.
3 Holiday Tails
Executive Producer
Rod and Katherine Wright are enjoying their retirement in Florida – or so they’re telling each other. Actually, Rod’s been bored with nothing to do, and Katherine misses her kids back home, especially with Christmas right around the corner. At least they’ve made friends with their new neighbor Lisa, who’s a golden retriever fan like them – Rod and Katherine’s dog Jake has three new puppy playmates, Mario, Luigi and Pasquale. But when Jake and the puppies take off during a walk with Lisa and interrupt a wedding proposal, Lisa is mortified to discover the proposer is none other than her lifelong-friend-turned-boyfriend-turned-ex, David. Everyone can see that David and Lisa are meant to be together. Everyone, that is, except for David and Lisa. Now, with David’s wedding approaching, they must decide whether to leave their love in the past, or to give it another chance. With a little help from Rod and Katherine and four lovable pups, it’s sure to be a Christmas to remember.
Место крушения
Executive Producer
Американское семейство отправляется на пикник в малоисхоженный лес. В дороге они попадают в аварию. Оставшись без машины, их единственный шанс добраться до цивилизации — идти пешком через лес.
Super Eruption
Executive Producer
A Yellowstone National Park scientist and a thrill-seeking ranger join forces to plug-up a volatile super volcano that threatens to wipe out the entire United States.
Рождественские письма
Executive Producer
Таинственная женщина Кристи, работая на почте и отвечая на письма от лица Санта Клауса, завоевывает сердце разочаровавшегося в жизни почтового курьера…
16 желаний
Executive Producer
Эбби Дженсен планировала свое 16-летие с того момента как она была маленькой девочкой. Когда наступает этот день, она добавляет последнее (16-ое) желание в свой список желаний. К ее удивлению она получает коробку с 16-ю праздничными свечами, каждая из которых соответствует номеру ее желаний в списке. Как ее желания исполняются, ее день становится все лучше и лучше, пока она не загадает желание изменившее все и поможет себе понять что быть ребенком не так уж и плохо.
Meteor Storm
Executive Producer
San Francisco becomes a target for waves of destructive meteors after a rogue comet orbits around the earth... For astronomer, Michelle Young, what was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event, soon turns into her worst nightmare as thousands of meteors break the surface of the atmosphere and bombard the city of San Francisco.
Золотое Рождество
Executive Producer
Маленькие дети — Джессика и Майкл — познакомились однажды летом, очень давно, благодаря особенной собаке. Но лето закончилось, и они уже больше никогда не видели друг друга. По прошествии многих лет, когда родители Джессики вышли на пенсию и захотели продать свой дом, она, недавно овдовевшая, решила начать все сначала, вернулась домой со своим сыном и решила купить дом в качестве рождественского подарка. Однако, выясняется, что дом уже продан, а его новый владелец — Майкл…
Nowhere to Hide
Executive Producer
After the murder of a police inspector, his widow discovers with horror that, in addition, her only daughter has been kidnapped. While driving in her search, the voice of the technical roadside assistance that comes through the intercom installed in her vehicle, reports that he is who has kidnapped the girl.
Флирт с сорокалетней
Джеки Лоуренс, разведенная мать двоих детей, накануне своего сорокалетия, уезжает в отпуск на Гавайи, где знакомится с молодым инструктором по серфингу. Но то, что началось ради одной ночи, волею судьбы перерастает в большое чувство. Но как быть, если отпуск заканчивается и дома ждут дети, работа, друзья, а расставаться с любимым так не хочется. Джеки предстоит сделать выбор между новой любовью и домом, да и как быть с тем что её любимый моложе на тринадцать лет.
The Terrorist Next Door
Executive Producer
A dramatization inspired by the real-life events surrounding the recruitment and capture of Ahmed Ressam - aka the "Millennium Bomber". Ressam was convicted of smuggling a bomb into the United States as part of an Al Qaeda plot to blow up Los Angeles International Airport on New Year's Eve, 1999.
A Decent Proposal
Executive Producer
Life is going incredibly well for Tia McLealand. Her career is flying and she's fallen in love. But a single phone call changes everything. Her new love, Nick, is killed in a climbing accident. Pregnant with his child, she makes the practical decision to marry a rich and powerful man. Years later, Tia begins to suspect foul play. Can she take on the powers that be to get her life back and protect her son?
Cries in the Dark
Detective Carrie Macklin and her little sister Elle had always been the closest of friends. But when Elle goes missing after a run-in with a relocated sex offender, it is up to Carrie to find her little sister...who is nine months pregnant. Carrie begins to suspect Elle's husband, Scott, may be involved. Family tensions run high as it's a race against time to find Elle and her baby
Past Sins
Donna Erickson, an overworked public defender, is in the middle of a tricky case — she's representing a woman suspected of committing a murder that happened years ago. Even though recent DNA evidence lays the blame on her client, this legal eagle has a gut feeling that her defendant is innocent. But the only way she can prove it is to go digging into the past of the accused. Your jaw will drop when you learn what she finds out!
Past Sins
Executive Producer
Donna Erickson, an overworked public defender, is in the middle of a tricky case — she's representing a woman suspected of committing a murder that happened years ago. Even though recent DNA evidence lays the blame on her client, this legal eagle has a gut feeling that her defendant is innocent. But the only way she can prove it is to go digging into the past of the accused. Your jaw will drop when you learn what she finds out!
Night Of Terror
Executive Producer
A bonding family weekend turns sinister in a storm.
Love Thy Neighbor
Plagued by flashbacks of a violent home invasion, Laura Benson is on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Looking for a fresh start, she and her husband sell their house and relocate to a seemingly idyllic gated community. But, little do the Bensons know, evil not only dwells in the neighborhood...it lives next door. As strange and terrifying events unfold, Laura doesn't know whether her sinisterly sweet neighbor is to blame, if she's been targeted for revenge...or if she's losing her mind.
Роман по переписке
Джина и Сет были друзьями по переписке 13 лет, и теперь у них появился шанс встретиться. Однако оба отправляли друг другу фотографии своих лучших друзей и узнать друг друга будет непросто.
Co-Executive Producer
After Brad and Meg move to a detached house in need of major repairs after a fire and decades of neglect, they're happy that cheerful teenage son Tyler behaves normally, for puberty. Young daughter Gina's stories about sometimes evil 'fairies' are equally dismissed, but get worse. Self-appointed handyman warns Iver Hagen them for 'things worse than ghosts' and ever scarier things happen. Ma irrationally believes the house bad yet refuses long to have Gina examined by Dr. Werner, who has a patient Olive obsessed by similar trolls. By the time the pieces are fitted, it may be too late.
Frozen Impact
Executive Producer
A plane, carrying the liver destined for a child's transplant, crashes in a hailstorm.
Terminal Error
Co-Executive Producer
Michael Nouri stars in this high-tech thriller as Brad Weston, a digital tycoon who must fend off attacks from his former partner, who's unleashed a computer virus onto the entire system at his firm Autocom. But the virus appears to be a true menace that's determined to destroy anyone -- or anything -- that comes its way. Now, Weston must rely on his son (Matthew Ewald), a teenager with a penchant for hacking, to stop the menace in its tracks.
Мишень номер один
Executive Producer
Находясь в поездке по стране, президент Соединенных Штатов получает ранение в шею. Но не от пули, а от небольшой стрелы, которая содержит совершенно неизвестную разновидность смертоносного вируса Эбола. В обмен на противоядие террористы требуют 25 миллионов долларов. И хотя президенту становится все хуже, он отказывается от сделки.
Co-Executive Producer
Scottsville is a sleepy town, where the yearly apple blossom festival is usually the only 'memorable' event, so Police Chief Sam Taylor is furious when young cop Ally Parks -who comes from the big city- insists on investigating the death and mutilation of prof. Fuller, who experimented on bats, and soon several other victims, as unnatural bat attacks. She finds a helpful 'expert' in animal controller Dr. John Winslow, and the couple gets help from his inquisitive daughter Genny and her practically in-living high school-friend Logan to unravel how it all ties in with local real estate mogul Carl Hart's dishonest and corrupt practices.