Yoon Hong-sik


Director of Photography
Период династии Чосон. Три красивых девушки-мушкетера ведут борьбу с мощной группой, которая пытается свергнуть королевскую семью и получить абсолютную власть. Лидером мушкетеров является Джин-Ок, умная и праведная женщина. Хонг-Дан единственная замужняя женщина из трех. Самая молодая, Га-Би, превосходит остальных в драке.
Little Black Dress
Director of Photography
Little Black Dress depicts the friendships, jealousies, hopes and failures of four 24-year-old girls. The girls first met as first year students in college. They seem to be enjoying their 20's, but inside they all have worries.
Что случилось прошлой ночью?
Director of Photography
Вы проснулись в дорогом гостиничном номере. Одна. Голая. Постель смята и напоминает о бурно проведенной ночи. На столе — бутылка дорогого белого вина. Но вы абсолютно НИЧЕГО не помните! Знакомо? А вот Ю Чжин — да. Наша главная героиня любит хорошенько выпить. Грешит и тем, что меняет мужчин, как перчатки. Привычки, скажем прямо, не из лучших. Но, что, если вы попали в ситуацию, описанную выше? Вот и в нашей очаровательной Ю Чжин сыграло женское любопытство. Шаг первый: составить список потенциальных партнеров… Один из них, может быть, Чхоль Чжин — лучший друг еще с колледжа. Это он? Нет, слишком уж застенчив для таких вещей. Перебирая кандидатов, Ю Чжин встречает свою первую любовь — Сок Гю, который будет ошарашен, узнав, что…
Highway Star
Director of Photography
Stuck in a small town, aspiring rocker Dal Ho makes a living reluctantly playing trot at local clubs. When small-time recording company head Jang offers Dal Ho a contract, he eagerly grabs the opportunity, believing that his time has finally come. After he signs, however, Dal Ho discovers that he won't be rocking after all. Instead, he will be singing trot. Unable to back out of his contract, Dal Ho takes to the stage behind a mask to hide his embarrassment, and ends up an overnight sensation. The wannabe rocker seems to have found his true calling, but doing music he dislikes. With the help of Jang and a certain cute trot singer, maybe he'll actually learn the passion of trot.
Director of Photography
Sang-eun is a pretty 20 year old girl, that is warm hearted and possess an extraordinary gift for folding paper into various figures. She has a loving mom and friends, but she is also mentally retarded. She has the intelligence of a 7 years old. Sang-Eun learns everything slowly, but there are still a lot of things she does not know about. She is fixated with the idea that she will meet the prince of her dreams, like in the fairy tales she so often reads.
Blue Swallow
Director of Photography
Park Kyung-Won, dreamed of flying since she was a little kid. To achieve her dream of becoming a pilot, Kyung-Won, at the age of 26, travelled to Japan and enrolled in an aviation school. While studying at the aviation school, she supported herself by driving a taxi. One day, Kyung-Won picks up a male passenger, who turns out to be a Korean exchange student Ji-Hyeok. Ji-Hyeok is attracted to her and what she was trying to accomplish. Although he begins to court Kyung-Won, Ji-Hyeok leaves to enlist in the army. A few years later, Kyung-Won flies her first flight and becomes a pilot. Her accomplishment is well received Korea. Meanwhile, Kyung-Won takes under her wings, fellow female Korean aviation student Jung-Hee, who wants to follow in Kyung-Won's footsteps. Also, Ji-Hyuk is discharged from the army and is commissioned as a officer in a aviation school. Ji-Hyuk and Kyung-Won meet again and soon realize their feelings are as strong as ever.
Дорога к дому
Director of Photography
Бойкий мальчишка, типичный «сложный ребенок», вынужден некоторое время жить вдали от привычной ему городской суеты со своей немой бабушкой. Казалось бы, беспомощная старая женщина — удобный объект для проявления детской жестокости. Но бабушка терпелива и мудра, она обладает даром, против которого жестокость бессильна — даром любви.