Mohamed Majd

Mohamed Majd

Рождение : 1939-11-30, Casablanca, Morocco

Смерть : 2013-01-25


Born in 1940, Mohamed Majd took his first steps on the stage in the late 1950s. After 10 years acting in theaters, he turned to the cinema and acted in the shorts of Abdelmajid R'chich then alongside Anthony Quinn in the historical epic : The Message (1975), Moustapha Akkad. Renowned Moroccan actor at the age of 47, he gained international fame, By Casting Director Ahmed Boulane to play along side with jhon Hurt in a Richard Stroud movie Deadline. and in Philippe de Broca The Thousand and One Nights (1989).


Mohamed Majd


A short fiction about a man who fights against the seizure of his land by powerful developers.
The Golden Calf
A Moroccan fisherman sets off on an epic journey towards Europe on his wind surfboard. But the pursuit of dreams does not come without sacrifice.
Пленники Солнца
High Priest
Многонациональная экспедиция обнаруживает затерянный город под пирамидой, где они должны помешать пробудившимся богам Древнего Египта начать Апокалипсис.
Съезд на Марракеш
Бену 16, и он весьма способный молодой человек. На летние каникулы Бен отправляется к своему отцу Хайнриху, признанному театральному режиссеру, в Марракеш, где тот гастролирует со своим театром. Родители Бена давно разведены. Юноша не только редко видит отца, но и, выросший с матерью, не принимает его. Между отцом и сыном пролегла за долгие годы целая пропасть непонимания и отчуждения. Бену не по душе роскошный отель, куда поселил его Хайнрих: он чувствует себя в нем словно птица в золотой клетке. Бен тайком сбегает из Марракеша со случайной знакомой Каримой. Отцу и сыну предстоит найти друг друга в чужой стране в прямом и переносном смыслах…
Farid, a young 26-year-old Frenchman, must travel to Algeria to save his father's house. While discovering this country in which he had never before set foot, he succumbs to the charms of a host of astonishing characters whose humour and simplicity affect him deeply. Amongst these is his cousin, a bright and lively young man who has the dream of one day going to France...
Malak, a teen girl, discovers she's pregnant. Rejected by the baby's dad, she faces a world that rejects her for being a single mum.
Androman - De sang et de charbon
Abbas Bertale
Zero is a police officer in his mid thirties, pacing the streets of Casablanca, surrounded by loss and futility, and the corruption of everyone around him.
Женский источник
Действие фильма происходит в наше время в маленькой деревне, затерянной между Ближним востоком и северной Африкой. Под палящим солнцем женщины идут за водой к источнику, поднимаясь высоко в горы. Так было всегда. Но старинный обычай вызывает протест у молодой новобрачной Лейлы: она предлагает односельчанкам отказывать мужьям в ласке и сексе, пока те не проведут воду с гор до самой деревни…
Old man
Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
Ханна. Совершенное оружие
Moroccan Hotel Owner
Хрупкая на первый взгляд Ханна — идеальный солдат. Тайна ее рождения ревностно охраняется американским правительством. Ее миссия — отомстить бывшим работодателям отца, некогда секретного агента. Спецслужбы всего мира выходят на след девочки-убийцы. Охота начинается…
Man from Chamseddine #2
Лента повествует о путешествии близнецов — брата и сестры — на Ближний Восток, где они надеются найти своих родственников.
Sayidat Al Fajr
The grandfather
In a farm in the North, lives a saddened family : the grandfather, the mother locked in his memories, and two twin children. Their daughter Malika drowned in the village river, seven years ago, according to their belief, but in reality she left with a man. Only Mohamed, her husband, knows the truth. Death will come, in the guise of a beautiful woman wearing white, bringing anxiety to this peaceful home; she comes to pick up Mohamed, this one will be spared by the children... That night, Mohamed reports from the river a young stranger, Hiba, who will replace little by little Malika... ... During the festival of Achoura, Death returns. Is it for Hiba?
The shell necklace
A father searches for his son after he disappeared from view, especially after doubts were raised about his possibility of joining extremist groups
The Scent of the Sea
Following an unpunished crime, a village of fishermen in northern Morocco is rising up around Simo against the local drug boss.
Waiting for Pasolini
Thami works as an extra in foreign films shot in a small village near Ouarzazate. He became a friend of Pier Paolo Pasolini, who shot in 1966 his movie Oedipus Rex in Morocco. Forty years later, an Italian crew comes to Ouarzazate to shoot a film. Thami thinks his friend Pasolini is back in town and thus triggering cinema fever in all the locals.
The outskirts
Moroccan TV movie, its events revolve around the situation of a poor family living in one of the marginal neighbourhoods in the old city of Casablanca.
Братья C.R.A.Z.Y.
В Рождество, 25 декабря 1960 года, родился Захари Болье, четвёртый ребёнок в семье, состоящей из пяти мальчиков и их родителей. Обычная семья: любящая мать и отец, грубоватый, исполненный гордости своими сыновьями. Сложные трансформации личности, в ходе которых маленький мальчик взрослеет, изменяясь и внешне и внутренне, встречают отторжение и неприятие его отца. Жизнь семьи наполняется необычными и экстраординарными событиями.
The Great Journey
The Father
Reda, summoned to accompany his father on a pilgrimage to Mecca, complies reluctantly - as he preparing for his baccalaureat and, even more important, has a secret love relationship. The trip across Europe in a broken-down car is also the departure of his father: upon arrival in Mecca, both Reda and his father are not the characters they were at the start of the movie. Avoiding the hackneyed theme of the return to the homeland, the film uses the departure to renew a connection between two generation.
A young man has to return in Morocco to bury his father.
A Thousand Months
1981, Morocco. A village in the Atlas mountains. A city in the distance. A child. A family facing its destiny.
A Minute of Sun Less
Kamel Raoui, a young police inspector in Tanger, investigates the murder of drug-dealer Hakim Tahiri. The victim's mistress Touria, just living for her fatally-ill younger brother Pipo, is considered the main suspect, so Kamel learns more and more about their hard life circumstances. During the observation, the sexually-confused Kamel falls in love with the young woman, but realizes the imminence for Touria and Pipo too late.
Under Another Sky
Le père
Samy, a young Franco-Algerian, hits a policeman at a roadblock and must flee France. He takes refuge with his grandfather in Algeria. But he does not speak the local language, and everything is strange to him, even members of his family: Nadia his cousin, a pregnant widow; and Qu'Issam another cousin, who was expelled from France, and hates everything French. Samy's grandfather lives in the memory of a piece of land that no longer produces any wealth. Samy will never give the reason for his presence, but the chaotic climate of the country will revive the chaos that is in him.
Eclats du passé
A young lawyer, defending her father, the accused, whom she sees since she was a child.
Et après?
Mustapha, a young Moroccan living on small shots, meets a couple of Spanish tourists. The latter dragged him into a heavy traffic of hashish. Forced to flee his country, he finds himself on a makeshift boat, among other men. They are determined to clandestinely reach the Spanish shores in the hope of a bright future.
Wind Horse
Tahar is a retired blacksmith living with his son from his first marriage. After seeing his late second wife in a dream, he decides to visit her grave, in Azemmour. In the trip, he meets Driss who is going to Essaouira, looking for his mother whom he has never known after receiving a letter about her. The two men go to Marrakech together where Driss gets a combination motorbike that Tahar calls "wind horse". And they begin their journey together, first to Azemmour, then to Essaouira, looking for their past.
Oueld Al Hamria
Officier jaâjâ
The film is a police story centered on the character of "Ould Hamriya", a young man who lived a difficult childhood and a social situation that led him to the professionalism of theft and robbery of luxury villas with two partners, which created confusion among the security men who became after him everywhere
Пророк Иеремия - Обличитель царей
Царь Иосия решил очистить свою землю от языческих культов, истребляя капища Ваала и Астарты. В это время Иеремия, призванный на высшее пророческое служение, словом и делом поддерживал царя. После смерти Иосии начались религиозный разброд и политическая смута. Народ перестал верить пророчествам Иеремии, и сам он, как нарушитель общественного порядка, подвергался гонениям…
Царь Соломон. Мудрейший из мудрых
Сын Давида и Вирсавии, царь Соломон прожил бурную и героическую жизнь. Его правление называли «Божественным даром». Он прославился огромной мудростью, обладал неслыханными богатствами, построил величественный Иерусалимский храм и сделал свою страну могучим и процветающим государством. И, конечно же, у Соломона было очень много женщин — от красавицы Абишаг, прибывшей во дворец, чтобы скрасить последниегоды престарелого царя Давида, до Царицы Савской, о любовном и политическом союзе с которой говорил весь древний мир…