Árpád Makay


Мой отец говорил мне неправду
Lighting Camera
A Jewish boy grows up in 1920s Montreal with a grandfather who tells stories and a father who won't work.
Пядь земли
Director of Photography
Герои сюжета из крестьянского быта, а действие относится к 1930 году, Йошка Гоз и Марика Юхос, которые любят друг друга. Из-за долга своих родителей, красавица Марика вынуждена согласиться стать женой сына местного богатея. Во время свадьбы Йошка крадёт невесту. А затем они оба работают на своём крошечном клочке земли от восхода до заката, чтобы заработать деньги и выкупить долги отца Марики, а также заплатить за её развод с несостоявшимся мужем…
Song of the Cornfields
Director of Photography
A Hungarian soldier returning from fighting in the Second World War marries the woman he believes to be the widow of a former comrade who he thinks died in the Prisoner of War camp in which they were held. The film was banned in Hungary because of its depiction of the controversial issue of Hungarian prisoners held by the Soviets.
Egy fiúnak a fele
Camera Operator
Something Is in the Water
Director of Photography
A mysterious woman brings disaster to a small country town.
A gazdátlan asszony
Lady Over the Abyss
Director of Photography
One Bad Egg
To the Fourth Generation
Director of Photography
1941, Vinyica. Hungarian troops seize the city. Local people are fleeing, but a lonely man waits for Hungarian soldiers and gets hired. Venice Film Festival 1942
Bűnös vagyok!
Kádár vs. Kerekes
Alpine Sunlight
Ágnes, Vass and Kriszt run a sanatorium for consumptives. Fifi, daughter of the institute owner is also here, mortally ill. Feri, the ski trainer relieves her with his courtship every now and then from her boredom and distress.
Back on the Road
Kovács, chief cashier, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of his school-leaving exams at the grammar-school. He takes his friends to a night-club.
Tokaj Wine
Director of Photography
Lidi, daughter of a wealthy family gets to Pest as a maid because she resisted the will of her mother and did not marry the chosen suitor. In Pest falls in love with the suitor of her mistress Pista Szeniczey . Pista returns her feelings, but due to a misunderstanding they are drifted away from each other.
A Woman Looks Back
Tamás Szánthó is conducting a concert, while his young wife and her secret lover play in the same theatre in the Tragedy of Man
Everybody Loves Someone Else
Camera Operator
Gábor, a doctor, fights his own battle to improve the welfare and health of the village. In his fight he is assisted by sister Jolán, member of the green cross.
Rosewood Cane
Director of Photography
After having spent 22 months in prison, Viktor Pálos returns to his homeland, where he is going to be involved in the robbery committed by his relatives.
Hat hét boldogság
Camera Operator
The architect András is at an auction bidding for an old period furniture, an armchair.