Eduard Dmytriyev


What a witch...
In the forest near the lake house unusual events unfold. Young scientist Christopher is studying the anomalous properties of the human psyche as an example in his love of rural women.
Окно напротив
Detective Hall Jefferies, who suffered an injury, is forced to sit in a chair all day and look out the window out of boredom. After a while, Jeffries studied well all the neighbors in the house opposite, their behavior and habits. Changes in the life of a man living with his sick wife led him to think about murder. The woman disappeared, but no one saw her leave the house…
Окно напротив
Detective Hall Jefferies, who suffered an injury, is forced to sit in a chair all day and look out the window out of boredom. After a while, Jeffries studied well all the neighbors in the house opposite, their behavior and habits. Changes in the life of a man living with his sick wife led him to think about murder. The woman disappeared, but no one saw her leave the house…
Красное вино победы
Советский художественный телефильм 1990 года, снятый на студии «Укртелефильм» режиссёром Эдуардом Дмитриевым. Экранизация одноимённого рассказа Евгения Носова. Фильм о последних днях Великой Отечественной войны. Действие происходит в военном госпитале.
Рассказ барабанщика
Телефильм 1985 года режиссёра Эдуарда Дмитриева по одноимённой повести Станислава Славича. Действие происходит во времена Великой Отечественной войны. В героической обороне Севастополя берет участие войсковое подразделение — военный духовой оркестр. Фильм рассказывает про героизм музыкантов.