The Last Belle is an animated short featuring two characters journeying towards a blind date: WALLY, who suffers a nightmarish drunken trip through London as he races against the clock to the rendezvous; and ROSIE, who waits in a bar dreaming of how wonderful her date is going to be...if he ever turns up.
Filmed during Billy's record breaking twenty two night run at London's famous Hammersmith Apollo.
Sheer brilliance. Billy Connolly's razor-sharp mixture of bewildered surrealism and ultra-perceptive observational comedy is showcased here. If you're not pained with laughter at the routines on football, swimming and cookbooks, something vital has been removed from your brain. Buy it - it's better therapy than the stuff you get in clinics.
Billy Connolly, captured live on stage at London's Royal Albert Hall in July 1987, offering his own unusual views of (among others) Thatcher and Reagan, Linoleum, Tarantulas And Their Wily Ways and the Khyber Pass...