Penelope Buitenhuis

Penelope Buitenhuis

Рождение : , Toronto, Canada


Penelope Buitenhuis is a Canadian director and screenwriter.


Penelope Buitenhuis


A Family's Secret
While trying to save up for nursing school, Ana takes a remote post as a personal care worker for a wealthy woman with early onset dementia. But as she grows close to her new client, Joan, Ana becomes concerned that Joan's spoiled daughter, Carla, is trying to murder her to get her hands on her inheritance. Ana strikes up a romance with Joan's other adult child, Jason, who assures her Carla doesn't mean any harm, but Ana comes to realize he's deceiving her as well. Can Ana protect Joan, or will she get caught in the crossfire?
Therapy Nightmares
Leah is an accomplished therapist who published a memoir about overcoming an abusive relationship. But she finds she's the subject of new threats...
Я серийный убийца?
Девочка-подросток навещает свою маму в тюрьме перед смертной казнью и попадает в опасную ловушку, которая заставит ее взять на себя вину за преступления своей матери.
Охотник на любовниц
Чтобы собрать собрать улики против неверного мужа и подготовиться к бракоразводному процессу, Джеки нанимает так называемого охотника на любовниц. Но, когда мужа вместе с любовницей находят мёртвыми, охотник испаряется, а Джеки становится главной подозреваемой в двойном убийстве.
Её украденное прошлое
После того, как её мать убивают при загадочных обстоятельствах, Соня находит среди её вещей свидетельство о рождении девочки, похищенной двадцать пять лет, назад и нанимает частного детектива, чтобы найти убийц и узнать, как пропавшая девочка связана с её семьёй.
Death of a Vegas Showgirl
Two talented dancers become swept up in a tumultuous association that spirals into compulsion.
Newlywed and Dead
Young newlywed Kristin begins to doubt her husband Jay's love when his aunt and rival is found murdered. Kristin starts to investigate the death, and Jay's checkered past, only to become his next target. Starring: Shenae Grimes-Beech, Samantha Ferris.
My Life as a Dead Girl
When runaway teenager Chelsea is mistakenly killed by her friend Brittany's pimp, Brittany returns to what remains of the family Chelsea left years ago. Brittany's doing her best to get by under her assumed identity, until the truth begins to emerge. Then the vengeful pimp shows up.
Client Seduction
A high-profile defense attorney determined to change her image takes on a pro bono case, which soon threatens both her and her family.
Honor Student
At a book signing for his best seller, Nicholas Howarth is confronted by sexy Teresa Smith, who says he stole the story when he was her teacher in a woman's prison. Teresa has killed before and won't be stopped as she sets out to destroy Nicholas's reputation, his marriage and his life in her goal to write the final chapter of Honor Student.
Адская гонка
Став случайными свидетелями кровавого жертвоприношения, группа туристов вынуждена спасаться от банды байкеров-сатанистов, преследующих их на пустынном техасском шоссе. Добравшись до заброшенной церкви, люди воспринимают ее как убежище, однако здесь их ждет новый кошмар — загадочный мальчик, скрывающий страшную тайну, и священник с необычной божественной миссией на Земле…
Адская гонка
Став случайными свидетелями кровавого жертвоприношения, группа туристов вынуждена спасаться от банды байкеров-сатанистов, преследующих их на пустынном техасском шоссе. Добравшись до заброшенной церкви, люди воспринимают ее как убежище, однако здесь их ждет новый кошмар — загадочный мальчик, скрывающий страшную тайну, и священник с необычной божественной миссией на Земле…
Знаете ли вы меня
Отмечая выпускной в компании друзей, юная Элли Картер замечает на пакете молока фотографию пропавшей девочки, как две капли воды похожей на нее. Решив пошутить, Элли звонит оп указанному номеру, однако в ходе разговора становится все очевиднее, что это и вправду может быть она.
Шепот острова
Two cousins, Jill and Patti, visit a quaint little town on a perfect little island.Patti came to visit a man she had met and brought her cousin Jill to tag along.The two meet some local men and seem to spark relationships with them. Patti seeks to impress the new mystery man she has met. Patti puts all things aside and goes running off with the man she has recently met.Eventually Patti disappears.Jill looks everywhere for her cousin. Strange things start to happen and finding Patti becomes quite challenging with missed phone calls and ferries that have left. Jill seeks for more answers and continues to push to locate her missing cousin. Jill will stop at nothing to uncover where Patti is.Jill starts to uncover the deep dark secrets of this perfect little island. No one has died on this island in centuries and Jill soon discovers why. It is a secret Jill must expose.
Wide Awake
Cassie has no problem falling asleep -- it's staying awake that's the hard part, because she's narcoleptic. Fortunately for Cassie, she works in a lab that has just created a serum to treat this disruptive condition. However, when subjects in the trial for this new drug start dropping dead, she uncovers a conspiracy that sends her on a dangerous pursuit of the truth. Will she fall asleep on the job? Let's hope not -- she's got a lot of bullets (and sleep-deprived hallucinations) to dodge along her road to justice.
Time and Again
When Anna Malone finds an old music box hidden in a house she is renovating, she has no idea the joys, sorrows, and hidden dangers it will bring.
The Secret of Hidden Lake
After her dad is critically injured in a so-called hunting accident, Maggie returns to her hometown in the mountains of Colorado to be by his side. But during her stay, this devoted daughter learns that the shooting was no mistake. As Maggie attempts to unravel the mystery of what really happened, secrets start to surface that put her life in grave danger! Grab some popcorn and kick back for this thrill ride.
Past Tense
Trying to prove to her daughter that her nightmares aren't real, widowed mother Kim Shay 'investigates,' unwittingly bringing danger into their lives. Kim follows a trail that not only leads to the killer of a past victim, but also of her own husband.
Смертоносные твари
В городке Сьюмас в штате Вашингтон происходят странные события. Погибают племенные коровы, труп одного фермера находят на обочине дороги, а другой бесследно исчезает. Шериф Линдон Харрис не видит связи между этими событиями. Но местный эксперт по пчелам Райли Мюир считает виновниками всех этих происшествий африканских пчел-убийц. Для Линдона это предположение похоже на сбывшийся кошмар, ведь он с детства панически боится пчел. Шериф Харрис и Райли Мюир бьют тревогу, но жители города не желают их слушать. Действуя на свой страх и риск, Харрис и Мюир пытаются изолировать гнезда пчел-убийц. Но их рой оказывается настолько огромным, что закрывает собой все небо. Застав жителей врасплох, пчелы-убийцы атакуют беззащитный город…
Lucky Day
Nora Barkin is an aspiring actress who supports herself by working for a courier service. No sooner has Nora's friend and coworker Bill Reagan jubilantly announced that he possesses a lottery ticket worth 13 million dollars than Bill is killed by an unknown assailant. Though discouraged from doing so by investigating detective Marinello, Nora insists upon trying to solve Bill's murder herself.
Dangerous Attraction
A successful ad agency woman finds herself in a dangerous power struggle, back-dropped by murder, when she begins to uncover the true identity of the two men she is dating.
Tokyo Girls
Tokyo Girls is a candid journey into the world of four young Canadian women who work as well-paid hostesses in exclusive Japanese nightclubs. Lured by adventure and easy money, these modern-day geisha find themselves caught up in the mizu shobai - the complex "floating water world" of Tokyo clubs and bars. Drawn by fast money, some women become consumed by the lavish lifestyle and forget why they came. One hostess calls it "losing the plot." With a pulsating visual style, Tokyo Girls captures the raw energy of urban Japan and its fascination with the new. Shot in Canada, Osaka and Tokyo, this is a riveting inside look at the impact of the "economy geisha." Desired mainly for her looks, the hostess is rapidly replacing the cultural institution of geisha - women trained in the ancient art of traditional entertainment.
Wandering Marxwards
A political and poetic wondering/wandering about the relevance and context of re-reading Marx 150 years after the publication of The Communist Manifesto
Giant Mine
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute.
A street prostitute takes in an abused young woman on the run from her misogynist boyfriend, leading to both facing off against the prostitute's dreaded pimp and a relentless police detective out to arrest all of them.
A young Canadian woman who sings in Kreuzberg in a rock band, and her boyfriend, who lives in a politically active flat-sharing community. Due to the new capital situation, demolished buildings suddenly become sought-after buildings. The living and working situation of the musicians and other scene-people deteriorates massively.
A young Canadian woman who sings in Kreuzberg in a rock band, and her boyfriend, who lives in a politically active flat-sharing community. Due to the new capital situation, demolished buildings suddenly become sought-after buildings. The living and working situation of the musicians and other scene-people deteriorates massively.