Youssef El Sebai

Рождение : 1917-06-17, Cyprus

Смерть : 1978-02-18


Youssef El Sebaei was an Egyptian novelist. He was born in Cairo in 1917, and joined the Military Faculty in 1935, and stayed there as a staff member for years following his graduation. He started his writing career in the mid 1940's, beginning with short stories, and then focusing on novels. He is most known for writing numerous novels tht were adapted later to film and television, including the 1952 revolution epic "Rodda Qalby" (Give My Heart Back) and "Ard El Nefaq" (The Land of Hypocrisy). He was assassinated in Cyprus in 1978.


Life is a Moment
In the wake of the June 1967 war, Naamat lives on the hot side of her life, with her husband Abdelkader, the editor of one of the newspapers in which she works as a liberator and abuser with many capabilities, including his articles calling for despair during the war with Israel; That national action is the key to one's personality. So she took care of volunteer work in a hospital, she got to know a group of fighters, including Mahmoud, the lightning officer who has trouble with his wife, and others who gave themselves to serve the homeland.
Remember me
Two university students fall in love on campus and inform their parents that they want to get married. This decision makes the parents immediately very happy but when they find out who the parents of their future son- or daughter-in-law are, they get horrified. It turns out that these young lovers are much more connected than they had realized, and the question arises whether they might even be related.
A Woman Without Restriction
Abdel Hamid, who works with the Border Guards at Ras El-Bar, crosses paths with the gypsy Nour who makes use of his job to facilitate her drug-smuggling operations with chief Abu Doma. When Abdel Hamid discovers her deceit, he quarrels with Abu Doma and hits him, causing him to lose consciousness.
The Water Carrier Died
The story of the friendship that develops between two men with quite different world views. One, a water carrier whose wife has died twenty years before, spends his days thinking about her. The other, who works in the funeral business, spends his life in the pursuit of pleasure because he recognizes that death will bring an end to all enjoyment. They meet and become friends. Through this friendship the water carrier is encouraged to change his morbid way of thinking and to enjoy life.
Life Is a Carnival
A group of talented youth exploited by the head of a gang in his suspicious work while a dance coach tries to make a band of them.
Land of Hypocrisy
A man who is struggling with life's daily problems , especially his troublesome wife , accidently runs into a man who makes bills that change human behavior and his life changes.
Land of Hypocrisy
A man who is struggling with life's daily problems , especially his troublesome wife , accidently runs into a man who makes bills that change human behavior and his life changes.
The Last Night
Faten Hamama plays a wife who wakes up one morning to discover she is married to her brother-in-law (Mahmoud Moursi) in this suspenseful drama. The confused woman soon learns that 15 years have gone by and that she was injured in a bomb blast that killed her sister. A local doctor (Ahmed Mazhar) tries to prevent the woman's husband from killing her for the inheritance.
Победитель Салладин
Экранизация книги Ю. Ас-Сабаи. Масштабное полотно, освещающее борьбу вокруг Святого Города Иерусалима в XII веке, во время Третьего крестового похода (1189—1192 г.г), с позиций идеологии ислама и панарабизма. Знаменитый султан Салахуддин показан как идеальный правитель, а его воины – смелые и благородные люди, в то время, как крестоносцы – слабые духом, корыстолюбивые сластолюбцы, коварные авантюристы нарушающие договорённости. Третий крестовый поход изображается как нашествие алчных завоевателей (что близко к реальности), а их победы исключительно многочисленностью и изменой отщепенцев, подкупленных христианами. Впрочем, Ричард Львиное Сердце, предводитель неверных, обрисован вполне с положительной стороны, хотя у него нет сторонников, даже его лучший друг предал его.
Победитель Салладин
Экранизация книги Ю. Ас-Сабаи. Масштабное полотно, освещающее борьбу вокруг Святого Города Иерусалима в XII веке, во время Третьего крестового похода (1189—1192 г.г), с позиций идеологии ислама и панарабизма. Знаменитый султан Салахуддин показан как идеальный правитель, а его воины – смелые и благородные люди, в то время, как крестоносцы – слабые духом, корыстолюбивые сластолюбцы, коварные авантюристы нарушающие договорённости. Третий крестовый поход изображается как нашествие алчных завоевателей (что близко к реальности), а их победы исключительно многочисленностью и изменой отщепенцев, подкупленных христианами. Впрочем, Ричард Львиное Сердце, предводитель неверных, обрисован вполне с положительной стороны, хотя у него нет сторонников, даже его лучший друг предал его.
Wa Islamah
Set in the 14th century. Under their leader Timur, the Tartar hordes invade the Middle East and take over areas as widespread as Persia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Syria. A lowly woman from a harem (Lubna Aziz) rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders.
Among the Ruins
Scenario Writer
Mona falls in love with her college professor Mahmoud despite the fact that he's a married man and many years her senior. Mona is forced to marry another man and leaves Egypt. Years later, Mona returns and finds out that Mahmoud has been hit by a car and is now in a hospital. They meet again and recall their past romance.
Кинолента основана на реальных фактах истории борьбы алжирского народа за независимость. Фильм рассказывает об алжирской девушке Джамиле Бухиред, которая боролась с французскими колонизаторами за независимость своей страны, используя террористические методы. Вместе с легендарным Юсефом, восхищаясь его героизмом и мужеством, сражалась она в рядах партизан. Однажды, при проведении очередной операции, Джамиля была схвачена французскими солдатами. Её пытали, добиваясь, чтобы она сказала, где находится руководитель партизан Юсеф. Джамиля стойко вынесла все пытки и её приговорили к смертной казни.
The Love Street
A poor graduated singer struggling to get his chance, disguises into an old music teacher to work in a girl's school. A bet is launched between two of the leading students to trap this teacher into their affection.
Снова живой
История двух братьев, сыновьях простого садовника. Один из братьев — Али, полюбил Энджи, дочь богатого землевладельца. Между ними — пропасть социального неравенства, но революция 1952 года ломает барьеры предрассудков.