Francisco Balcells


Las locuras de Jane
An unstable young woman commits crazy actions both inside and outside the mental institution in which she lives.
La lozana andaluza
El Monje
In 16th century Rome, Rampín, a friendly and shameless rogue, exploits his arts of deception. He lives with his aunt, Napolitana, a pimp dedicated to the same trades as his nephew. With the arrival of a beautiful Andalusian, Lozana, her fortune enters their house by making her the most beautiful courtesan in Rome. Lozana and Rampín reach an agreement: he will be at her service, taking her lovers home, and she will treat him like a king and give him the best, something that others will never have. But one fine day, Don Sancho, a handsome Spaniard, falls in love with her.
Леонор, первая жена монсеньора Ришара, воскресает через десять лет после своей смерти. Неизвестно откуда взявшийся старец сообщает Ришару, что можно победить смерть, если очень этого захотеть. Ришар возвращается в замок и убивает свою вторую жену. Начинается нечто невообразимое: свирепствует чума, кто-то убивает детей. Чтобы положить всему этому конец, Ришар решает убить Леонор.
Flower of Holiness
A beautiful teenage shepherdess named Adega sleeps one night with a mysterious pilgrim in a barn of impoverished and superstitious Galicia of the nineteenth century. The overwhelming fanaticism of the villagers motivates them to consider the outsider an envoy of Satan, reason why they deny him the lodging. The pilgrim, on the other hand, will react by cursing the people with plague and misery.
El horrible ser nunca visto
A young woman who lives with her uncle begins to dream about a monster that lurks in the shadows of the night.