Lajos Köpeczi Boócz


Kádár vs. Kerekes
Nagy Géza, ügyvéd
Szeressük egymást
Two Girls on the Street
Two girls run away from a small village. Gyöngyi comes from an aristocratic family and her father throws her out of the house when he discovers she has gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She finds herself wandering the streets of Budapest and earns money playing the violin in a restaurant. Vica is an orphaned peasant; she is afraid of her stepfather and moves to the city where she gets a job on a construction site. Gyöngyi and Vica meet on the streets of Budapest, move in together and turn their lives around.
The Five-Forty
Set in Paris (which looks more like Budapest), the story concerns a murder investigation conducted by one Judge Henri Tessier. The audience is led to believe that Robert Petrovich, estranged husband of Tessier's sweetheart Marion, is responsible for the murder.
Thirteen Girls Smile at the Sky
Ria apja
The landowner, János Karády, is knocked down and robbed on the highway. He comes to in the shabby clothes of one of the robbers. Thirteen pretty young girls take care of the young man thought to be a poor vagabond.
The Crucial Moment
Keep On Smoking Ladányi!
Ladányi, a landowner of 800 acres lives high in Ádámháza, while his bailiff, Pókai keeps on raiding him.
Young Noszty and Mary Toth
Tóth Mihály
Another winner from Hungarian director Ivan Szekely (aka S.K. Seeley and Steve Sekely), A Nosty fiu Esete Toth Marival was released in English-speaking regions as I Married for Love. Feri Noszty (Paul Javor) is a handsome but irresponsible Hussar officer who prefers a life of wine, women and song to his military responsibilities. Unwilling to bow to family pressure, Feri refuses to marry heiress Mary Toth (Eva Szorenyi) for her dowry alone. But Mary falls in love with the prideful Feri, and to win his affections she poses as her own poverty-stricken maid. Based on a novel by Kalman Mikszath, A Noszty Fiu Esete Toth Marival was filmed simultaneously in Hungarian- and German-language versions.
Сестра Мария
District Judge
Выросшая в монастыре девушка, готовящаяся принять свой последний обет, Мария влюбляется в красивого артиста. Из-за глупого недоразумения она расстаётся с ним и выходит замуж за его лучшего друга. Разочарованный жених бросает мир искусства, чтобы стать всемирно известным концертным певцом. Спустя годы он возвращается, чтобы вернуть Марию, но обнаруживает, что она не только все еще жена, но также мать и преданная медсестра. Изящно попрощавшись с Марией, артист продолжает свою певческую карьеру, чтобы успокоить свое разбитое сердце.
Nászút féláron
Id. Majer, vezérigazgató
Szent Péter esernyője