Robert Hubert


Это происходит для того чтобы жить
Production Design
Простого и порядочного человека арестовали за преступление, которого он не совершал. Его приятель не может сидеть сложа руки и берётся за собственное расследование. Вскоре выясняется, что в этом деле замешана крупная мафиозная группировка.
In Six Easy Lessons
Production Design
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Vacances explosives
Production Design
Arlette thinks she has made a wonderful gift to her daughter Sylvie, who has just married François Morel, a young journalist. And, to tell the truth, not everybody receives a posh little bar like the Royal Montmartre as a gift. The trouble is that Monsieur Jo, the former owner of the joint is also the boss of a gang of drug traffickers. And that he has managed to persuade the pair of naive lovebirds to drop a painting to a friend on their way to their honeymoon place. Now the picture is stuffed with drugs! The honeymoon trip promises to be eventful...
Tonight the Skirts Fly
Production Design
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Maid in Paris
Production Design
A young boarder meets a captain.
Сногсшибательная девушка
Production Design
Однажды, случайно угодив со своим велосипедом под грузовик и отделавшись легким испугом, небогатая парижская модистка Доминик Ложье поняла, что нашла золотую жилу. Совсем скоро предприимчивая девушка поставила несчастные случаи на поток, ведь водители нередко готовы откупиться от пострадавшего, лишь бы не доводить дело до полиции. А уж обаятельный угонщик, прямо у нее на глазах экспроприировавший чужую машину, тем более готов будет раскошелиться. Великолепный план Доминик портило только одно неизвестное ей обстоятельство: угонщик на самом деле был высокопоставленным служащим Интерпола, а владельца угнанной машины подозревали в контрабанде золота.
Mr. Gregoire Runs Away
Production Design
Alex Grégoire is a timid insurance company clerk who shares his uneventful life between his wife Angèle, his colleagues and his passion for crosswords. But all of a sudden his existence changes dramatically. First because he wins a crossword competition. Second because a jewel thief, Charles Tuffal, thinks he recognizes in him a former accomplice. From that moment "uneventful" is not the best adjective to qualify Alex's life anymore...
Production Design
The mistress of an engineer meets the man's pregnant wife and decides to give up the liaison.
Abused Confidence
Production Design
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Street of Shadows
Production Design
A slippery femme fatale, a spy for Germany during the Great War, is sent to Thessaloniki in Greece and becomes involved with a man on the other side, a French military officer.
Art Direction
Rudolf, the only heir to Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary, is trapped in a loveless marriage to a Belgian princess. As he seeks to flee his stifling environment, he meets the beautiful Maria, and the two enter into a scandalous affair. Despite the interference of the Emperor, the couple refuse to give each other up.