Charles Vissières

Charles Vissières

Рождение : 1880-10-29, Caen, Calvados, France

Смерть : 1960-04-13


Charles Vissières


Воздушный змей с края света
the oldman
Улетев от своего маленького хозяина, воздушный змей смог преодолеть расстояние от Китая до Парижа. И в этом густонаселенном городе он решил сделать посадку. Но опустился он не на Эйфелеву башню, не вблизи Триумфальной арки и даже не на Монмартре, где, скорее всего, на него никто не обратил бы внимание. А угораздило его приземлиться в одном из пригородов Парижа на обычное дерево. И в этом месте он стал центром внимания здешней детворы. Но вот загвоздка, как снять этого «пришельца» с дерева, которое по высоте не уступает некоторым домам. В среде мальчишек, как это ведется, произошел раскол. Пока одному из них не пришла удивительная мысль - загнать на это дерево кота одной сердобольной старушки. С тем расчетом, что прибывшие пожарные смогли бы снять не только бедное животное, но и удивительного «гостя». Именно с этой плана и начинается череда приключений для местных ребят, двоим из которых удастся побывать и в самом Китае.
The Rebels of Lomanach
Un marquis
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Возвращение Дона Камилло
Il vescovo
Во втором фильме о пасторе доне Камилло, герой возвращается в родной городок, после вынужденной ссылки за плохое поведение.
My Husband Is Marvelous
Le membre de l'institut
A young journalist, Sylvia, has to interview a writer, Claude Chatel, whose success is due to his misogyny.
Endless Horizons
The life story of famed French aviatrix Helene Boucher is detailed in Horizons sans fin (Endless Horizons). Giselle Pascal stars as Boucher, who is first seen in 1930, leaving her millinery shop behind in favor of the wild blue yonder. Though the world of aviation was still essentially an all-male one (despite England's Amy Johnson and America's Amelia Earhart), Boucher perseveres, eventually breaking all existing male and female speed and height records. A bit slow on the uptake in the dramatic scenes, the film soars (no pun intended) during the aerial sequences. Horizons san Fin was the winner of the Catholic Award at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
The Road to Damascus
The old
Saul De Tarse is a Roman soldier who is making rough all over. He arrives at the Golgotha when the apostles remove the cross. He ruthlessly persecutes the Christians, even though they are his own friends.
Woman Are Angels
In order to inherit her husband's old aunt more quickly, a greedy peasant woman engages in various dishonest maneuvers.
L'éternel espoir
The war will separate the members of the Valon family, two sons Alexandre and Antoine being prisoners, while the youngest Gilbert enters the secret army. Only their sister, Denise, will stay on the farm with her grandfather and grandmother. The Germans invade the free zone.
Rooster in dough
A famous lawyer is irritated to see his fiancée spending her time trying to educate Languille, a tramp. Wanting to discourage his Saint-Bernard side, he asks a young engineer to introduce himself to her, under the guise of a tramp. But his plan turns against him, because the young man falls in love with his beautiful.
The Case Against X
A wealthy financier is murdered in his desirable mansion.Two lieutenants, a tough guy and a rookie, investigate.
Маленький мир Дона Камилло
Il Vescovo
Вся драматургия запутанных дружеско-вражеских отношений пастора с коммунистами основывается на том, что мэр Пеппоне и его соратники — простецы. Таковых же Господь любит — «блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они Бога узрят»…
Le vieux normand dans le train
Три истории об удовольствии. Первая — о скрывающем свой возраст за маской мужчине, который во время бала пытается ухлестывать за женщинами. Вторая — об управляющей публичного дома, которая везет своих работниц на причастие к племяннице. Третья — о художнике, который влюбляется в свою натурщицу.
Paris Vice Squad
'Grand-père', l'expert graphologue
Identite Judiciare stars Raymond Souplex as wily French police inspector Basquier. The villain is Berthet (Jean Debucourt), a high-ranking government official. Basquier suspects that Berthet is a vicious murderer, but is unable to prove anything thanks to bureaucratic interference. Thus, the good inspector plays a waiting game a la Columbo, hoping for that one fatal slip on the part of the killer. Certain portions of Identite Judiciare proved a bit too intense for American audiences, and were accordingly snipped by the censors.
Under the Paris Sky
Le vieil homme (uncredited)
Fates of multiple otherwise disconnected characters intertwine miraculously under the sky of Paris. And it all happens in one day.
Rue des Saussaies
The witness
The brother of Jeanne Masson, a young nightclub singer, has been murdered by Brasier, a criminal who pretends to be a respectable man. Jeanne has resolved to avenge her brother but she just cannot take action herself. The way she finds is to ask police detective Pierre Leblanc to help her do it. Pierre gives his agreement and starts following the trail. He soon finds out that Brasier belongs to a gang whose boss, Cortedani, has ordered the murder.
Lost Souvenirs
Le fidèle valet (uncredited)
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Le concierge du théatre (uncredited)
Фильм повествует о карусели страстей, в которую попадают несколько человек в Вене 1900-го года.
The Elders of Saint-Loup
Le Portier
Due to financial problems, the boarding-school of Saint-Loup is on the verge of closing its doors. In desperation, Jacquelin, the headmaster, has the idea to invite former students to a fund-raising reunion. Among the alumni, three men whose common point is to have been in love at the time with the headmaster's niece. One is a banker, the second a priest and the last one a globetrotter. All of a sudden, the peace of the assembly is disturbed: Jacquelin's niece has just been murdered.
Mademoiselle de la Ferté
Le curé
Anne seeks revenge on Jacques who betrayed her trust. She decides to poison him and the people close to him.
Dr. Laennec
Breton doctor René Laennec fights tooth and nail against consumption, all the more desperately as his brother Michaud has just died of it.
Suzanne and Her Brigands
Suzanne is a lawyer, she's just got her degree and she is married to a cop. We follow her through three investigations.
An Old Man (uncredited)
История Манон Леско перенесена в первые послевоенные годы. Робер Дегриё, солдат армии французских повстанцев, встречает Манон, когда разъяренная толпа пытается линчевать девушку за сотрудничество с немцами. Робер берет несчастную под стражу до суда, но, очарованный её красотой, бежит вместе с ней в Париж. Добравшись до столицы, молодые люди оказываются под влиянием брата девушки, Леона Леско - мелкого мошенника и контрабандиста. Любящая деньги и роскошную жизнь Манон начинает изменять Дегриё с богатыми любовниками, поощряемая собственным братом, который стремится извлечь выгоду из авантюр сестры. Вскоре безнадежно влюбленный в красавицу Робер также становится на преступную стезю…
Such a Pretty Little Beach
The Old Man
During the cold and rainy off-season a man arrives in a seaside town and, giving his name only as Pierre, checks into the only hotel which remains open. His arrival arouses curiosity and a degree of suspicion, as people note that he appears to know the area, yet gives no explanation for his presence at that bleak time of year in the dead-end town.
The Spice of Life
Le speaker
A series of vignettes, in which Noel-Noel appears as the moderator, lecturer, commentator and leading actor, that examine the bores and pests of everyday life much like Pete Smith and Robert Benchley had done for years in American short subjects. Among those are the Practical Joker who will do anything for a laugh; the Party Entertainer who never stops singing; the Talkative Neigbor who forgets the time; the noisy neighbors who dance the tango all night; and women drivers, people who telephone at meal time, the friend you never saw before and amatuer medical experts. Much use of trick photography, montages, puppets and animation along with some adult Gallic wit and gentle satire.
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Le beau-père
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
Le docteur Jacquier
After losing her only child and falling for another man, a wife no longer loves her husband, but he thinks if he takes her back to some of the places they enjoyed in earlier years, it might rekindle their doomed marriage.
The Lost Village
In the peaceful alpine village of Granges-de-Mortes, a tragedy has just taken place: Gustave Boeuf, the local Casanova, has mysteriously died at the foot of a wayside cross. Shortly afterwards, a peasant, who is suspected of having murdered him, hangs himself from a branch of the calvary. But was he the real culprit? Angélique Barrodet, an old maid , who had been Gustave's fiancée before he abandoned her on the very day of their wedding, leads the investigation in her own way.
Набережная Орфевр
Париж, Франция, декабрь 1946 года. Дженни Ламур, амбициозная певица кабаре, и Морис, ее крайне ревнивый муж-пианист, оказываются вовлечены в тщательное расследование убийства сомнительного бизнесмена, которое ведет Антуан, своеобразный и методичный инспектор полиции.
Антуан и Антуанетта
L'Habitué du Tabac
В пятницу вечером Антуан, типографский служащий, и Антуанетта, работница магазина на Елисейских полях, возращаются с работы домой. Антуанетта подвергается постоянным домогательствам одного торговца, кроме того пара постоянно испытывает материальные трудности. Всё это даёт им поводы для частых ссор. Но однажды их судьба делает резкий поворот: купленный Антуанеттой лотерейный билет оказывается выигрышным, и наконец сбывается мечта Антуана о покупке мотоцикла с коляской. За этим следует масса событий: потеря билета, его поиски, прогулка на лодке по озеру в Булонском лесу, игра в футбол в королевском парке…
Devil in the Flesh
In France during World War I, Marthe waits for her husband, Jacques, while he fights on the front lines. Marthe then begins a tempestuous affair with 17-year-old François, with whom she had a dalliance before marrying Jacques. Jealous François struggles with the fact that Marthe is married, while she tries to prove her devotion to her young, hotheaded lover. Things become even more complex when Marthe becomes pregnant with Jacques' baby.
Clockface Cafe
Victor, garçon de café
Julien Couturier (Bernard Blier) and his wife Louise (Blanchette Brunoy), a young couple from Auvergne who have come to Paris to try their luck for the first time in their lives, become the owners of the "Café du Cadran" ("Clockface Cafe"). On opening day, they meet the people who will become their clientele. It's a busy place, with regular customers served by two waiters, Jules (Robert Le Fort) and Victor (Charles Vissières). While Julien is comfortable in his role as boss, Louise doesn't quite get used to this urban world, where everything moves faster, especially human feelings. She often misses Marcenait, the village in Auvergne where she and her husband ran the "Café du Commerce". Mr. Luigi (Aimé Clariond), a café customer and violinist who performs at the "Café de Paris", has undertaken Louise's cultural education. He teaches her how to dress and do her hair, while recounting his musical successes and travels, skilfully playing on his undeniable seductiveness...
The Kids Are Leading the Investigation
When Monsieur Crauqual, the supervisor, is found hanging, all wonder why this rather rich person decided to kill himself. And when a pupil is found hanging too, François and his friends decide to investigate. They are certain there is a killer within the walls of Collège François 1er and determined to prevent him from going on running wild.
Not Guilty
An alcoholic doctor accidentally kills someone and manages to make the death look like an accident. The episode triggers a sense of confidence and he resolves to correct the miseries of his life.
A wealthy man has two sons,one of them is legitimate,the other is not.The first offspring has had a life of luxury and he has become a lazy good for nothing whereas the youthful indiscretion has turned into an artist.He is nicknamed "Gringalet" .Now his father wants him to meet his half-brother ,his mother-in-law and the rest of the family. Gringalet will turn this bourgeois family upside down:they become nice,the big brother becoming a perfect businessman who stops scouring nightclubs to spend most of his time with his fiancee Josette.There's the rub,cause Gringalet is also in love with her.
The Idiot
Muichkine, a young Russian prince, returns home to St. Petersburg from a mental institution, determined to spread decency and kindness in the harsh and cruel world. He becomes betrothed to an innocent young girl while trying to save a less-innocent woman from her own travail, but jealousy and his own naivete conjoin to bring about unimaginable tragedy.
Strange Fate
Patrica is the wife of Alain de Saulieu, a handsome engineer. She unfortunately loses her husband, who is killed in action during a battle of the First World War. At least, this is only the official truth, for Alain is not dead. Patricia indeed recognizes him one day. But the inverse does not work the other way around: Alain has become amnesiac and he does not remember her. And worst of all, he lives in a conjugal relationship with Germaine, his dedicated nurse, who is now pregnant by him. What has the future in store then for the three (not to say four) of them?
L'ange qu'on m'a donné
During the 1940 exodus, a young girl takes in a baby to whom she becomes deeply attached.
Roger the Disgrace
Roger Laroque, an honest industrialist, is the victim of a criminal machination by Julia de Noirville, his possessive and jealous mistress allied to the perfidious Paul Luversan, meant to make Roger take responsibility for the crime he himself committed. Laroque is sent to prison, from where he escapes by sea. When he is reported missing, it looks like he drowned. But he reappears with revenge as his objective. He also wants his daughter Suzanne back. For his wife, it's too late, she died of grief.
Барбизонское искушение
Портье издательства Мишель и сотрудница того же издательства Мартина очень любят друг друга и решают пожениться. Однажды после работы они вместе возвращаются домой и не подозревают, что всего через несколько часов их счастье окажется под угрозой. Ведь этим же вечером в маленькой загородной гостинице дяди Мартины появились два странных постояльца.
An Alsatian, head of a section of the Gestapo, is actually spying on behalf of the French and dismantling a Nazi network. His activities are brought to light by the Germans and he owes his life only to the intervention of a young woman.
Клетка для соловьев
Le vieux garçon de bureau
Преподаватель Клеман Матье публикует в ежедневной газете рассказ о своей работе в интернате для неблагополучных детей. Благодоря изобретательности и пониманию, а не строгости и жестокости, он быстро снискал расположение подростков и организовал в учреждении хор.
L'Enfant de l'amour
This woman's melodrama pivots around a child that a famous actress had in her youth, but whom she has concealed from the wealthy businessman she is now with.
Good Evening Ladies, Good Evening Gentlemen
To teach a lesson to his young wife who dreams of the famous "voiceless singer", a husband enters a radio station and manages to make people appreciate his voice.
In Paris in 1887, Irène works as a governess to Douce, the grand-daughter of the dowager Countess de Bonafé. Douce believes she is in love with Fabien, the handsome manager of the estate. However she cannot hope to marry him because of their class difference. Douce's widowed father, the Count de Bonafé, has a wooden leg, and is infatuated with Irène. Douce discovers that Fabien is planning to flee to Quebec with Irène, and also finds out that the Count has asked Irène to marry him. So Douce tells Fabien this and convinces him to run away with her, causing consternation in the family.
My Love is Near You
The servant (uncredited)
An opera singer is stricken with amnesia and, on the evening of a premiere (in his stage costume which is that of a tramp), he goes to wander with real tramps.
The Phantom Baron
Toussaint - le domestique
Elfy, Countess of Saint-Hélié's daughter, was brought up with her foster sister Anne, in an old dilapidated castle whose landlord, Baron Julius Carol, disappeared mysteriously some day. The two girls had a playmate, Hervé, the son of the gamekeeper. Now that they are adult, Anne is in love with Hervé while Elfy thinks she loves the young man. One day, the baron's mummified body is found in an oubliette and the secret of the estate is revealed...
Carnival of Sinners
A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Незнакомцы в доме
Le greffier de Ducup (uncredited)
В доме систематически пьющего адвоката убивают парня. По обвинению в убийстве перед судом предстает юноша, влюбленный в дочь мэтра. Адвокат берется за защиту молодого человека и блистательно ее проводит…
Аннет и блондинка
The Sheriff (uncredited)
Аннет, 17-летняя девочка, безумно влюблена в адвоката Мориса Усарда. К сожалению, сорокалетний адвокат занят богатой американкой. Аннетт делает всё, чтобы завоевать его, до того дня, когда её родители познакомят её с молодым человеком, отец которого знал отца Аннетт.
Последний из шести
Le concierge
В небольшой комнате несколько человек находятся в тревожном ожидании. Шестеро друзей, уставшие от нищеты и вечных долгов, собрали свои последние деньги и отправили самого удачливого среди них в казино сыграть в рулетку на счастье. Удача улыбается ему, и он возвращается с кучей денег. На эти деньги можно весело прожить всей компании месяц, а можно более скромно растянуть их на полгода. Друзья решили еще раз сыграть на удачу и испытать судьбу, разделив все деньги на шесть частей. Разъезжаясь, они договариваются, что встретятся через 10 лет. И если кому-то повезет, и он разбогатеет, то поделится честно деньгами с остальными. Перед расставанием друзья составляют письменный договор, в котором в случае смерти одного из них остальные наследуют его состояние. И вот прошло пять лет, и одного из шести убивают по пути во Францию при таинственных обстоятельствах. Начав расследование, инспектор Уэнс вскоре обнаружит, что кто-то пытается устранить всех шестерых мужчин, — но с какой целью?
Sacred Woods
Despite her success, writer Francine Margerie is let down to see that she is not nominated for the Legion of Honor award. One solution could be to sleep with Champmorel, the Director of Fine Arts and one of the judges for the awarding of the coveted medal.
Cavalcade of Love
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!
Cordial Agreement
Le médecin
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.