Ali El Zorkani


Wdaa'n llazab
(Laila) An orphan girl living in a room in a house (Zenobia), living in an apartment in the same house three friends (Nour, Issam, Adel), competing (Issam) and (just) to win her love, while (Nour) (Nour) to marry his rich cousin's daughter and his engagement to (Laila), (Laila) serious illness requires surgery, and can (Zenobia) with (Nur), (Essam) ), And (just) the amount of money necessary for the process that succeeds, and finally the danger to Laila.
Dad Has Lost His Mind
Ahmed Saad is a businessmen who has many affairs, because his wife Fahima neglects herself and takes care of her home only. Ahmed meets artist Suzy and promises to marry. When his son Zaki finds out ,he sacrifices himself and marries her in order to stabilize the house and gives up his fiancee.
The Tender Gender
3 young men aims older women for financial gains by working as gigolos,during a summer vacation,one of them targets a strict unmarried woman by making her fall in love with him to win her trust,meanwhile,his two friends struggles with their plans too before end of summer.
My Wife's Ghost
As a result of Saleh's preoccupation with his work, his wife Aida suffers from loneliness. She turns to watching films and starts impersonating the characters of the heroines she sees in the films, which gets her husband into many troubles and with the help of his friends he tries to make her stop.
Cairo 30
With his father crippled, Mahgoub Abdel Dayem finds himself in an urgent need of a job to support his family. When he enlists his friend Salem to help him find a job, Salem not only gets him a job at the ministry but also finds him a bride. The bride in question, however, is the mistress of the powerful Qasem Bek...
A Husband’s Confession
This comedy revolves around Wahid, a happily married composer who has a one-off dream about kissing Boussa, his gorgeous neighbor and his wife Latifah’s best friend. He feels guilty, and foolishly confesses this to Latifah, who naturally becomes suspicious and concludes he and Boussa are having an affair. The misunderstandings worsen tenfold when Latifah lets her parents in on the situation.
قصة ممنوعة
A Hero Till the End
Hafez takes advantage of his presidency of the Childhood Protection Association and his knowledge of the rich families, to cover up his criminal activity in which he kidnaps the children of these families in exchange for ransom.
Wife Number 13
Murad Salem is a rich man who is used to getting what he wants whenever he wants it. When he meets a beautiful woman in Alexandria, he wants her as wife number thirteen. He buys himself into the heart of the woman, until a well-meaning, former fiancée of her husband tells her just how many times he has been divorced. The new bride launches into a series of ploys that keep her away from the marriage bed.
Eshaet Hob
Hussein, a shy young man, is desperately in love with Samiha. However, Samiha is more interested in her singing and dancing cousin Lucy. Admiring Hussein greatly, Samiha's father attempts to help him and starts spreading the rumor that Hussein is having an affair with famous actress Hind Rostom, hoping jealousy will move the daughter's heart. The plan seems to work... until Hind Rostom herself comes to town.
The Girls in Summer
Directed by Salah Abouseif et al.
Struggle on the Nile
Naïve young Muhasab is asked to accompany his more dependable friend, Mujahed, on a voyage up the Nile to Cairo. Once there, they will sell their boat, the "Bride of the Nile," in order to buy a barge that will make their village elders more competitive in business and trade. But a ruthless business rival is determined to see that the men never reach Cairo. Matters become even more complicated when Nargis, a scheming carnival dancer, is discovered hiding out in the cargo hold of the "Bride of the Nile."
The Big Brother
While Awad's family believes him to be an honorable man, Awad heads a drug-dealing gang. He tries to keep the balance between his family's image of him and his illegal business dealings.
Appointment with Love
Faten Hamama plays Nawal, a journalist who meets Samir, a young man whom she encourages to pursue a singing career. His career takes off while Nawal's health deteriorates.
Любовь и слезы
Фильм рассказывает о нелегкой судьбе девушки по имени Фатма, которая была влюблена в молодого капитана Ахмада. Когда Ахмад был в плавании, родной отец Фатмы продал ее одному богатому шейху. С этого момента и начались все злоключения Фатмы...
Жизнь или смерть
Старый больной человек потерял свою работу и остался на попечении малолетней внучки. Чтобы спасти дедушку от очередного приступа, девочка отравляется за лекарствами одна на другой конец города.
Борьба в долине
Египет. 50-е годы. Окончив сельскохозяйственный институт, Ахмад вернулся домой, мечтая помочь полунищим односельчанам вырастить богатый урожай. Опасаясь конкуренции с их стороны, паша и его племянник Рияд-бей решают залить всё водой и открывают плотину. Чтобы замести следы преступления, Рияд-бей убивает шейха деревни, обвинив в его гибели отца Ахмада. Юноше, пытающемуся найти виновника трагедии, помогает дочь паши Амаль — их детская дружба давно переросла в любовь. Стремясь спасти дочь, скрывшуюся с Ахмедом в развалинах храма, паша называет имя преступника.
كلمة الحق
Дом № 13
Психиатр в приступе гнева убил молодого человека Аббаса и планирует интригу, чтобы снять с себя малейшие подозрения. Введя в гипноз своего друга и пациента Шарифа, психиатр убеждает его в том, что это он убил Аббаса. Он также приказывает Шарифу принести ему деньги, которые должна получить жена Аббаса, и всё это для того, чтобы Шариф выглядел подозреваемым. Все улики против несчастного Шарифа, который был арестован во время своей свадьбы.
Ismail Yassine in the House of Ghosts
Ismail Yassin and his relatives have to spend a month living in a haunted house in order to collect their inheritance.