Márton Vincze


At Last
Production Design
Julia, a spoiled mistress always looks for trouble After running away from her own engagement, she must stay at the shelter of an engineer in the woods.
Production Design
It is a muster parade in Sarajevo in honour of Ferenc Ferdinánd. Polgár Éva and baron Várnay Miklós, her fiancé and a hussar captain, are preparing together for the event. In the meantime, the woman meets Borisz Boronow, a Russian painter. They fall in love with each other.
The Five-Forty
Production Design
Set in Paris (which looks more like Budapest), the story concerns a murder investigation conducted by one Judge Henri Tessier. The audience is led to believe that Robert Petrovich, estranged husband of Tessier's sweetheart Marion, is responsible for the murder.
Ihr Leibhusar
Production Design
Young Noszty and Mary Toth
Art Direction
Another winner from Hungarian director Ivan Szekely (aka S.K. Seeley and Steve Sekely), A Nosty fiu Esete Toth Marival was released in English-speaking regions as I Married for Love. Feri Noszty (Paul Javor) is a handsome but irresponsible Hussar officer who prefers a life of wine, women and song to his military responsibilities. Unwilling to bow to family pressure, Feri refuses to marry heiress Mary Toth (Eva Szorenyi) for her dowry alone. But Mary falls in love with the prideful Feri, and to win his affections she poses as her own poverty-stricken maid. Based on a novel by Kalman Mikszath, A Noszty Fiu Esete Toth Marival was filmed simultaneously in Hungarian- and German-language versions.
Hotel Sunrise
Art Direction
Hotel Sunrise is a busy place. Male guests are, almost without an exception, in love with Mária, the directress of the hotel.
Hotel Sunrise
Production Design
Hotel Sunrise is a busy place. Male guests are, almost without an exception, in love with Mária, the directress of the hotel.
Tales of Budapest
Production Design
Copfos, a milliner working at Annie's, a downtown millinery, is the object of popular despise and mockery. On one day she becomes the inheritor of $650 000.
Сестра Мария
Production Design
Выросшая в монастыре девушка, готовящаяся принять свой последний обет, Мария влюбляется в красивого артиста. Из-за глупого недоразумения она расстаётся с ним и выходит замуж за его лучшего друга. Разочарованный жених бросает мир искусства, чтобы стать всемирно известным концертным певцом. Спустя годы он возвращается, чтобы вернуть Марию, но обнаруживает, что она не только все еще жена, но также мать и преданная медсестра. Изящно попрощавшись с Марией, артист продолжает свою певческую карьеру, чтобы успокоить свое разбитое сердце.
Man of Gold
Production Design
Az Aranyember (The Man of Gold) was based on a novel by Jokai, at one time Hungary's foremost storyteller. Set in the early 19th century, the story revolves around Timar (Ferenc Kiss), a ferryman on a Danish tugboat. Rescuing the daughter (Marisa Kormos) of a Turkish nobleman from a watery grave, Timar is rewarded with the girl's hand in marriage. Now rich beyond his wildest dreams, our hero finds he is unsatisfied; it seems he has never forgotten his true love, flower girl Noemi (Anna Fuzes). Timar is forced to suffer mightily until he is finally permitted a tender reunion with the girl of his dreams.
Where the Lark Sings
Production Design
Country girl Margit sits for the artist Sándor, from Budapest. She is fascinated and charmed by him, and agrees to accompany him to the capital, so he can complete the painting there. Disillusionment sets in, however, when Sándor wins a prize with the finished portrait and loses interest in her. Margit recognizes that her true happiness lies at home, with Pista, her faithful lover.
Love Whispers
Production Design
To escape dreary country life, a count travels to Italy with a friend every year. Instead of the alleged purchase of horses, the reason he gives to his mother as to why he needs to travel to Italy, he spends his time chasing after the ladies.
The New Landlord
Production Design
Az Uj Foldesur (The New Squire) was based on a novel by popular Hungarian author Maurice Jokal, whose many works had previously been largely ignored. After the wars of 1848, a retired Austrian army officer "returns to the soil" as a gentleman farmer in Hungary in the 1850s. The old campaigner is the father of two daughters: One of the girls comes to a sad end thanks to the malfeasances of a handsome spy, but the other has a happier fate when she falls in love with a Hungarian POW. The underlying theme is brotherhood, as the formerly warring Austrians and Hungarians at last find a common ground. Az Uj Foldesur was nearly twice as expensive as the average Hungarian film -- but at $40,000, its budget was a drop in the bucket compared to a typical Hollywood production.
Четыре с половиной мушкетёра
Production Design
Венгеро-австрийская комедия и один из последних эмигрантских фильмов, снятых в Австрии до того, как индустрия подверглась давлению со стороны нацистской Германии и перестала нанимать еврейских кинематографистов.
Miss President
Production Design
The young, immature Zsuzsa Várkonyi becomes the president of the Várkonyi Textile Factory. When the managing director proposes to her, she tells him she is in love with a young engineer who she doesn't really know anything about.
Маленькая мама
Set Decoration
Ученица старших классов Мари Боннар выполняет поручение завуча и отправляется в ближайшую лавку за тряпкой для классной доски. По пути девушка замечает, что неизвестная женщина оставляет на крыльце детского дома свёрток с ребёнком и скрывается. Любопытная Мари подходит и берёт малыша на руки, но в этот самый момент двери приюта распахиваются, и медсестра приглашает её зайти. Невозмутимый врач регистрирует школьницу, как мать подкидыша, не слушая её слова, что она — не маленькая мама, а просто случайная прохожая. Уже к вечеру все в школе знают о ребенке.
Ball im Savoy
Art Direction
Musical comedy set in a Grand Hotel.
Villa for Sale
Art Direction
Production Design
Трудные времена настали для дедушки и его юной внучки Евы — они брошены на улицу за неуплату жилья. Теперь им придется петь песни на улицах и просить милостыню. Однажды беглый преступник забрал единственное платье у девушки, и она вынуждена переодеться в брошенный им брючный костюм. С этого момента Ева становится Петером…
Production Design
...und es leuchtet die Pußta
Art Direction
A 1934 film directed by Heinz Hille.
There's Only One Girl in the World
Production Design
György Bánáth landowner and Miklós Vass the teacher, on the verge of collapse, trudging all the way from Siberia where they have spent more than ten years as POWs, trying to prevent each other from falling from fatigue on the way home. Both become regular visitors to the Pálffy family and they both make amorous advances to Katinka, the beautiful daughter of the local vicar.