Stéphane Jobert

Stéphane Jobert


Stéphane Jobert


Abbé Pierre - A Century of Devotion
Abbé conseil d'administration
Born and raised a catholic, Henri Groues is determined to become a priest. WWII begins and decides otherwise : he joins the Resistance. Losing a friend on the battlefield, facing the horrors of war but the beauty and strengh of brotherwood Henri Groues emerges as a new man : L’Abbé Pierre. From the end of WWII to his death in 2007 L’Abbé Pierre will live many lives and face many battles. State representative, founder of Emmaus, L’Abbé Pierre will fight for the homeless and give a voice to the speechless. A French figure, L’Abbé Pierre met Charlie Chaplin, De Gaulle, Einstein... A humanist, he met everyone in needs. His dedication earned him the respect of his peers and a place in every hearts. His impact earned him a place in History.
C Jamy - Émission spéciale Thomas Pesquet
Оленья кожа
Le tôlier
Мужчина попадает под влияния своей новой куртки из оленьей кожи, которая заставляет его тратить все сбережения и совершать преступления.
La Plume dans la plaie
Le juge Villeneuve
A mother of two mysteriously disappears one morning. Her husband isn't worried as they've had rough patches; his wife just wanted to give him a scare and will come home soon. But her lover is convinced she has been murdered by her husband.
Стражи порядка
Саймон и Джулия — два офицера полиции, которых недавно обвинили в близких отношениях на рабочем месте. Их несправедливо обвиняют в убийстве человека, который был их коллегой по работе. Чтобы оправдать себя они решают накрыть банду наркодиллеров.
Parcours meurtrier d'une mère ordinaire: L'affaire Courjault
In the Beginning
France, present day. A professional conman passes himself off as the boss of a construction site building a highway extension. He cons the whole region, hires dozens of workers and cynically enjoys the profits of his scam until he meets the lady mayor of a small village that the road will go through. She intrigues and unsettles him, before revealing to him a world he never knew: feelings. How far will he go now to save his victims and save himself from his own lies?
Комната смерти
Двое безработных программистов, в безлюдном месте по дороге домой, случайно сбивают мужчину. При нем они находят кейс с двумя миллионами евро. Они прячут тело и решают забрать деньги себе, не подозревая о том, что мужчина — отец похищенной девочки, а деньги — выкуп за нее. Не получив денег, маньяк убивает жертву, одев ее как популярную когда-то во Франции куклу. Расследование поручают Люси Аннабель — молодой женщине, вернувшейся в полицию после рождения близнецов. Расследование только начинается, как маньяк похищает еще одну девочку…
La vie à mains nues
A business school graduate causes consternation in his family when he decides to become a mason, like his grandfather.
Oranges amères
Recognizing no boundaries to her love, Angele manages to foment riots, rages and tragedy in colonial Algeria. Angele, an Algerian colonist with impeccably French origins, has fallen in love with Said, the assistant in her brother-in-law's bakery shop. Said is conscious of his Arab origins and traditions, and Angele has her work cut out for her if she wants to persuade him to marry her. Once she does, all hell breaks loose, as neither her European-origin peers nor Said's conservative Arab family approve of the union. When word of the proposed marriage gets out, strikes, violence and murder quickly follow, ruining not only Angele's life, but the lives of those around her. Her brother-in-law Paco, meanwhile, has been doggedly trying to get along and raise his family in an increasingly chaotic and difficult situation.
Fred (Vincent Lindon) is a former crane driver who was a victim of the closure of his factory. He takes care of the little boy of his girlfriend (Clotilde Courau), does the housework and sometimes goes to the job center but boredom is inescapable. One day, because he accepted to drive a truck for a friend to a warehouse, he's caught up in a vicious spiral that goes beyond him. It's all the more serious as shady men want to eliminate him an the police is on his back.
Для Марка, 15-летнего подростка, жизнь прекрасна! Особенно после того, как после долгого отсутствия возвращается его старшая сводная сестра Вивьен, с которой он был очень близок. У них обоих необычные представления о любви: Вивьен не умеет говорить «нет» своим поклонникам, а Марк обнаруживает, что ему нравятся парни!
The Supper
France, 1815. After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon heads for exile. Royalists occupy Paris and attempt to restore the monarchy. However, the battle doesn't seem to be over. On July 6, Talleyrand, a shrewd politician of flexible convictions, invites chief of police and zealous revolutionary Fouché to supper and tries to convince him to serve the king. Over the meal they insult each other, accuse each other, and, at first sight, look like mortal enemies. But they definitely have one thing in common: they are both power-hungry.
Anthony's Crime
A young man loses his fiancee, struck by lightning, on his wedding day.
Faubourg St Martin
Imagine a slightly dilapidated three star hotel in the tenth arrondissement run by a very distinguished lady with moral fibre and panache, Mrs. Coppercage. Alongside tourists visiting Paris, Mrs. Coppercage rents three rooms to three women at a monthly rate. Each woman is marked by life, yet they go on as best they can, never closing their eyes to the world around them, or to the men who impatiently await them. Faubourg Saint Martin opens as a love story and ends like a song as shots ring out and punctuate the chorus.
À titre posthume
A young policeman searches for the murderers of his drug addict sister. While he carries out his investigations, the criminals manage to get him charged with murder.
Rosa la Rose, Public Girl
Rosa la Rose is the most beautiful prostitute of Les Halles. Every client wants her and she accepts everything. Her pimp is a sympathetic and generous man and there is not much to tell about Rosa’s life. Until one day she meets Julien, a young guy, and falls in love with him. But will it be worthy to leave her life for a madness love?
Cœur de hareng
Ноябрь 1793 года. Адвокат Жорж Дантон возвращается из своего деревенского затворничества в Париж, чтобы остановить кровавый террор, начатый его другом и соратником Робеспьером. Впервые в истории вступает в силу «неумолимая логика революции», запускается машина возрастающего насилия, гильотина работает на износ. Твердость и еще раз твердость. К черту жалость — пережиток проклятого прошлого. Слабым не место в светлом будущем. Гуманисту Дантону суждено сложить голову на плахе, но его смерть — грозное предупреждение тем, кто не понимает, что революция пожирает своих детей…
The Key Is in the Door
Marie (Annie Girardot) teaches high school and has a 16-year-old daughter in her class. Divorced some years previously, she has some vague egalitarian notions about friendship with her students and leaves her door open to them. One of her protégés is found beaten up just outside her door, and an emergency physician comes by to treat her. When her daughter starts seeing someone she doesn't much like, and she begins having a brief affair (her first since the divorce) with the ER doctor, she begins to reconsider her policy.
Lover Boy
"The Pocket Lover" tells the story of Julien, a 15 year-old boy who falls in love with an older woman, later discovered to be a prostitute. Now, Julien will have to face several obstacles, which includes his parents opposition with this affair, and Julien's own perceptions about the woman's line of work, going out with wealthy guys.