Joe Patrick Ward


Очень противная свадьба
Устав от религиозного фанатизма и гомофобных настроений в своём родном городе в штате Техас, сёстры Лэтрей, Лаванда и тётя Сисси начинают борьбу с попытками «Общества против равенства» запретить однополые браки в округе. Только эти милые, яркие и смекалистые дамы могут спасти этот город.
Del Shores: Naked. Sordid. Reality.
Preacher (voice)
In this one man play, producer, playwrite and actor Del Shores plays six distinct characters he has created based on people in his life. They are all Southern caricatures but more complicated than they may at first seem.
Southern Baptist Sissies
Houston / Bro. Chafee
Southern Baptist Sissies is the live film of the GLAAD Award winning play by Del Shores. Southern Baptist Sissies is the story of four boys who are gay growing up in the Southern Baptist Church and how they each deal differently with the conflict between the teachings of the church and their sexuality.