General Labros Dekavallas
О судьбе генерала, всю свою жизнь трудившегося на благо Родины, а на старости лет всеми забытого и покинутого, доживающего свои последние дни в нищете и одиночестве.
Antonis Dellistavrou
George finished his studies and returned to Greece and his father, Anthony Delistavrou, assigned to the plant in order himself to live his life. He thinks it has conquered Rena, which, however, is a friend of George. Anthony will be forced to land when the learned but would COMFORT her friend Rena, Bill........
Potis Antonopoulos
Anargyros Loumbardopoulos
Из рук в руки переходит фальшивая лира, которую на беду себе изготовил афинский гравер Анаргир. Нет, не принесло ему богатство ремесло фальшивомонетчика. Сколько волнений, сколько страха натерпелся Анаргир, пока сумел сбыть монету слепому. Так начала свой путь фальшивая лира. Где только не побывала она: в дырявом кармане нищего, в худенькой руке девочки-сироты, в рождественском пироге скупца-богача и в копилке молодого талантливого художника...
Lalakis Makrykostas
Lalakis is married with Poppe. He goes on a trip to Salonique by train, with his mistress, pretending that he has business there to attend. After his wife found out the truth about the motive of her husbands trip, finally accepts the proposition of Nikos, a man who was in love with her for a long time, and they go to a little village called Thyrassia, which has also a train station. By accident Lalakis and his mistress get down at the same station just to rest a bit but they manage somehow to lose the train. The train station manager hosts both of the couples at his house for the night and unfortunately introduces everybody..
Tilemahos Karantaris
Telemachus, an unhappy old man, still lives with his sister, whom he expects to restore so that he marries the woman he loves. In the end, he is persuaded by a friend to put an ad in the newspaper to find her bridegroom, without mentioning her real age and highlighting her dowry. Finally, two bridal candidates appear: A retired and a Greek-Argentine landowner...
Fotis Fagris
A poor man accepts the money someone offers him to marry a foreign woman so that she can stay in Greece.
Manolis Skoudris
A peaceful, though extremely mean, family man, Manolis, is married for ten years to Veta. Some night he spends an astronomical amount of money at a night club, with his partner Giorgos and two pretty and cheerful Greek-American girls, Margaret and Evelyn. However, to his bad luck, Evelyn is no other but Vangelitsa, his wife’s cousin, who visits the next day for lunch.
Thodoros Ginopoulos
4 years after the Nazi occupation in Greece, the Greeks are involved in a Civil War and they are killing each other. Theodoros, a quiet and modest man, disgusted and disappointed, falls asleep and has a nightmare. Hitler is alive and the Nazis strike back with new, more powerful weapons.