Jiří Bulis

Рождение : 1946-10-03,

Смерть : 1993-05-12


The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday
Bohus is indolent and spends his days drinking brandy. One day he finds he has inherited a brickworks, several shops and a five-star hotel. Bohus sets out to tour his new empire, insulting everyone on the way.
It's Better to Be Healthy and Wealthy than Poor and Sick
A satiric tragi-comedy about two women and their lover Robert who is an emigrant that keeps coming back. This film shows chaotic post-communist Europe after the fall of totalitarianism. Two opposite characters, women, meet during the Velvet Revolution in November 1989. Intellectual dissident Nona and a Communist secret police boss’ mistress Ester. They meet at an anti-regime demonstration and become friends. They don’t want anything to do with politics, both want to get married and have kids, but also get rich. Crazy plans and risky attempts to realize their shared dreams land them in many sticky situations in the post-revolution chaos. Too much money gets in the way of the power of friendship.
Sitting on a Branch, Enjoying Myself
Pepe and Prengel, returning from war, meet Ester and both fall in love with the girl and live together in a deserted house. Fanatic communist, Zelmira, wants to turn their world upside-down.
Путь через Дунай
Действие происходит на рубеже 1939-1940 годов на новой границе между нацистской Германией, Словакией и Венгрией. Молодой словак Виктор Леса возит на поезде из Словакии почту до крупного железнодорожного узла Люнденбург (бывший Бржецлав), где на ночной сортировке трудятся его хорошие знакомые, среди них и моравский еврей-полукровка Франтишек Тихачек. Однажды ребята учинили злую шутку с военной корреспонденцией, о чем прознало гестапо. Виктору и Францику удается сбежать в Словакию, но и там им оставаться было опасно, дальнейший путь - через Дунай в Венгрию, в Будапешт, оттуда в Югославию и куда-то еще.. На своем трудном, исключительно опасном и трагичном пути им будут помогать много разных людей, и не всегда бескорыстно.
Original Music Composer
The Jester and the Queen
Music Director
The movie is a satirical look at foreign occupation - a medieval Czech jester entertains a German king and his French wife, or a modern Czech villager helps a Bavarian hunter and his French wife find wild boar in Bohemia - the story switches back and forth between the two plots and time-periods.
Šťastný domov
Original Music Composer
Poslední leč
Am a Ea
Original Music Composer