Danijel Pek


Even Pigs Go to Heaven
A road trip comedy about a pig that is about to lose her virginity amid a brewing war.
Девушка-подросток во время путешествия к Адриатическому морю решает заменить своего властного отца его богатым иностранным приятелем.
Just Like My Son
Having escaped from Afghanistan when still a child, Ismail now lives in Europe with his brother Hassan. After several disturbing phone calls, Ismail will have to face the destiny of his family, counting the cost of the senselessness of war and the history of his people, the Hazaras.
The Last Well
The year is 2037. Europe is in a state of complete breakdown. The owner of the last well of natural pure water becomes substitute father and husband. But when his well runs dry, he is forced to do the one last "trade".
Горан живет обычной жизнью в окружении друзей и близких в живописном занесенном снегом горном уголке Хорватии. Этой беззаботной идиллии приходит конец, когда жена сообщает Горану, что ждёт ребенка. Радостная новость повергнет героя в шок и отчаяние, что приведет к нелепому и жуткому исходу, а белоснежную зиму окрасит в цвет крови.
Director is working on a new film. He invites the main actor to the remote island of Vis so they can work on the script. Due to isolation they face on the island during the winter period, the two of them are unexpectedly faced with their own frustrations, which are constantly intertwined with the films plot in a strange way.
Freedom from Despair
Friend 1
True stories of the Croatian People's struggle to overcome oppression from communist Yugoslavia and the 1990's fight to save their war ravaged homeland.