Prum Mesa


Everything Will Be OK
Director of Photography
After a century of genocidal ideologies and destructive speciesism, animals have enslaved humans and taken over the world. In a wave of hope, the statues of the past have been removed but new ones are being erected to suppress the will of the people. This is now a planet of apes, boars and lions, and a zoological revolution is reversing and recreating the atrocities of the 20th century.
Director of Photography
Фильм о людях, переживших ужасы войны.
Graves Without a Name
Director of Photography
After The Missing Picture (Un Certain Regard winner 2013 and Oscar nominee for the Best Foreign Language Film in 2013) and Exile, Rithy Panh continues his personal and spiritual exploration. S21 the Khmer Rouge Killing Machine and Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell analyzed the mechanisms of the crime. Graves Without a Name searches for a path to peace. When a thirteen-year-old child, who lost the greater part of his family under the Khmer rouge, embarks on a search for their graves, whether clay or on spiritual ground, what does he find there? And above all, what is he looking for? Spectral trees? Villages defaced beyond recognition? Witnesses who are reluctant to speak? The ethereal touch of a brother or sister’s body as the night approaches? A cinematic movie that reaches well beyond the story of a country for that which is universal.
Le chemin
Director of Photography
Camille, a young lady who has joined a Catholic mission in Cambodia and is ready to take her vows, crosses paths along a river and the Angkor ruins with a Cambodian man, Sambath, on a regular basis.
Исчезнувшее изображение
Director of Photography
Победитель «Особого взгляда» Канн-2013, документальный фильм без документа: камбоджийский режиссер Ритхи Пань рассказывает о детстве, проведенном при Пол Поте в трудовом лагере, где погибли его родители и другие родственники. Хроники того времени почти не осталась (только официоз, снятый на пленку шосткинского объединения «Свема»), поэтому свидетелями обвинения становятся фигурки из пробкового дерева, при помощи которых Пань разыгрывает события почти сорокалетней давности. Потрясающий фильм об идеологии, памяти и ручейке культуры, который — сколько его ни прерывай — все равно прорвется и перетечет в будущее.
Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell
Director of Photography
The Burnt Theatre
Director of Photography
A blend of fact and fiction, based on the actual lives of the actors, the film depicts a troupe of actors and dancers struggling to practice their art in the burned-out shell of Cambodia's former national theater, the Preah Suramarit National Theater in Phnom Penh.
Le Cid Khmer
Director of Photography
The King assigns two tutors for the young Crown Prince and intrigues start flourishing at the Royal Court.
S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine
Director of Photography
Documentary of the S-21 genocide prison in Phnom Penh with interviews of prisoners and guards. On the search for reasons why this could have happened.
S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine
Camera Operator
Documentary of the S-21 genocide prison in Phnom Penh with interviews of prisoners and guards. On the search for reasons why this could have happened.
The Land of the Wandering Souls
Director of Photography
In 1999 a fibre-glas wire was installed from Thailand to Vietnam straight trough Cambodia. Rithy Panh shows us the work done in Cambodia to connect Khmer-society to "modern world". Farmers, soldiers and children work for a living there and unearthen skulls and bones -their remains from PolPot-regime you can see. The fear in their mind is portrayed by Rithy Panh in this documentary. As the other work done by Rithy Panh this deals with his people. I like it very much! The movie was awarded 1999 at "Visions du Réel" in Nyon (Switzerland) and at "Cinéma du Réel" in Paris.
An Apostle of Non-Violence
Director of Photography
A Buddhist monk tries to preach non-violence to the Khmum-Chachak rebels and the National Army, who are in the midst of a civil war that can dangerously affect innocent civilians.
An Ambition Reduced to Ashes
Director of Photography
A guru and his follower, who have lived in the ruins of Angkor for 150 years, return to the world to save the Cambodian people.
I Left the War
A former-soldier from the Cambodian army deserted in 1991. He lives with his wife and children in a village near Phnom Penh. He explains: “For us it’s simple: the sons of the poor go off to war, the sons of the wealthy go to town to become policemen, the sons of Party members go abroad to study.”