Jordi López


Additional Editor
Люсия, танцовщица диско в бегах, укрывается в зловещем здании на окраине Мадрида, где живет ее сестра Росио с дочерью Альбой.
The streets of Barcelona, ​​thousands of people coinciding at the same time, eyes crossed lost in thought. Not realizing that even though it may seem unique, everyone has a story worth telling. People who live the moment that will change them forever, that will define and vindicate them. Moments in our lives where we have been, or will be, aware of a change of stage; of a before and an after. Moments when we feel like we’re dragging our backs every minute we’ve lived. Because we are all inside our chrysalis until someone breaks them and forces us to face the real world.
La mort petita
Adela is a single mother, hardworking and humble. While she works, her mother takes care of her son. Immersed in her obligations that don't allow her to think about her, she will be forced to open her eyes and face a new reality when, on an early morning, her mother runs away from home and begins to show the first signs of dementia.
Fifteen Love
Alexandra has been playing tennis for as long as she can remember. After years of training under the instructions of her father, Julio (a retired tennis player who intends to relive his victories through his daughter), she has become one of the most promising junior tennis players in the Spanish circuit. During one of the most important tournaments of the 1978 season, the increasing pressure from her father will exert on and off the court will begin to affect her mental health. With the arrival of adolescence and the questions it brings, Alex will realize that, perhaps, this is not her destiny.
Unboxing Ibai
Additional Editor
Esports streamer Ibai Llanos hacks the first unboxing of the new PS5 on Twitch, the world’s leading gaming platform. What initially appears to be a conventional streaming event becomes the first horror film ever produced, executed, and broadcast live, utilising a total of nine cameras, a production crew of seventy people, and an amazing display of live special effects.
Hopelessly Devout
A woman in a Catholic brotherhood in the south of Spain tries to be president in a world traditionally reserved to men.
Девушка из песни
Editorial Production Assistant
A young musician travels to Burning Man, a psychedelic festival in the middle of the Nevada desert, in an attempt to get the impetuous girl he has fallen in love with.
Dirty Wolves
Galicia, Spain, during the Second World War The life of Manuela, a mysterious miner who was branded a witch, changes with the arrival of an Allied commando, in charge of sabotaging the production of tungsten, a vital mineral for the continuity of the war effort of Nazi Germany.
Жизнь нескольких выживших на Земле пораженной ужасным вирусом превративших людей в настоящих диких животных ведомых инстинктами и жаждой убивать. Высоко в горах существует небольшое селение в котором проживают несколько человек, которым удалось избежать заражения. Но они совсем не поддерживают связь друг с другом, хотя когда-то очень давно они были самыми лучшими друзьями, а сейчас превратились в самых злейших врагов.
You and I
During an imaginary tour of David Bisbal, a young woman happens to take refuge in his caravan. That unexpected encounter brings about some emotional consequences that will mark the artist's life forever.
Production Runner
Тревор Резник не спит уже целый год. Превратившись в живой скелет, он балансирует на грани сна и реальности. Он устал отличать пугающие видения от странных событий своей каждодневной жизни, но в последнее время они стали пересекаться самым страшным и непредсказуемым образом.