Jan Decorte

Jan Decorte

Рождение : 1950-05-09, Wilrijk, Belgium


Jan Decorte


Toute une nuit
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and rejection in the realm of romance.
Hedda Gabler
Jan Decorte's second feature film is an adaptation of the play Hedda Gabler by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Decorte moved the locus of action of Ibsen's realistic play from 1890 to 1950, twenty-eight years earlier than when the film was shot. The story begins when Hedda returns home from an overly long honeymoon with her newly wed but colourless husband Tesman. She is pregnant and will be courted by the writer Eljert Lövbor, an old lover who is about to break through with an exceptional novel of autobiographical quality [Avila].
Hedda Gabler
Jan Decorte's second feature film is an adaptation of the play Hedda Gabler by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Decorte moved the locus of action of Ibsen's realistic play from 1890 to 1950, twenty-eight years earlier than when the film was shot. The story begins when Hedda returns home from an overly long honeymoon with her newly wed but colourless husband Tesman. She is pregnant and will be courted by the writer Eljert Lövbor, an old lover who is about to break through with an exceptional novel of autobiographical quality [Avila].
Hedda Gabler
Jan Decorte's second feature film is an adaptation of the play Hedda Gabler by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Decorte moved the locus of action of Ibsen's realistic play from 1890 to 1950, twenty-eight years earlier than when the film was shot. The story begins when Hedda returns home from an overly long honeymoon with her newly wed but colourless husband Tesman. She is pregnant and will be courted by the writer Eljert Lövbor, an old lover who is about to break through with an exceptional novel of autobiographical quality [Avila].
Hedda Gabler
Jan Decorte's second feature film is an adaptation of the play Hedda Gabler by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Decorte moved the locus of action of Ibsen's realistic play from 1890 to 1950, twenty-eight years earlier than when the film was shot. The story begins when Hedda returns home from an overly long honeymoon with her newly wed but colourless husband Tesman. She is pregnant and will be courted by the writer Eljert Lövbor, an old lover who is about to break through with an exceptional novel of autobiographical quality [Avila].
Gombrowicz: Incidents, Adventures
An actor pretends to be a writer. He sits in his office, reflects and puts words to paper, which are then performed by Jan Decorte. The text influences the situations shown and vice versa [Avila].
Gombrowicz: Incidents, Adventures
An actor pretends to be a writer. He sits in his office, reflects and puts words to paper, which are then performed by Jan Decorte. The text influences the situations shown and vice versa [Avila].
Pierre lives with his mother in an antiquated house in a run-down working-class area. Every morning, Pierre takes the tram to his job at the town hall, where he listens to his colleagues' jokes over the lunch break. His only hope of banishing his boredom and frustration is a girl from the gymnastics club. One evening, when his mother is out of the house, he decides to invite her into his home [Avila].
Pierre lives with his mother in an antiquated house in a run-down working-class area. Every morning, Pierre takes the tram to his job at the town hall, where he listens to his colleagues' jokes over the lunch break. His only hope of banishing his boredom and frustration is a girl from the gymnastics club. One evening, when his mother is out of the house, he decides to invite her into his home [Avila].
Pierre lives with his mother in an antiquated house in a run-down working-class area. Every morning, Pierre takes the tram to his job at the town hall, where he listens to his colleagues' jokes over the lunch break. His only hope of banishing his boredom and frustration is a girl from the gymnastics club. One evening, when his mother is out of the house, he decides to invite her into his home [Avila].
Жанна Дильман, набережная Коммерции 23, Брюссель 1080
Sylvain Dielman
Жанна Дильман — вдова и мать-одиночка, живущая в квартире, адрес которой вынесен в название фильма. В фильме показаны три последовательных дня её жизни. Она застилает кровать, собирает сына-подростка в школу, готовит еду, идёт в магазин за покупками, пьёт кофе, моет посуду, вечером ужинает с сыном. Днём она занимается проституцией — принимает дома клиентов и тем обеспечивает себя и сына. На секс с клиентом отводится время, которое требуется картошке, чтобы свариться. На второй день в установленном порядке начинаются сбои...
Autour de Jeanne Dielman
During the filming of "Jeanne Dielman" Sami Frey recorded what was happening on the set. A film about a film in the making.