Lucrezia Guidone

Lucrezia Guidone

Рождение : 1986-06-03, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy


Lucrezia Guidone is a well-known personality already and people have been interested in knowing about her, but today suddenly the whole world is searching for Lucrezia Guidone. Known for her acting in the Netflix series "Fidelity", the Italian actress is taking the movies by storm


Lucrezia Guidone


Eravamo bambini
In a police station in a small village, a sergeant interrogates a young and frightened postman, known as "Cacasotto". He, normally known for being calm and good-hearted, was arrested for having threatened a policeman on patrol with a knife. Eventually, Cacasotto begins to speak with the cop. And he tells what happened twenty years earlier to him and to his five best friends: Gianluca, Walter, Peppino, Margherita and his little brother, Andrea.
Other Fathers
Giulio, a skilled salesman, father and caring husband, suddenly finds himself homeless, without money, and without a family, when his wife Annalisa asks for a divorce, forcibly removing him from his children with false accusations of violence and drugs.
Король смеха
Irma Gramatica
Красочная биография неаполитанского комедиографа-революционера, размышляющая над природой творчества и семейственности.
Nato Raro
The Naked Truth
A short film inspired by the work of Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud.
Senza distanza
There is a B&B where every room is a city of the world. You can choose the room-city you want to go to and you'll live in its time zone. It's a training course for long distance relationships. Apparently.
Девушка в тумане
Холодной зимней ночью психиатра Аугусто Флореса срочно вызывают на работу, чтобы обследовать попавшего в аварию инспектора Фогеля. Инспектор ничего не помнит, на месте аварии ничто не указывает на ее причину и на ее жертв, однако рубашка Фогеля в пятнах свежей крови, и эта кровь не его. В ходе беседы начинает восстанавливаться цепь невероятных событий, начавшихся месяц назад.Затерянный в Альпах сонный городок, рождественский вечер, туман. 16-летняя девушка Анна Лу, выйдя из дома, до празднично украшенной церкви так и не дошла. Нет ни тела жертвы, ни каких-либо следов борьбы, ни свидетелей — ничего. Вскоре в городе появляется инспектор Фогель, звезда сыска, специалист по поимке маньяков и серийных убийц…
Where the Shadows Fall
Nurse Anna and her assistant Hans work in an old folks’ home that was once the orphanage where they were imprisoned as children, and they still seem trapped in time and space.
Four of Us
James prepares for his eighth grade oral exams while his family is going through different times.
Мечта по-итальянски
На фоне зарождения протестного студенческого движения в Италии в связи с такими мировыми потрясениями как война во Вьетнаме, убийство Кеннеди, Мартина Лютера Кинга, смерть Че Гевары, разворачивается любовная история. Ее главные герои — двое молодых людей — харизматичный идейный вдохновитель протестного движения в римском университете, симпатичный полицейский, мечтающий стать актером, и студентка из хорошей благополучной семьи.
Giorgio is twenty years old, he is a boy like many others and since he was a child he loves to do two things: jump in puddles and put on make-up. He lives stuck in the house with a big secret, with his grandfather Ulisse, now forced to bed and who keeps him anchored in his past. Pushed by his best friend Ilaria, after the death of his mother Rosa, Giorgio finds himself having to make a big choice: leave and be reborn in a new body or stay with his grandfather and continue living in a bad memory?