Costume Design
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A comedy about exchange of 12 apartments , which, its organizer, lawyer Radosta, rightly called Action Ball Lightning. To prepare, organize and execute the exchange of twelve apartments is a work worthy champions. Radosta, who was excellently played by Rudolf Hrušínský, solved all sudden difficulties and complications on the fly and with grace. To be sure that the on the D-day everything goes well he prepares a little rehearsal, which reveals many minor issues caused for example by wedding ordered to inappropriate term or hesitation of some participants. Last but not least a night exercise announced by drunk psychologist Knotků, creates a lot of confusion that nearly sabotaged the whole operation.
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Soviet engineer Kuznecov is coming to Prague as an expert on work with the tunneling shield in construction of the metro. He is returning after more than thirty years. In May 1945 as a young soldier in the Red Army he was seriously injured in the liberation of Prague and while recovering experienced a great love with a young teacher called Vera.
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Вашек никогда не видел своего деда, а дед внука. И вот из Праги мальчика отправляют погостить в прекрасных местах Шумавы у деда-егеря, который живет там в одиночестве. Много хлопот доставляет деду внук и одно из них, это чуть не устроенный пожар при попытке приготовить себе еду. Прекрасные места, приключения, любовь к дикой природе и ее животным укрепляет дружбу внука и деда. Но, приходит время и приходится расставаться...
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The town is waking up. The bus driver Josef Král is saying goodbye to his wife Vera who is in a state of advanced pregnancy. At the rolling mill, the master craftsman Mares is preparing for retirement, which is now only two days away. Elderly Simon who grows and sells vegetables at the market has problems with his wife. Their little home has to give way to a new development but the wife Simonka refuses to move out. The chairman of the workers' council has troubles with the miner Adam, who has started drinking. He doesn't know that Adam is getting divorced and fears he may lose his young son to his wife.
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Three short stories ("Zelenáči 1945", "Silvestr 1948" and "Zimní vítr 1951") about members of the SNB units guarding the Šumava border in the post-war years. Ivo Toman had artistic supervision over the debutants. The theme of the third short story was made in 1959 for the film "Entry Forbidden" by František Vláčil, who was also starting at the time.
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It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee to complete the eight woodcutters work team of Czechs, Slovaks and one Pole - the young guy is Martin Uher, a former clerk form Prague. The eight tough men do not trust the newcomer at first, but as time is passing, they got used to him. After some time, Martin gets next to Julika, a young wife of the gamekeeper Tkác (Vlado Müller) and they begin to go out secretly. The gamekeeper knows that Martin had promised to cooperate with German Gestapo, after he had experienced a hard interrogation. In avoiding to be a grass, Martin leaves Prague to hide in Slovak mountains. Tkác wants Martin to inform on his colleagues who hide guns in the forest to ready to use them against Nazis.
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Exotic, yet lyrically aimed fairy tale about a young gypsy Pista in search of a beautiful, gentle and faithful bride. An old man told him where to find a girl with those qualities, so Pista sets out on a journey to find the girl of his dreams without knowing that she is special: an hour a day human and rest of the day a chicken...
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In SIRIUS, a young boy whose most cherished companion is his loyal German shepherd devises his own form of resistance when the Nazis arrest his father, then order the confiscation of local canines, including his pet, to be retrained as attack dogs against the rebellious populace.
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Jana is forced to live in a foster home and always dreams about family reunion.
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No Woman is allowed into Karlstejn Castle! Yet the enamoured Daniele Kolářová and the equally enamoured Jana Brejchová manage to spend one night in disguise in the Castle despite the strict royal ban.
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A fifteen years old Jana escapes summer camp wearing nothing but bikini...
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Sixth-grade pupil Katka daydreams during a math class about being Snow White and being freed by a prince who looks very much like Dzery from the eighth grade. Katka, her girl friends Lenka and Martina, and her fellow-pupils Franta, Joska and freckled Vrabcák, have spent five years going to the same little one-class school in their home mountain village of Pastvina. Their kind teacher Smetácek was very understanding about their games and fantasies, but he didn't teach them much about arithmetic. They are now laughed at for their ignorance by the strict Bidlo, their new teacher at the near-by little town. As he does every year, Smetácek is preparing a theatre performance with the local children. Katka suggests the fairytale about Snow White
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Two days before Christmas. Zuzanka and Tomás, friends from a kindergarten wander off during a walk. They admire toys and decoration in shop-windows. Zuzanka shall receive a sledge as a Christmas present and Tomás even a desired little brother. At a shooting gallery Tomás aims at a target on the trunk of a blue elephant which can call in Christmas. The impatient Zuzanka pushes to her friend and he shoots directly to the elephant's red eye. Things which the owner of the shooting gallery warned about happened: the sun popped on the sky, the snow melted and all Christmas shopping has stopped. Both pushful children decide to get a new eye for the elephant so that everything can be set right.
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Marek (Jirí Holý), formerly a driver of a long-distance lorry, has served his term for smuggling art works abroad and is released from jail. Years ago, he sacrificed himself and confessed his guilt on behalf of his companions - the drivers Krása, Jelínek, Hess and Novák from the Ministry of Culture who gave them tips. Marek finds Hess and tells him that now he expects the gang to compensate him for the wasted years of his life.
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Зима. Горная чешская деревня. Снег, санки, снежки, снежние крепости, скачки - благодать! Двое пацанов по прозвищу Рыжик и Мышонок соперничают за лидерство. Один увлекается птицами (не курями, конечно, а благородными), другой - лошадьми. Вот так враждовали они, враждовали, устраивали друг другу подлянки и, наконец, подружились...
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The female employees of the poultry-processing factory find relief from their monotonous work in chatting about weddings and marriages. The very young Zdena (Marta Vancurová), too, dreams about a white veil and an entourage of bridesmaids. On her return home from work, she runs into a peculiar man on an abandoned road who pertinaciously offers to read her palm for a few crowns to buy soup. His augury is rather usual - wealth and poverty, suffering and happiness. Then however, he declares that Zdena must marry exactly on 3 November of that year otherwise she will be unhappy.
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When a noted professor receives a new treatment for his heart ailment, his outlook on life changes. Despite doctor's orders, he is determined to live out his final days on his own terms and fulfill his fantasies. He saves the life of a young woman who tries to kill herself after his recovery from heart surgery in this symbolic story of a man trying to determine his own fate in his last days alive.
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Даже спустя пятнадцать лет героя преследует студенческая шутка, за которую он в 50-х гг. был исключен из института и как враг народа отправлен на службу в штрафном батальоне. Он намеревается отомстить доценту-карьеристу, одному из тех, кто был причиной его несчастий. Но у его мести горький привкус.
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The Ronov castle has been changed into a hotel, offering stylish facilities to its guests: weddings in the torture chamber, a Black Lancer kidnapping brides, a night's lodging in a family tomb etc. The reformed petty swindler Felix Pacínek (Bohumil Smída) runs the hotel. The business is far from thriving; the place is half-empty, and the jazz band Skeleton, together with their singer Zuzanka (Jaroslava Obermaierová), decide to leave. Nobody in the hotel has any idea that the band is in fact a gang of thieves who have just robbed the Prague State Bank, taking two million crowns from its vaults.
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Разыскивались нацистские архивы, исчезнувшие в 1946 г. Нацистскими архивами интересовались и контрразведки некоторых других стран. Заполучить эти архивы прежде, чем это сделает кто-то другой, было задачей госбезопасности. Изучая различные документы, разговаривая со многими людьми, и том числе и с задержанными агентами иностранной разведки, многое удалось уточнить и даже установить в этом труднейшем и запутанном деле... Всё это даёт надежду, что в недалеком будущем нацистские архивы будут обнаружены.
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Oldrich is the runt of his village, beaten by his father, bullied by the other boys. But he has imagination of his side, and a wiry toughness they can’t defeat. The village is in turmoil, because the Nazi occupiers have just retreated and the Red Army is advancing. Oldrich dodges amid the mayhem and panic, taking his share of blows but always managing to stay one step ahead. Beautifully shot and darkly ironic, Karel Kachyna’s forgotten masterpiece jumbles reality, memory and fantasy to capture the intensity and confusion of childhood in a war zone.
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Три небольшие новеллы: «Магдалена» — о решительной девочке, которая уже не первый день в школе, ничего не боится и даже может позаботиться о робком однокласснике; «Обманщица» — о маленькой Ярмиле, которая облегчает свои обязанности маленькими обманами — например, симулирует кражу, желая заполучить новые туфли; и «Карп» — о сыне руководителя спортивного комплекса, который в предрождественское время выпускает рождественского карпа в плавательный бассейн.
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Jitka is a 12-year-old girl who feels the first stirring of love. She becomes friends with a young man who is hospitalized with paralysis. Jitka visits the man every day and witnesses his slow recovery, but she is unaware that she could have deeper feelings for him.
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A group of outcasts, including a vagabond and a prostitute, gather at the outskirts of the industrial area of a large Czech city, one of the things that helps some of them survive is alcohol.
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В основу фильма положены фактические события, происшедшие во время освободительной войны индонезийского народа против голландских колонизаторов в 1945-1947 годах на острове Калимантан. Картина рассказывает о мужестве и героизме индонезийских партизан, которые ради свободы своей родины шли на многочисленные лишения и жертвы.
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Экранизация одноименной книги Юлиуса Фучика о коммунистах-борцах, мужественных и преданных, которых не сломили ни пытки, ни ужасы гестаповских застенков.
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В Праге участились случаи смерти от сердечных заболеваний. Больные обычно принимали швейцарское лекарство с этикетками "кордофелин". На самом деле в тюбиках был витамин "В", который сам по себе вреда не приносил, но, рассчитывая на действие "кордофелина", больные переставали лечиться. Следователи Тума и Либал, проведя тщательное расследование, установили распространителей "лже-кордофелина", а через них разоблачили и арестовали самого преступника. Им оказался племянник директора склада медикаментов, которому нужны были деньги для побега за границу.
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О жизни рабочих пражской спичечной фабрики в буржуазной Чехословакии 19 века. В центре фильма - судьба молодого рабочего Йозефа, верившего в доброту и порядочность фабрикантов. Жестокая действительная реальность помогла Йозефу понять, что только совместной борьбой рабочие завоюют свои права.
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Еще в молодости актер Франтишек Лукавец и его преподаватель Владимир Тума стали врагами. Франтишек настоял на том, чтобы Туму как реакционера и враждебно относящегося к новой власти уволили из училища. Прошло много лет, и вот они вновь встретились на сцене одного театра. Франтишеку поручена роль Юлиуса Фучика, Тума в этом же спектакле играет роль гестаповца. По ходу действия гестаповец бьет Фучика. Воспользовавшись случаем, Тума на генеральной репетиции по настоящему избивает своего давнего врага. По лицу Франтишека течет кровь, но он все равно будет играть. Репетиция продолжается...
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В одном из небольших городов Чехословакии на строительной площадке была обнаружена неразорвавшаяся бомба. Бомбу необходимо разрядить. В этой обстановке, когда решается вопрос о жизни и смерти, выявляются истинные моральные качества людей. Одни, струсив, уходят в сторону. Другие идут на риск ради спасения товарищей. Бомба помогает людям лучше узнать и себя и других.
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