Ken Dresen


Варварская мексика
Greg (segment 'Día de los Muertos')
Восемь мексиканских режиссеров объединяются, чтобы рассказать о самых жестоких ужасающих мексиканских традициях и легендах.
Día de los muertos
On the night of día de los muertos, the women of the strip club La Candelaria seek revenge on those who abused them.
Katie's Journey
A little girl must reconcile with her father after a family tragedy. Little does she know that her anger fueled drawings have the power to change reality.
Detective #2
After eating a chocolate, a lonely, newly divorced young man who creates artificial flavorings for a living begins having turbulent psychic visions of a beautiful woman that he has never met.
Secret Lives
An art professor is informed that the husband she thought died ten years before has just been murdered. So she starts to research her husband's secret life in search of the reason he disappeared and who might have killed him.