Nobuhiro Kawanaka


Where is Tomorrow, Shuji Terayama
The documentary to find the "true Shuji Terayama".
A compilation of Kawanaka's representative "Shishōsetsu" series. "The title of my film series, 'I-novel,' is easily misunderstood. The 'I-novel' is a traditional Japanese literary form in which the filmmaker depicts his or her life as if poking around in a box. That's why I didn't shoot it like a regular documentary film. I'm filming everyday life, but it's fictionalized into a scene I've never seen before." -Nobuhiro Kawanaka
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A nostalgic work, which attempts to reconstruct the materials of postwar 35 mm newsreel footage given by the filmmakers’ friend and old tinted picture postcards. He frankly describes in his own coherent style of filmmaking how he was moved when he saw these films and photographs for the first time. An attempt to rediscover fresh and new images in the past products.
Kick the World
Writes Kawanaka, "Video is a medium of image as well as sound. Walking on a gravel road with a camera, the crunch sound is captured in real time. Such [an] observation seems obvious, but as a filmmaker, the ability to record sound in real time was very new to me. Referencing a can-kicking game I played as a child, I followed the rolling can and recorded the resonant sounds of the can hitting the ground."
Photographs of a nude, arranged into stop-motion sequences on the left half of the screen, are juxtaposed with a close-up of the film itself passing in front of a viewer, gradually revealed on the right half of the screen.