Charles Meredith

Charles Meredith

Рождение : 1894-08-27, Knoxville, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 1964-11-28


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Charles Meredith (August 27, 1894 – November 28, 1964) was an American film and television actor. Meredith was born in Knoxville, Pennsylvania. He was a popular silent film leading man and played opposite such actresses as Blanche Sweet, Mary Miles Minter, Florence Vidor, and others in romantic drama and comedy films. In 1924, he left his film career for work on the stage. He returned to film in 1947 where he played a number of small character roles. Toward the end of his career, he turned to television as well, notably as Secretary Drake in the Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (1954) series. He also appeared in three episodes of The Lone Ranger, each time as a doctor. He died, aged 70 in 1964, in Los Angeles, California.


Charles Meredith


The Quick Gun
Rev. Staley
Gunslinger Murphy helps an ungrateful town fight off a raid by his former gang.
The Incredible Mr. Limpet
Fleet Admiral
Milquetoast Henry Limpet experiences his fondest wish and is transformed into a fish. As a talking fish he assists the US Navy in hunting German submarines during World War II.
Defense Attorney (uncredited)
Эдди Филиппс убивает и берет личность своей недавно овдовевшей богатой сестры — близняшки Маргарет Де Лорка. Эдди пытается жить жизнью сестры, но вскоре узнает отвратительные секреты ее бытия и понимает, что жизнь Маргарет не совсем то, на что она рассчитывала. Но обратного пути нет, и Эдди все глубже погружается в извращенную жизнь сестры, пытаясь выдать себя за неё…
Семь дней в мае
Senate Committee Member (uncredited)
Популярность президента США Лимена падает, этим решает воспользоваться генерал ВВС Джеймс Скотт: с помощью военного переворота он решает устранить «слабого» руководителя страны. О заговоре случайно узнат ближайший помощник Скотта полковник Кейси, и перед ним встаёт трудный выбор: спасти страну и президента — значит, предать своего командира.
11 друзей Оушена
Mr. Cohen (Mortician) (uncredited)
Когда-то бравые солдаты 82-ой воздушно-десантной дивизии, а теперь обыкновенные, уже не молодые, да и не очень удачливые мужчины заняты поиском себя в этой жизни и конечно добычей денег. Поэтому у каждого из них нашлись те или иные причины, по которым они согласились участвовать в одной опасной авантюре. Ее вместе с известным аферистом разработал их однополчанин сержант Джон Оушен. Он собрал 11 бывших десантников своего отделения и предложил им ограбить несколько казино в Лас-Вегасе…
Noose for a Gunman
Minister (uncredited)
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
The Guns of Fort Petticoat
Commanding Officer (uncredited)
Opposing his commanding officer's decision to attack a group of innocent Indians and wipe them out, Lt. Frank Hewitt leaves his post and heads home to Texas. He knows that the attack will send all of the tribes on the warpath and he wants to forewarn everyone. He gets a chilly reception back home however. With most of the men away having enlisted in the Confederate army Frank, a Union officer, is seen by the local women as a traitor. He convinces them of the danger that lies ahead and trains them to repel the attack that will eventually come.
High Tor
Biggs Sr.
High Tor is a 1936 play by Maxwell Anderson. Twenty years after the original production, Anderson adapted it into a television musical with Arthur Schwartz. Anderson first considered a musical adaptation of High Tor for television in 1949. He and John Monks Jr. adapted the play as a made-for-television musical fantasy in 1955, with music by Arthur Schwartz and lyrics by Anderson. High Tor was filmed in November 1955 by Desilu Productions at the RKO-Pathé Studio and broadcast March 10, 1956 on the CBS television network, as a 90-minute episode of the series Ford Star Jubilee. Bing Crosby, Julie Andrews, Nancy Olson, Hans Conreid, and Keenan Wynn starred in the film, produced by Arthur Schwartz, and directed by James Neilson.
Одинокий рейнджер
Джон Рейд, Техасский рейнджер, единственный среди друзей чудом выживший в жестокой засаде, брошен умирать в пустыне. Но случайно оказавшийся неподалеку индеец своими заговорами и травами выхаживает раненого, после чего тот становится ярым мстителем для убийц своих товарищей.
Menace from Outer Space
Drake - Secretary of Space
A nontheatrical (16mm) film comprise of three contiguous episodes of the TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger".
Beyond the Moon
Secretary Drake
This outer space adventure marked the debut of Rocky Jones and his Space Rangers. Two of Rocky's allies are captured by aliens and brain washed.
Forbidden Moon
Commissioner Drake
Rocky Jones is dispatched to investigate an SOS received from a space station. He finds that the station is filled with deadly radiation brought by an evil ruler who is immune to the radiation, and plans to use it to take over the universe.
Manhunt in Space
Secretary of Space Drake
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger fights space pirates over an invisible spaceship.
New York Confidential
Story follows the rise and subsequent fall of the notorious head of a New York crime family, who decides to testify against his pals in order to avoid being killed by his fellow cohorts.
The Gypsy Moon
Secretary of Space Drake
Rocky Jones and his buddies happen upon two strange moons orbiting each other. They soon discover that both are inhabited by civilizations at war with each other. Needless to say, Rocky and his crew do their utmost to bring about peace.
Crash of Moons
Secretary of Space Drake
A three-part episode from the TV series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger edited together and released as a feature for 16mm rental only. Season 1 episodes 21, 22, 23. Episode 21: Rocky saves a space station and his friends when they are trapped between gypsy moons. Episode 22: Cleolanthe tries to destroy one of the gypsy moons with a barrage of missiles. Episode 23: Rocky evacuates the gypsy moon Posetta and stops Cleolanthe's missile barrage.
Silver Needle in the Sky
Secretary of Space Drake
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
Silver Needle in the Sky
Secretary Drake
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
Three Lives
A short film made for the United Jewish Appeal, reuniting the main players behind The Sniper, writers Edna and Edward Anhalt, director Edward Dmytryk, and star Arthur Franz.
Cattle Town
The governor of Texas sends a cowboy to keep the peace between ranchers and a land baron.
The Big Trees
Elder Bixby
In 1900, unscrupulous timber baron Jim Fallon plans to take advantage of a new law and make millions off California redwood. Much of the land he hopes to grab has been homesteaded by a Quaker colony, who try to persuade him to spare the giant sequoias...but these are the very trees he wants most. Expert at manipulating others, Fallon finds that other sharks are at his own heels, and forms an unlikely alliance.
Есть место ещё для одного
Mr. S. Thatcher
В семье инженера Джорджа Роуза было трое детей, когда его жена Анна решила взять из приюта еще двух детей – проблемную девочку-подростка и еще более проблемного мальчика-калеку. Терпение, доброта и любовь к детям приводят к заслуженному успеху и родительскому счастью.
The Sea Hornet
Mr. Goodrich
"The Sea Hornet" was a merchant ship sunk, supposedly by a torpedo, less than a mile off the California Coast during World War Two. Six years later when his buddy is killed, attempting to blow up the sunken ship, on the orders of Suntan Radford and Tony Sullivan, deep-sea diver "Gunner" McNeil has his suspicions aroused... especially since Suntan is the daughter of the ship's captain that died when the ship sunk, and Sullivan was a crew member. Plus the fact the ship had over a million dollars in cash on board. During the course of his investigation, he becomes romantically involved with Ginger Sullivan
Submarine Command
Adm. Tobias
Submarine commander Ken White is forced to suddenly submerge, leaving his captain and another crew member to die outside the sub during WW II. Subsequent years of meaningless navy ground assignments and the animosity of a former sailor, leave White (now a captain) feeling guilty and empty. His life spirals downward and his wife is about to leave him. Suddenly, he is forced into a dangerous rescue situation at the start of the Koren War.... reassigned to the same submarine where all of his problems began.
Красные пески
Judge Marlow
Событием в жизни маршала Лена Меррика явилась смерть его отца. Когда-то он отказался сопровождать с отцом двоих бандитов, те освободились от наручников и убили отца. Теперь история повторяется. Меррик с двумя помощниками пресекает попытку самосуда над человеком, обвиненным в убийстве. Чтобы осуществить над ним справедливый суд, его надо доставить в Санта Рома, а для этого пересечь каменистую пустыню с полным набором сопутствующих такому переходу лишений. Да, к тому же, отбиваясь от преследователей, тех самых, которые хотели повесить беднягу. Никакие доводы не действуют на Меррика, он решает доставить подозреваемого любой ценой, а все потому, что когда-то не помог отцу. Вот вам и объяснение такой настойчивости. В конечном итоге, подозреваемый окажется не виновен, тем самым Меррик как бы искупает свою вину, а все повествование выстраивается в единую логическую цепь…
Al Jennings of Oklahoma
Judge Evans
Bank robber serves his time in prison, tries to go straight.
The Sun Sets at Dawn
Reporter, AP
A reporter investigates the story of a young man who may have been wrongly convicted and sentenced to be executed.
Яркий лист
Pendleton (uncredited)
В 1894 году Брант Роял возвращается в южный город, который он вынужден был оставить с отцом из-за Синглтона, крупнейшего и богатейшего предпринимателя табачной отрасли. Роял, среди прочих планов, собирается жениться на дочери Синглтона, Маргарет, и принять в качестве приданного шикарный особняк «Яркий лист». Брант получает финансовую поддержку и возможность конкурировать с продукцией Синглтона. Наводнят ли рынок сигареты Рояла? Выберет он любовь или холодный расчет?
В клетке
Parole Board Chairman (uncredited)
Захватывающая драма о женской тюрьме. Наивную 19-летнюю Мари Аллен отправляют в тюрьму штата Иллинойс за сообщничество в вооружённом ограблении, где ее соседями становятся бесчувственные преступницы и охранницы-садисты.
Perfect Strangers
Lyle Pettijohn
Romance at a murder trial with a pair of sequestered jurors who are the only ones who think that the woman in the dock is innocent. Separated from their normal lives, jurors Terry Scott and David Campbell start to fall in love.
Banker Munroe
The truthful soldier Stirling didn't know how to lie about his source of information, the talking army Mule, Francis, so he was treated as a lunatic and led to one after another hilarious situations, where the mule was the only one that appeared in his right mind. In the process of all this, the mule assisted in uncovering a spy, Mareen, who pretended to be lost among the jungles, but was actually...
Они живут по ночам
Comm. Hubbell
Трое уголовников бегут из тюрьмы: один из них 23-летний Артур — отсидевший в тюрьме семь лет за убийство. Бандиты укрываются на заправке у одной из своих бывших знакомых, а Артур Боуерс или просто «Бой» — в первый раз в жизни знакомится с девушкой…
Токийский Джо
General Ireton
В надежде наладить прежнюю жизнь после Второй мировой войны, полковник Джо Баррет возвращается в Токио — здесь в довоенное время он управлял кабаре «Токийский Джо» и был женат на русской эмигрантке Трине. Будучи полностью уверенным в её гибели, Джо внезапно узнаёт, что на самом деле она жива, и более того — состоит в браке с американским дипломатом. Решительно вознамерившись вернуть Трину себе, он оказывается крепко втянут в шантаж и мятежный заговор.
The Lucky Stiff
Jim Childers aka Big Jim
A lawyer spooks gangsters by faking a framed singer's electrocution.
Streets of San Francisco
A police detective (Robert Armstrong) and his wife (Mae Clarke) adopt the wayward son (Gary Gray) of a slain gangster.
Он бродил по ночам
Hollywood Police Official (uncredited)
Сюжет представляет прямолинейный рассказ, снятый в полудокументальной манере, о психопате и гениальном убийце, которого пытаются поймать полицейские детективы.
The Boy with Green Hair
Mr. Piper
Peter, an orphaned boy, is adopted by Gramp Frye after his parents are killed in Europe while doing war relief work. The boy feels safe with his new caretaker, but when he is taunted for being an orphan, he gets demoralized. The next day Peter wakes up with green hair. Embarrassed and further ridiculed, Peter seeks solace in a nearby forest. To his surprise, he finds other orphans in the woods, who encourage him to spread news of the injustices of war.
For the Love of Mary
Justice Hastings
Young girl gets a job at the White House as a switchboard operator and gets mixed up in politics.
Зарубежный роман
Комиссия конгресса, прибывшая проверять моральный дух и поведение военнослужащих, неизменно попадает в комические ситуации.
The Miracle of the Bells
Father Spinsky
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter
Sam Pemberton
A sequel of sorts, the Jewish ethnic comedy characters of Potash and Perlmutter return from their 1923 debut film, also produced by Goldwyn, but with a different actor for Potash.
The Cradle
Dr. Robert Harvey
A socialite couple thinks only of themselves. When they become bored with one another, they divorce and marry others (several times). The person who suffers most from their cavalier outlook on life is their cute little daughter Mary Jane Irving.
The Cave Girl
Diivvy Bates
A 1921 film.
The Beautiful Liar
Bobby Bates
Directed by Wallace Worsley.
Hail the Woman
Richard Stuart
Oliver Beresford is a stern, Puritanical, and uncompromisingly rigid father. When shameful stories about his daughter Judith surface, rather than determine whether the stories are true, he bans her from his house. Her brother David, a pusillanimous reprobate, has secretly married and fathered, then abandoned, a child. Judith takes care of the child and finds a way to restore her family through the love for the babe.
Geoffrey Southerne
Avis Langley's dying mother begs her to look after Avis's errant brother and continues after death to reappear in spirit form to remind Avis of her promise. Avis follows her brother to New Zealand in hopes of protecting him from his own ways, but on the trip tragedy apparently strikes.
The Foolish Matrons
Lafayette Wayne
Three women, each living in a separate social sphere, work out their destinies in New York.
The Perfect Woman
James Stanhope
Mary Blake can charm any man, young or old, with her winning ways -- except for the one she really wants. James Stanhope is a misogynist who won't give her the time of day.
The Family Honor
Merle Curran
Beverly Tucker, the daughter of an impoverished aristocratic Southern family, has scraped together her last pennies to put her brother Dal through college in the hope that he will support the family after graduation. However, Dal harbors no such ambition and instead spends his time gambling and drinking in a saloon owned by the town's mayor, Curran. During a raid led by Curran's crusading son Merle, a detective is killed and Dal is accused of the crime.
Judy of Rogues' Harbor
Lt. Teddy Kingsland
Judy, an orphaned waif, lives with Grandpap Ketchel, a cruel and often brutal man. The sole protector of little Denny, Ketchel's grandson, Judy is forced to accept the attentions of Jim Shuckles, whom she abhors and who has compromised her sister Olive.
The 13th Commandment
Disillusioned by the transience of wealth when her father's bank balance can no longer support his family's posh lifestyle, and when her fiancé Clay Wimborn admits that he has gone into debt to shower her with presents, Daphne Kip determines to become financially independent.
Luck in Pawn
Richard Standish Norton
Country girl Annabel Lee has big dreams of being a famous artist. Her widowed mother encourages her to go to the city so she can study. Annabel works hard, but she sells only one painting. She discovers that a renowned artist is spending the summer at a nearby resort, so she sends him her best work for a critique. A friend recommends that she see him in person, so Annabel pawns a piece of jewelry and heads for the resort. The artist informs her that she doesn't have enough talent to achieve much.
The Other Half
Donald Trent
Social drama about a friendship that is pressurized by class differences.