Quincy Rose

Quincy Rose


Quincy Rose


The Narcissists
Oliver and Cassi, a couple from Brooklyn, spend the day apart, meandering NYC, each with their respective best friend, trying to decide whether or not they should stay together and renew their lease or call it quits after five years.
The Narcissists
Oliver and Cassi, a couple from Brooklyn, spend the day apart, meandering NYC, each with their respective best friend, trying to decide whether or not they should stay together and renew their lease or call it quits after five years.
Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends
A post-modern romantic comedy about luck and timing in relationships, missed opportunities, unrequited love and how the grass always appears to be greener on the other side.
Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends
A post-modern romantic comedy about luck and timing in relationships, missed opportunities, unrequited love and how the grass always appears to be greener on the other side.
Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends
A post-modern romantic comedy about luck and timing in relationships, missed opportunities, unrequited love and how the grass always appears to be greener on the other side.
Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends
A post-modern romantic comedy about luck and timing in relationships, missed opportunities, unrequited love and how the grass always appears to be greener on the other side.
Miles to Go
A writer from Los Angeles, who doesn't believe that relationships can last for him, struggles to mend his most recent failed relationship.
Miles to Go
A writer from Los Angeles, who doesn't believe that relationships can last for him, struggles to mend his most recent failed relationship.
Miles to Go
A writer from Los Angeles, who doesn't believe that relationships can last for him, struggles to mend his most recent failed relationship.
Мелинда и Мелинда
2nd A.D.
За столиком ресторана друзья обсуждают, чего больше в жизни — комического или трагического. Автор успешных комедий убежден, что люди ищут повод для смеха, чтобы убежать от боли — его друг верит в силу трагедии. В качестве примера каждый развивает историю, основанную на анекдоте о незваном госте — молодой женщине Мелинде, чья жизнь пошла под откос. В драматической версии мы видим переживания Мелинды после тяжелого развода; комедийная версия событий развивается в спальном районе, где Мелинда вносит сумятицу во время соседской вечеринки своей попыткой самоубийства. Здесь фигурирует масса комических персонажей из художественной богемы, включая безработного актера, заигрывающего с Мелиндой, и его жену-режиссера, более всего озабоченную охмурением банкира для спонсирования нового проекта «Сонаты о кастрации».
Chuck Hank and the San Diego Twins
A turf war has been raging in Oldtown for generations. On one side, The Syndicate - an evil gang of crank-head misfits, who has been set on muscling the San Diego family out of the parcel of land they own in the center of town. On the other side, the San Diego family: Tony and Johnny - twin brothers, and their sister Salsa are the last of a bloodline that stretches back for generations. Their mother, father and brothers were all brutally murdered in a violent clash with The Syndicate years earlier. With their neighborhood becoming increasingly fearful, The Syndicate puts into action another evil advance on their family's fading legacy by kidnapping Salsa - all hell breaks loose. The twins and their best friend Chuck Hank must decide whether to hand over the deed to their families land in order to save their sister or fight, the final fight!