Вернувшись после смерти матери в дом детства, журналистка Кармен открывает фамильную тайну, которую её семья хранила поколениями.
Camilo, an adolescent rower on a Xochimilco jetty, has his first sexual encounter with another man. One day he thinks he is being discovered by Beto, a colleague from work. When confronted, Camilo accidentally ends up revealing his homosexuality. Not knowing what to do, Camilo reacts violently and decides to flee Xochimilco.
In an abandoned warehouse, two children have something trapped in a sack. That something is not human and will alter the reality they know.
Galo has enough free space in his old and luxurious apartment so he asks Fama, an exgirlfriend with cash problems, to come live with him. She arrives with her Canadian boyfriend, Alex. They both couldn’t find themselves in a more comfortable situation: free space to live in, stocked fridge and no pressures to leave anytime soon. Nevertheless not everything goes smoothly for Fama while in there, specially with Carlota (the fourth roomate in the house) who seems to hold an interest for Alex.
Художник, уставший от жизни, покидает Мехико и отправляется в горы, чтобы подготовиться к смерти. В затерянной среди гор деревне он находит последнее пристанище в скромном домишке индейской вдовы. Завораживающая красота необъятного мира, открывшегося ему, доброта и человечность женщины пробуждают в нем жажду жизни и любви.